Wentzville Police Department Initial Needs Assessment Chief Lisa K. Harrison
Police Services-Origins Bill of Rights – Amendment X The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. Constitutional – Article 1 Section 8 – provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against the Law of Nation
Police Services- Background The Constitutional framers intended for the government closest to the people provide the most services so there was much more input and oversight from the people most affected by those services Constitutionally, Federal Felonies and Piracy are specifically addressed, however State, County and Municipal offense enforcement is not addressed and are thereby left to the States, and more closely related to us …municipal governments.
With that background, I believe strongly that we need to do the best job we can to carry out the intentions of the framers in the most effective and efficient way possible.
This must be done by enforcing the laws, statutes, and ordinances while providing proper officer oversight to ensure protection of each person’s Constitutional rights and at the same time reducing or eliminating liability to the City.
Chief’s Vision I understand budget constraints will severely limit much of this, but it is an honest assessment of what Wentzville needs to move into the future.
Future Wentzville PD Continued low crime rate Internal cohesion Certified by MoPCA Industry Standard Equipment and Technology Comprehensive pay plan for all ranks Personnel quantities and an organizational structure that is ahead of the pending crime trends and population explosion
Future In order for the vision to come to fruition, there are three main categories in need of attention. Some sub-categories will REQUIRE IMMEDIATE ACTION to reduce liability, ensure officer safety, or save the City money in the long term Other areas will involve a graduated set of advancements to be completed on a scheduled basis.
Main Categories Manpower and Organizational Structure Equipment and Technology Operational Strategy
WHY? Do we need so much change?
Big City Problems I warned they were coming. Happening quicker than I thought IT IS HERE 1.Call Volume Increases 2.Crime Rate Increases 3.Officer Assaults Increase
Call Volume
Crime Stats- Part 1 Crimes UCR STATS Criminal Homicide01000% Forcible Rape % Robbery % Assault % Burglary % Larceny % Motor Vehicle Theft % Total Schedule 1 Crime %
What the previous slide tells us The trends I warned about are here The City needs to get ahead now by: – Increasing police force – Modernizing technology – Proactively reducing areas of high liability
What the next slide tells us Why I have made certain changes already – Why the Board may get calls regarding response times Why we must be pro-active with our actions What is coming and is to come Why we need to increase in-service training regarding officer awareness and use of force
Officers Assaulted
Big City Problems Issues 1.Call Volume Increases – Response times Increase – Levels of Service Drop 2.Crime Rate Increases 3.Officer Assaults Increase Results Citizen calls, complaints and concern about what happened to “my small town” Businesses/Residents do not move in or they simply leave Tax revenues plummet
Main Categories Manpower and Organizational Structure Equipment and Technology Operational Strategy
Manpower and Organizational Structure –Current Police Chief Police Captain Police Lieutenant (4) Patrol Sgt (4) patrol officers (28) lead corrections technician corrections technicians (5) reserves Lieutenant Support Services traffic officers(4) Animal Control/Park Rangers (2) SRO's (3) Communications Supervisor Communications Officers (7) Communications Officer P/T (6) Dare Officer/Community Projects Investigations Sergeant Detective (3) Investigations Evidence Officer Undercover Officer (2) Office Manager II Records Clerk I (3) Chaplains
