Parenting and Child Development Chapter 2: The Challenges of Parenting Essential Question: What challenges will new parents face and how can they prepare for these challenges?
Section 2-1: Parenting and Families Essential Question: Why is parenting described as a “learning process”?
What is the role of a parent? Write at least 5 ideas inside the box: PARENT
Parenting is caring for children and helping them grow and develop. It requires understanding a child’s needs, meeting those needs, and using good judgment.
How can you make a positive difference in a child’s life? Be a good role model. Treat others with kindness and consideration. Make time in your day for younger siblings. Work at a job involving children. Volunteer to work with children through tutoring, scouts, sports. Pay attention to what’s important to them. Ask about school, etc. Be a friend to neighborhood children. Support them by attending their school and sporting events.
Parents can have reasonable expectations for their children when they: Understand how children develop. Know what to expect at different ages. Remember that each child is an individual.
CAN PARENTING SKILLS BE LEARNED? Read reliable information YES! Gain experience with children Ask advice from others Observe parents and children
Galinsky’s Stages of Parenthood StageTime PeriodParents’ Tasks Image-Making Nurturing Authority Interpretive Interdependent Departure Pregnancy Birth to Age 2 Age 2 to Ages Ages 4 – 5 to Age 13 Adolescence Child Leaves Home *Begin to imagine themselves as parents *Become emotionally attached to child *May question relative worth of other priorities *Determine rules *Clarify role as authority figure *Rethink their role as parents *Decide what knowledge, skills, and values a child needs *Establish boundaries *Find disciplinary methods appropriate for teens *Evaluate their parenting
The Challenges of Parenthood New Responsibilities Changes in Lifestyle Changes in Relationships Employment Emotional Adjustments Fear Frustration Worry Jealousy Depression
List three rewards of parenthood. Joy Happiness LovePride Enrich a strong marriage Sense of accomplishment
WHAT DOES PARENTING INVOLVE? Examples: What parenting will not do: Examples: Resources: 5 steps: Emotional Maturity *able to put others needs first *able to control temper *able to manage being “on call” 24/7 *ready to give without return Health Considerations Desire for Parenthood Financial Concerns *solve personal problems *raise self-esteem *fix marriage difficulties *Good physical health *Age – under17/over 35 =risky *proper nutrition *access to prenatal care *Cost of having a child *adequate housing *child care/jobs 1.Set goals 2.Identify resources 3.Make a plan 4.Put plan into action 5.Reevaluate Resource Management Skills Money, time, skills, energy
Section 2-2: Teen Parenthood Essential Question: In what ways is being a teen parent different from being an adult parent?
PHYSICALEMOTIONAL Teen SEXUALIT Y INTELLECTUAL SOCIAL -a person’ view of self as male or female Puberty Hormones Media influences Peer pressure Mood swings New relationships New friends Changes with family Independence
VALUES and SEXUALITY Values are: the principles you consider important Trust Commitment Self- respect Loyalty Respect for others
The Consequences of Sexual Activity Sexually Transmitted Diseases AIDS Pregnancy Health Risks Education Financial Problems Emotional and Social Stress
When Teen Pregnancy Occurs See a doctor to confirm pregnancy. Include the father. Tell both families. Make responsible plans.
PATERNITY: * Legally identifies the father * Determined by a blood test * Establishes responsibilities to the child
OPTIONS Single Parenthood + - Marriage + - Adoption + -
Confidential Adoption Open Adoption Birth parents don’t know the names of the adoptive parents Birth parents and adoptive parents know something about each other. There are different levels.