EBSCO SEARCH USING BOOLEAN OPERATORS, AND LIMITERS BY: YEAR, AGE, GENDER COMPANY AND COUNTRY DATABASES: Academic Search Premier Business Source Elite CINAHL PLUS with Full Text MEDLINE Full Text ERIC PsycArticles Regional Business Source Elite CONTENT: Simultaneous Search. Limit Results (Full Text, Peer Reviewed and by Year). Search using words in quotations. Limit results by Age, Gender, Geography and Company.
Knowledge is Empowerment First, let’s learn the steps to access USU databases: please go to our site and select Library (1). Click on Full Text Database Nursing or any College (2). Select Academic Search Premier EBSCO(3) and register (4). Ask the USU librarian for ID & Password. From your USU to
Knowledge is Empowerment NOTE: It is important to learn the content of each EBSCO database listed under Library Resources by College: Full Text Databases … And also to remember to that you will have to repeat the search strategy in the rest of the search engines, for example in JSTOR, OPENDOAR, DOAJ, GOOGLE SCHOLAR, ETC. (See OPEN ACCESS tutorial) If you are searching nursing terms, you also need to access PROQUEST (See the tutorial). With EBSCO we can search SEVERAL databases in one search, let’s start our journey…
Knowledge is Empowerment Second, After selecting “Choose databases” select the databases related to your information need by checking on each box. You can search EBSCO databases simultaneously, all in one search. Please click Choose databases Select the databases according to your subject: Nursing and Health Science: please select CINAHL, PSYCARTICLES, ACADEMIC SEARCH PREMIER and MEDLINE. History, art, literature & science: select ACADEMIC SEARCH PREMIER, it is multidisciplinary and one of the best database in EBSCO. Education: select ACADEMIC SEARCH PREMIER, ERIC (education database) and PSYCARTICLES Business: select ACADEMIC SEARCH PREMIER, BUSINESS SOURCE ELITE, PSYCARTICLES & REGIONAL BUSINESS NEWS Select All for: Business and healthcare, Education and healthcare administration,
Knowledge is Empowerment The screen opens automatically to the advanced search option: Type the word, term, keyword, the title of the article, or the last name of the author. Remember to choose the correct field to limit your results. For example: Search for articles on critical thinking and college students and choose the field TI Title. Click the full text box and click search at the bottom of the page.
Knowledge is Empowerment By using quotations marks we can transform the words into a phrase. When using the Boolean operator “AND” we can search for words or phrases that appear together while using “OR” filters the search for one or the other word, synonym or phrase. In the next slide you will learn how to select the field & expand your results.
Knowledge is Empowerment You can also expand your search by searching the following phrases: “critical thinking” AND “college students” OR “University students.” By doing this we increased the number of results.
Knowledge is Empowerment Using the Boolean operator AND we searched for words or phrases that appear together while using OR as a second operator allows us to search for similar words and synonyms. Using quotation marks in words, it limits your results. Select peer reviewed, full text and search. In the next slide you will learn how to select the field.
Knowledge is Empowerment You can search from general to specific, choosing to search by all text, by abstract or by title. In this example, select title to reduce results to relevant documents. Your search depends on the number of documents you need for your assignment.
Knowledge is Empowerment You can refine your results by clicking “Peer reviewed”, and open “Geography” and select United States, or by “Age”, “Gender”, “Subject”, etc.
Knowledge is Empowerment By searching a company, for example Procter & Gamble, you will find important information: Similar companies To compare The articles by country
Knowledge is Empowerment By expanding Geography you will find other countries to compare
Knowledge is Empowerment United States was selected as country and from Please see how the results were refined.
Knowledge is Empowerment Let’s search using the limiters Age and Gender in High School Dropouts: Age: Adolescent years was selected, but there are more options with the number of articles in full text
Knowledge is Empowerment Select an article of your choice by a clicking on the title.
Knowledge is Empowerment For example to expand your search, you can click at the subject terms, descriptors or keywords for more articles with similar content. By clicking the author you will find more works under the same author with related information.
Knowledge is Empowerment Use of Tools: You can the article to your yourself, save it into your computer, print the PDF, cite APA format, and obtain the permalink. You need to “sign in” in order to “add to folder”, “create notes” and “create alerts” and “saved searches”.
Knowledge is Empowerment Go back to your search list results, signed in EbscoHost and request an alert to receive future articles and also save your search. For instructions to sign in, please go to the tutorial “Register in MyEbscoHost and create Alerts”
Knowledge is Empowerment Now you have to continue your own journey 1. Ten tips how to search EBSCO 2. Review US University Guide to APA Style emphasis in electronic sources and Plagiarism 3. Check Evaluating Web Sites and Sources 4. Review Open Sources 5. From EBSCO Tutorials, please see: EBSCOhost Result List (refining results with limiters, relevance, page options & share) EBSCOhost Result List eos/result_list/result_list.html eos/result_list/result_list.html Introduction to EBSCOhost ( results lists, setting preferences, Choose databases, search options, limit results, search history) Introduction to EBSCOhost deos/intro_to_ehost/intro_to_ehost.html deos/intro_to_ehost/intro_to_ehost.html THANKS For taking the time to learn. For more information Please contact M.L.S Catalina Lopez (619) ext. 6 or 2017