Manpower- IMMEDIATE RECOMMENDED CHANGES Chief Capt- Operations Lieutenant 1 sgt 7 ofc 1 ofc computers/ cameras/AE D Lieutenant 1 sgt 7 Ofc 1 ofc in car equipment Lieutenant 1 sgt 7 Ofc 1 ofc officer equipment Lieutenant 1 sgt 7 Ofc 1 ofc Jail 1 lead corr tech 2 commissioned 3 corrections Major/ asst chief support services Detective Sgt 3 Detective 1 Evidence 2 U/C Prof. Stand SGT 2 ofcs Reserves training, grants, IA, PIO Accreditatio n off duty, community relations, FTO Support Sgt SRO-3 DARE-1 Traffic-4 Animal Control-2 DISP SUPV FT disp PT disp Office Manager 3 FT Records Clerks Records clerk chaplains Admin Asst
Changes ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGES Two Divisions only Chief has 2 direct reports and an administrative assistant Detectives are in Support Services Adds a PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS BUREAU see next 2 slides Internal Affairs reports directly to Chief PERSONNEL CHANGES Adds a Major- defined Assistant Chief, in command of one bureau Keeps a Captain position, in command of the one bureau, 3 rd in command, cross trained Eliminates one Lieutenant position Adds 2 Sergeants (first line supervisors) Adds 6 officers, One records clerk- currently officers are completing data entry due to loss of records clerk Dec 2011
Professional Standards Training Recruiting Field Training (FTO) process Grants Internal Affairs Public Information Officer (PIO)/Media Relations Accreditation/Certification Off duty contracts Community Relations
Why Professional Standards? We never had it before… Mitigates risk of liability – Negligent hiring – Negligent training – Negligent retention – Use of Force – Sunshine law violations Standardization and review – Policy – Procedure – Certification/accreditation Early warning systems – Use of force – Trends – Training concerns Alleviates Officer complaints – Money-off duty – Internal affairs Media communication – One source – Diversify communication methods – Partnerships with the media – Partnerships with the community Training – New hires – In service – New technology – Case law Grants – Seeking – Application – Monitoring
Sergeants First Line Supervisors-MOST IMPORTANT JOB in the Police Department Need 2 more for proper organizational structure and proper oversight of officers Cost from MoPCA - under $5K for a full assessment center process-less if we use only a paper test
Manpower- Proposed NEAR FUTURE (3-5 year) NEEDS Green and Red previous expansion ORANGE- job tasks BLUE- expansion for this phase -6 commissioned ofcs, 2 comm corrections, Corr supv, 2 dispatchers, 1 civ evidence, 1 records Chief Capt- Operatio ns Lieutena nt 1 sgt 7 ofc 1 ofc compute rs/camer as Lieutena nt 1 sgt 7 Ofc 1 ofc in car equipme nt Lieutena nt 1 sgt 7 Ofc 1 ofc officer equipme nt Lieutena nt 1 sgt 7 Ofc 1 ofc crime scene/AE D/ other equipme nt Correctio ns Supv Comm Correctio ns non- comm corr 2 Comm Correctio ns Major/ asst chief support services Detectiv e Sgt 3 Detectiv e 1 Evidence 2 U/C Commun ity Action team (4) 1 rotating detective 1 civ. Evidence Prof. Stand SGT 2 ofcs Reserves training, grants, IA, PIO Accreditat ion off duty, communit y relations, FTO 1 officer Support Sgt SRO DARE Traffic Animal Control DISP SUPV FT disp PT disp 2 FT dispatch ers Office Manager 3 FT Records Clerks 1 records clerk chaplains Admin Asst
Manpower-Proposed FUTURE (5-7 YEAR) NEEDS Chief Capt- Operatio ns Lieutena nt 1 sgt 7 ofc 1 ofc Comput ers/cam eras Lieutena nt 1 sgt 7 Ofc 1 ofc in car equipme nt Lieutena nt 1 sgt 7 Ofc 1ofc officer equipme nt Lieutena nt 1 sgt 7 Ofc 1ofc crime scene/A ED/ other equipme nt Correcti ons Supv Comm Correcti ons non- comm corr 2 Comm Correcti ons Major/ asst chief support services Detectiv e Sgt 3 Detectiv e 1 Evidenc e 2 U/C Commu nity Action team 1 rotating DET. 1 DET. 1 civ evidence Prof. Stand SGT 3 ofcs Reserve s training, grants, IA, PIO Accredit ation off duty, commu nity relation s, FTO 1 ofc Support Sgt SRO DARE Traffic Animal Control DISP SUPV FT disp PT disp 2 FT dispatch ers 2 PT DISP Office mgr 3 FT Records Clerks 1 records clerk 1 records Chaplains Admin Asst GREEN, RED, BLUE ARE FROM PREVIOUS EXPANSION ORANGE- JOB TASKS PURPLE- expansion for this phase: 5 commissioned, 2 PT dispatchers
More Officers Equals More… Cars Equipment Gear Benefits $Police are costly, but what is the overall cost to the City if crime rates sky rocket?
