ACTIVITY 1 1.Do an internet search on “extreme sports.” 2.Write down three examples of what an extreme sport is. 3.Write down six words that describe extreme sports. 4.Write 7-10 sentences on the following questions: Are extreme sports a good idea? Why or why not?
EXTREME SPORTS: ACTIVITY 2 Create a PowerPoint focusing on ONE of the following sports listed: BASE jumping, Heli-skiing, Diving, Cave Diving, Bull Riding, Big-Wave surfing, Street Luging, Mountain Climbing, BMX, and White-Water Rafting, The sport your have chosen needs to have the following on the individual slide: a picture, a 2-5 sentence summary of the sport, the craziest injury (besides death) that you can find about the sport, and an explanation of if you would do the sport or if you would NEVER do the sport.
ACTIVITY 5 Discuss the following items regarding the articles “Extreme Sports Not About Risk-taking; Study,” “Camp for Kids with Autism Offers Extreme Therapy,” and “A Solemn Warning about Wingsuit Fliers”: 1.Read the first four paragraphs of “Extreme Sports Not About Risk-taking: Study.” What arguments do you think the author will make? 2.Where does the introduction end in the article ‘Extreme Sports…?” 3.Read the first five paragraphs of “A Solemn Warning to Wingsuit Fliers.” According to the text was your original prediction about the author’s content and purpose correct? 4.Where does the introduction end in the article “A Solemn Warning…” 5.Read the first two paragraphs of ABC News “Camp for kids with Autism Offers Extreme Therapy.” What question would you most like to ask Donovan? Why? 6.In the last paragraph of Donovan’s article, what word or phrase seems to give his argument ethos (credibility)? 7.Read the last paragraph in each article. How are they different? 8.Where were each of these articles published? Does it matter?
ACTIVITY 6: Define the following terms in your own words. Give an example of what each word (phrase) means. If you have never heard of the word before you can use a dictionary to assist you: 1.Adrenaline junkies 2.Syndrome 3.Lose inhibitions 4.Aversion to risk 5.Genetic condition 6.Unsanctioned 7.Autism 8.visceral
ACTIVITY 8 Answer the following questions based on the articles: 1.Using a highlighter, identify the main point of the article “Extreme Sports Not About Risk-taking: Study.” 2.After reading “A Solemn Warning to Wingsuit Fliers” respond to the following: a) Does Jones have a position or bias on the issue? b) What, if anything does Jones suggest needs to be done about the issue? 3.After reading Donovan’s ‘Camp for Kids with Autism Offers Extreme Therapy,” select one phrase, statement or fact that surprised you about kids with autism. Explain your surprise and the evidence offered by Donavan to support the phrase, statement, or fact.
ACTIVITY 10/11 Focus on structure and headings for the texts. Answer the following questions: 1.How is the Jones’ article, “A Solemn Warning…organized? 2.How is Donovan’s article organized? Is there a sequence of events, or does he begin by identifying a problem and stating what the camp does for the kids? 3.How is the “Extreme Sports…” article organized? 4.How is the Davidson article organized? Look at the texts that have headings and answer the following questions: 1.Do they divide large portions of the text into manageable sections? 2.Do they give a brief summary of the content in the next few paragraphs? 3.Do they provide key words for the reader? 4.Do some of the headings seem to recur, indicating that the headings are sused regularly by scholars in the discipline?
ACTIVITY 13 Follow the directions as they are in your packet. It is not necessary to make a chart like the one pictured, but make sure you identify all aspects of the chart clearly. Loaded Word: Literal Meaning: Figurative Meaning: (think voice lessons ) Author’s Bias Suggested: Article/Source Two loaded words per article!
ACTIVITY 14: CHARTING It is important to recognize bias in articles. In this activity you are going to look for author’s bias. In the three articles: “A Solemn Warning to Wingsuit Fliers,” “Extreme Sports Not about Risk-taking: Study,” and “camp for Kids with Atutism Offers Extreme Therapy” answer the following questions: How does the article characterize people who participate in extreme sports? Find two examples of evidence in each article to support your answer. What is the author’s bias on extreme sports? Find two examples of evidence in each article to support your answer. What are the effects of extreme sports? Find two examples of evidence in each article to support your answer.
ACTIVITY 15: ANNOTATING AND QUESTIONING THE TEXT Follow the instructions located in your packet for annotating and questioning the text. Do the annotating and questioning on Davidson’s article only. Remember the more specific and thorough you are with making notes, the easier it will be when writing your essay.
ACTIVITY 18: Answer the following questions about each article: “Extreme Sports” Answer questions 1-4 “A Solemn Warning to Wingsuit Fliers” Answer questions 1-4 “Camp for Kids with Autism Offers Extreme Therapy” Answer questions 1-4
ACTIVITY 19 Look at the quotes in activity 19. Choose one of the quotes and do the following: Explain the quote or author’s claim or argument. Discuss the extent to which you agree with the claim using any or all of the articles you have read during this unit,. Be sure to use specific examples to support your claim. Your essay should be well organized and carefully written following the English 9 RHS Grading Rubric
ACTIVITY 20/21/22/23 Follow the directions in the packet. Make sure you are doing a thorough job. The more clear you are in your notes and answers, the better off you will be when you have to sit down and write your essay.