The role of local government in supporting social entrepreneurship in Poland Piotr Masłowski Deputy Mayor of Rybnik, Poland „Social entrepreneurship –


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Presentation transcript:

The role of local government in supporting social entrepreneurship in Poland Piotr Masłowski Deputy Mayor of Rybnik, Poland „Social entrepreneurship – business models and cooperation” | RIGA |

The role of local government in supporting social entrepreneurship in Poland Plan of presentation 2Piotr Masłowski: The role of local government in supporting social entrepreneurship in Poland Riga | | 1)SOCIAL ECONOMY ENTITIES IN POLAND 2)SUPPORT FOR SOCIAL ECONOMY ENTITIES BY THE LOCAL AUTHORITIES 3)COOPERATION BETWEEN LOCAL AUTHORITIES AND SOCIAL ECONOMY ENTITIES 4)SOCIAL CLAUSES IN PUBLIC PROCUREMENT 5)SOCIAL ECONOMY SUPPORT CENTRES (OWES) |

Social economy entities in Poland 3 The following institutions are identify as “social economy entities” (PES) in Poland:  Social co-operatives,  Employment co-operatives,  Co-operatives of disabled and blind persons,  Non-profit organisations such as foundations and associations,  Limited liability companies, and corporations pursuing public benefit activities and not focusing on profits, distributing revenues for statutory purposes and not distributing profits among owners, share-holders and employees,  Professional Activity Establishments (ZAZ),  Social Inclusion Centres (CIS) and Social Inclusion Clubs (KIS),  Occupational Therapy Workshops (WTZ). Piotr Masłowski: The role of local government in supporting social entrepreneurship in Poland Riga | | |

Support for social economy entities by the local authorities 4 Financial support  grants, subsidies from the Labour Fund and donations,  subsidies for start-ups,  loan or loan guarantee for the implementation of tasks. Non-financial support instruments  legal, financial and marketing advisory services offered by Social Economy Support Centres (OWES),  local authorities can offer favourable renting conditions  training and advisory services, carried out under the actions of labor market institutions and social assistance,  social enterprise incubators and other forms of pre-start support (e.g. business plan preparation, market analysis etc.). Piotr Masłowski: The role of local government in supporting social entrepreneurship in Poland Riga | | |

Cooperation between local authorities and social economy entities Impact on policy 5 People actively involved in social economy entities are very often highly competent and show detailed knowledge, which may be used by local authorities for strategic planning, as well as give the answers to the challenges facing by local communities.  Participation in the development of strategic documents and policies  Participation in advisory assemblies, eg.: Council for Persons with Disabilities, Council for Public Benefit, Commission for Solving Alcohol Problems, etc. Piotr Masłowski: The role of local government in supporting social entrepreneurship in Poland Riga | | |

Cooperation between local authorities and social economy entities Identification of local needs 6 Local governments have the data in the diagnosis of local social problems and challenges. This information can be the starting point for social activities and pro-employment implemented by the social economy entities, eg. establishment of social co-operatives. In addition, local governments annually announce grant competitions for non- governmental organizations, including social economy organizations, to support the implementation of public tasks. The thematic scope of those grant competitions may also be seen as a the identification of services to meet the need of the local community or preferred development objectives in the field of widely understood social development. Piotr Masłowski: The role of local government in supporting social entrepreneurship in Poland Riga | | |

Cooperation between local authorities and social economy entities Legitimacy of actions 7 In our region, Public authorithies legitimize the activities of non- governmental organisations. Particular public authorities are competent authority supervising the NGOs. PUBLIC BENEFIT ORGANIZATIONS. According to the Act of law on Public Benefit, non-governmental organizations and other entities operating in the area of public benefit, from January 1, 2004, may apply for the public benefit status. There are certain benefits and obligations stemming from this status. The status is to be granted to the “elite” of the Third sector, providing services for the general public, and guaranteeing transparency of operations ever since the moment of registration. PRIVILAGES STEMMING FROM THE PUBLIC BENEFIT STATUS: 1)legal and fiscal privileges, 2)the right to use a property owned by the State Treasury, 3)1% of the personal income tax Piotr Masłowski: The role of local government in supporting social entrepreneurship in Poland Riga | | |

Social Clauses in Public Procurement 8 Local governments thanks to applying the social clauses in public procurement procedure might chose tenderers, who, providing the services or in the production of goods, would guarantee the realization of social objectives. Responsible purchases it is also the issue of sustainability, including the support of the development of local companies and artists, environmental benefits, creating the image of local authority as a responsible client, employing persons benefiting from social assistance or disable people, etc. The condition, however, is that the applicable clauses were transparent and they should not discriminate tenderers. Piotr Masłowski: The role of local government in supporting social entrepreneurship in Poland Riga | | |

Social Economy Support Centres (OWES) Activities 9 Social Economy Support Centres (OWES) provide a wide range of advisory and consulting services; and operate at a local/ regional level and are spread throughout the country. These centres have been typically established as projects (with no legal status and with limited time of operation) co-financed by the ESF in the framework of the Regional Operational Programmes. Main activities:  support to establish social cooperatives,  activities in the field of legal, financial and marketing advisory services and bookkeeping for social economy entities,  promotion and popularization of the idea of social economy and social economy sector employment. Social Economy Support Centres distributing EU funds on local level cooperate with local governments responding to the existing local issues. Piotr Masłowski: The role of local government in supporting social entrepreneurship in Poland Riga | | |

Social Economy Support Centre (OWES) Accreditation and operating standards for social economy support institutions 10 Services supporting the social economy and social enterprises are accredited in the AKSES system (a system of accreditation and operating standards for social economy support institutions). Separate expected action results are assigned to every level of services. In order to obtain such accreditation, entities have to meet formal conditions, obtain recommendations from a team of experts analysing training and advisory programmes, the expected results, skills and stability of the personnel employed by the entities providing services. The accreditation certify that the criterion of access in the Regional Operational Programmes has been met. Piotr Masłowski: The role of local government in supporting social entrepreneurship in Poland Riga | | |

Social Economy Support Centre (OWES) Difficulties in the accreditation process 11 According to the Order of the Minister of Family, Labour and Social Policy of 31 December 2015 all granted accreditations were canceled. At the beginning of 2016 the accreditation process has been relaunched. The Ministry is preparing a subsequent calls for applications for accreditation. The accreditation for Social Econy Support Centre (OWES) is valid for 2 years. Piotr Masłowski: The role of local government in supporting social entrepreneurship in Poland | Riga | |

Thank you for your attention Contact: Urząd Miasta Rybnika | Rybnik City Hall ul. Bolesława Chrobrego 2, Rybnik (Poland) |