Equipment and Technology Industry Standards Crime Trends Technological Advances Equipment Learning Curves
Technology Very unfortunately, our officers are ill-equipped to handle many aspects of modern police work with the current tools, gear and apparatus on hand Technological advances have passed by this department due to other initiatives taking priority at the time, but now we are going to have to play catch up to keep pace with the criminals
Technology We first need to get the department up to industry standards, and after that, we can become the testing ground for cutting edge technology and be the benchmark for St. Charles County Clearance rates (next slide) increased significantly last year, attributed to training and assigning a detective to work with the computer crimes unit at SCCSD
Technological Advances in Crime Fighting Against Technologically Advanced Criminals Total Part 1 Crime Total Part 1 Crimes Cleared Crime vs. Clearance Rate10.45% 39.15%
Technology and Equipment Needs will be addressed later, along with the other needs
Operational Strategy Policy, Procedure, Protocol Uniforms Planning and Future-casting
Operational Issues Addressed Already Officer Safety (2 officers per call)-began March 3 Policy Manual- in process Specialty Unit Personnel Rotations- announced Specialty Unit Selection Processes- in formation Disciplinary and Internal Investigation Procedures- modified Office moves to better utilize space-began Feb Officer Recognition Program(s)- announced Feb Uniform changes-in progress, need more work Community service option for defendants- ready to release New booking computer Complete inventory of Evidence room- just completed Reports being written for more calls- began Feb Reserve Officer working front desk to cover loss of Clerk- began Feb Shift selection by officers, instead of assigned-in process Summons writing process modified-began Jan Shift change information sharing all units- began Feb New fugitive ordinance - introduced
What does the Police Department need? In addition to the manpower issues previously discussed recommendations are …
Technology and Equipment Recommended Improvements Technology In car Computers (stands, inverters) ($2k per car) (8yrs) In-car ($6k each car) taser cams or on-body camera systems ($900 each) (8yr) Interview room audio repair (or new system) (10) Evidence bar coding system ($1700) Doc view (free) Radio system (on the way) Equipment Rifles ($1100 ) and racks ($300) Shotgun racks ($300) Trunk repair ($2K all cars) Fencing in the Evidence area ($1200) Replacement of Scanning system in records ($7K) New officer allocation increased Restraint chair ($1600) Female vests ($75-$100 more per vest) Master comm’s ($325 each)
Other Operational Needs- Recommended for Immediate Implementation Authority of the Chief Organizational structure changes and increases Triggers for automatic personnel increases Increased in service training on a schedule Succession planning Office moves to utilize the given space more efficiently Modernized and less expensive uniforms for records/dispatch/ corrections personnel Access to Cable TV (Emergency/weather Management) Cross training
Future Recommendations Media partnership and outreach Formalized FOT process False alarm policy Ordinances to recoup funds Public Relations – Facebook, Twitter, Website, online reporting and requests for records Certification/ Accreditation Grant applications Physical fitness program ACTAR Certifications K-9 Unit Federal Task Force Placements
Planning is a difficult and arduous task that must take many factors and community dynamics into consideration.
Planning Community demands Population trends Crime trends Automatic triggers Mistakes to avoid Cross training Levels of service Types of service Response times Officer down time Processes Recruiting Unions Technological advances Unique city issues Task forces Additional tasks expected of officers Special events New methodologies Unfunded mandates Managing the media Liability reduction – Hiring – Training – Retention – Actions – Processes
Ratio Based Planning is POOR Planning “Ratios, such as officers-per-thousand population, are totally inappropriate as a basis for staffing decisions. Accordingly, they have no place in the IACP methodology. Defining patrol staffing allocation and deployment requirements is a complex endeavor which requires consideration of an extensive series of factors and a sizable body of reliable, current data.” IACP, 2011
What does all of this mean for Wentzville’s residents and their tax dollars?
Funding NO easy answers Grants- as stated before- Constitutional Grants- make up for UNFUNDED MANDATES Sources: – US – State – Private
Results of Not Funding UCR STATS Criminal Homicide01000% Forcible Rape % Robbery % Assault % Burglary % Larceny % Motor Vehicle Theft % Total Schedule 1 Crime %
Results of NOT FUNDING Increased Crime Rates Call Volume Officer Assaults Litigation Response times Complaints regarding service Decreased Tax dollars Residents – New – Current Businesses Level of service Atmosphere of “home town” Officer interaction with the community
Needs Assessment Provided within the first 90 days as requested Difficult to hear, accept and handle In the best interest of the City Suggestions, not concrete Flexible Willing to wait on many items Now it should be clear why finding an extra $1800 was not an option
What does this mean? The POLICE DEPARTMENT will continue to work hard and do our best to protect and serve the residents of Wentzville with the equipment and staffing the City has provided.