Living cell *2 Kingdoms BACTERIA unicellular (one cell) Prokaryotic *DNA is NOT in a true nucleus * Only type of prokaryotic cell Lives everywhere! Can be treated by: ANTIBIOTIC *chemicals produced by some bacteria that slow down the growth of other bacteria Examples Helpful: -bacteria help digest food Harmful: -some cause disease Eubacteria: common Archae- bacteria: uncommon Smaller than plant & animal cells, larger than viruses Reproduces fast asexually (fission) - makes identical cells
No nucleus around the DNA! (prokaryotic)
Bacteria Facts Microbes – Any tiny organism that you need a microscope to see Only about 1% of bacteria are harmful Scientists believe bacteria are the oldest organisms on Earth (Archaebacteria)
3 Shapes of Bacteria Spheres Rods Spirals
Helpful bacteria Help with digestion Decomposers Can produce medicine to treat disease Some release oxygen using photosynthesis Food production *Example: cheese, milk, yogurt, breads Harmful bacteria Can cause disease or illness Examples: - Strep throat -E.coli (raw beef) -Salmonella (chicken) -Pneumonia -Meningitis -Flesh-eating -Bronchitis - Gingivitis - The Bubonic Plague -Staph Infection
Bacteria reproduce REALLY fast! dciWchttp:// dciWc
Because of the slime layer on the outside of bacteria, they can stick to surfaces like your teeth. What is Gingivitis? Gingivitis is a disease causing gums to be inflamed. They become red and swollen, causing them to bleed easily. They are softer than should be, which causes them to move away from the tooth more easily (recede). *This is one of the most common disease in the world! WHY WOULD THIS BE? Photograph © E.Byrne BDS DGDP (UK) What causes Gingivitis? Gingivitis is caused by bacteria that create plaque irritating the gum. When brushing and flossing is not done regularly, or properly, it causes this. Photograph © E.Byrne BDS DGDP (UK)
How serious is this gingivitis thing? With correct treatment, it can be reversed early on. If left without management, it becomes worse. Gums become soft and recede from teeth, eventually allowing the bone to be affected, and teeth to be loose. NOT GOOD!!! Photograph © E.Byrne BDS DGDP (UK)
BRUSH, FLOSS, and Flouride… …so this isn’t you!!!
Antibiotics JbtxB6whttp:// JbtxB6w
DISEASE CAUSES Fungi (living, eukaryotic) Bacteria (living, prokaryotic) Virus (non-living) Protists (living, eukaryotic)
Bacteria (living) EXAMPLESTreatment E.Coli Bronchitis Strep Antibiotics: Antibiotics are produced by bacteria and they work to fight other bacteria.
Living cell *2 Domains BACTERIA uni-cellular, (one cell) Prokaryotic *DNA is not in a ____ ________ *only type of prokaryotic cell Live ____________! Can be treated by: ANITBIOTIC *chemicals produced by some _______ that slow down the growth of other ________ Examples Helpful: -bacteria help_____ food Harmful: -some cause ________ Eubacteria: common Archae- bacteria: uncommon Smaller than _____ & ______ cells, larger than ________ Reproduce fast by __________