2013 OIF Servant Leaders Annual Meeting “Growing Deeper, Going Further!”
1. Review & Outlook What we focused on since the last meeting: - Implement an effective outreach plan - Develop new coworkers and leaders
1. Review & Outlook Implement an effective outreach plan CMU International Students Stats
1. Review & Outlook Implement an effective outreach plan
1. Review & Outlook Implement an effective outreach plan
1. Review & Outlook Goals shared in 2011 and 2012 SLAMs: By the end of 2015, Have 7 healthy SGs (3) By the end of 2015, Have 7 healthy SGs (3) Each SG with regular attendees (yes) Each SG with regular attendees (yes) Ration of 2 Christians to 1 seekers (no) Ration of 2 Christians to 1 seekers (no) A good mixture of Indians, Southeast Asians, other internationals, White, African, and Asian Americans (Mostly Asians and White Americans) A good mixture of Indians, Southeast Asians, other internationals, White, African, and Asian Americans (Mostly Asians and White Americans) Each SG with at least 4 leaders (1SGL, 1SGAL, 2BSL) (Yes, but need more to multiply) Each SG with at least 4 leaders (1SGL, 1SGAL, 2BSL) (Yes, but need more to multiply) Each SG with at least 2 new believers (1 Chinese) Each SG with at least 2 new believers (1 Chinese)
1. Review & Outlook OIF Adult Attendance by Quarter 3Q11 to 3Q13
1. Review & Outlook What we look like now? 41% 17% 32%
1. Review & Outlook What we want to look like by the end of 2014? 41% 17% 32% 40% 16% 29%
2. Growing Deeper & Going Further In order for us to go further and make this greater impact, we must first grow deeper in our faith and become more focused… This requires “abiding and pruning”…
2. Growing Deeper & Going Further “Fruit” in the Bible generally means the product/results of our lives, most often it is referring specifically to: 1.Growth in Christ-like character (fruit of the Spirit Gal 5:22-23) (fruit of the Spirit Gal 5:22-23) 2. Leading people to salvation (Rom 1:13-15) 3. Positive results of our ministry service (Col 1:10) Abide/Remain in Christ with devoted times, daily moments, and interdependent Relationships!
2. Growing Deeper & Going Further Do we see abiding/remaining in Christ as a “luxury we can’t afford” or a “necessity we can’t neglect”?
2. Growing Deeper & Going Further Roles & Responsibilities John 15:1-4 “I am the true vine, and My Father is the vineyard keeper. Every branch in Me that does not produce fruit He removes, and He prunes every branch that produces fruit so that it will produce more fruit. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in Me, and I in you. Just as a branch is unable to produce fruit by itself unless it remains on the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in Me.
“No matter how easy a task, if it is not God's will, we must not do it. No matter how hard a task, if it is God's will, we must do it. No matter how large a task, if it is not God's will, we must not do it. No matter how small a task, if it is God's will, we must do it. (continue next slide)
Our energy, money, and time are limited. Therefor, we must focus on whatever is worthwhile in God's eyes, whatever is worthwhile in God's eyes, whatever is meaningful for God's kingdom, whatever is meaningful for God's kingdom, whatever is beneficial to God's church. whatever is beneficial to God's church. We must learn to serve with faithfulness, serve with faithfulness, serve with purpose, serve with purpose, serve with wisdom serve with wisdom serve with fruitfulness.” serve with fruitfulness.” Translated from Life Quarterly Magazine (Chinese), Vol. 53, Jan, 2010".
Goals Retain 6 new Indian students and lead 2 Indians to true faith in Christ. Retain 6 new Indian students and lead 2 Indians to true faith in Christ. Increase total number of avg. OIF worship attendance from 70 to 80 (adding 5 more Indians towards an “Indian Critical Mass” in OIF) Increase total number of avg. OIF worship attendance from 70 to 80 (adding 5 more Indians towards an “Indian Critical Mass” in OIF) Add at least one more small group (from 3 to 4) with ample leadership in each group (1 SGL, 1 SGAL, 2 IBSLs in each SG) Add at least one more small group (from 3 to 4) with ample leadership in each group (1 SGL, 1 SGAL, 2 IBSLs in each SG) 95% of OIF leaders with consistent devotion life and focused ministry life (“1mj./2min. or 2 mj.”). 95% of OIF leaders with consistent devotion life and focused ministry life (“1mj./2min. or 2 mj.”). Sunday prayer meeting growth to avg. 20. Sunday prayer meeting growth to avg. 20.