Principles of Anatomy and Physiology Unit 1
Assignment 1.1- Task 1 The structure and functions of the skeletal system Your task is to draw and label two large tables to describe the structure and function of the axial and appendicular skeletons. Your descriptions should include the location of all the major bones of the skeleton and their different types. You may wish to use diagrams or images to support you written work. Criteria P1
Fixed joints in the cranium
A slightly movable joint in the vertebral column
A synovial joint in the knee
Types of synovial joint
Task: Basic Muscles Muscle Function Location Origin Insertion Exercise Biceps Arm Curls Outside upper arms Press Ups Deltoids Overhead Lifting Gastrocnemius Standing on tip toes `Six Pack` Sit Ups Pectorals Pressing Movements Quadriceps Knee bends, Quads Large Muscle on buttocks Knee bending movements, cycling