Jeopardy: Test Review By: Heather Bagnall
Jeopardy Developmental Tasks/ Road-Blocks All About Me Decisions, Decisions, Decisions! Communication Savvy Potpourri $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Final Jeopardy
$100 Question for Developmental Tasks/Road-blocks Under normal conditions, most teens develop into __________ __________
$100 Answer from Developmental Tasks/ Roadblocks Responsible Adults
$200 Question from Developmental Tasks/Roadblocks Identify one of the 5 types of events that can interrupt developmental tasks.
$200 Answer from Developmental Tasks/Roadblocks Crisis level trauma, living with abuse, teen pregnancy, drug/alcohol abuse, compulsive/obsessive behaviors
$300 Question from Developmental Tasks/Roadblocks Why is normal development interrupted by these types of roadblocks?
$300 Answer from Developmental Tasks/Roadblocks All energies are focused on the interruption and not the developmental task.
$400 Question from Developmental Tasks/Roadblocks The following are examples of which type of developmental roadblock? Death of a parent Divorce of parents Death of a sibling or a close friend Severe illness
$400 Answer from Developmental Tasks/Roadblocks Crisis Level Trauma
$500 Question from Developmental Tasks/Roadblocks Name the 3 of the 8 Developmental Tasks that need to be completed during the teen years.
$500 Answer from Developmental Tasks/Roadblocks 1.Develop mature relations with peers of both genders. 2.Adopts a socially approved gender role. 3.Accept your body as it is, and make the most of the body you have. 4.Become emotionally independent from parents and other adults. 5.Prepare for marriage and family life. 6.Select and prepare for a career. 7.Adopt priorities in keeping with personal goals and societal expectations. 8.Adopt socially responsible behavior.
$100 Question from All About Me This is the way you think about yourself; it fluctuates regularly.
$100 Answer from All About Me What is Self Esteem?
$200 Question from All About Me Each day, thousands of communicative messages are sent. The majority are never verbalized, but heard and handled internally. This inner voice is called:
$200 Answer from All About Me What is Self-talk?
$300 Question from All About Me List some ways that you can build positive self-esteem
$300 Answer from All About Me Make a new friend, improve a friendship Do something nice for someone Recognize your strong points Don’t compare yourself to others Set and accomplish goals, no matter how small Live within your value system Learn a new skill Practice positive Self-talk
$400 Question from All About Me Name 3 of the seven types of values.
$400 Answer from All About Me Moral Values Aesthetic Values Material Values Intrinsic Values Extrinsic Values Universal Values Group specific Values
DAILY DOUBLE $500 Question from All About Me Describe what this picture represents, and how it affects our self-esteem and/or our abilities to achieve our goals.
$500 Answer from All About Me
$100 Question from Decisions, Decisions, Decisions! The process of forming and opinion or reaching a conclusion based on the available material
$100 Answer from Decisions, Decisions, Decisions What is Judgment?
$200 Question from Decisions, Decisions, Decisions An integrated way of examining information, ideas, and proposals. It involves using your intelligence and knowledge to question and explore, examining ideas and arriving at your own conclusions. It allows you to make your own decisions regardless of the opinion of others.
$200 Answer from Decisions, Decisions, Decisions What is Critical Thinking?
$300 Question from Decisions, Decisions, Decisions Name 3 of the seven types of risk involved in making decisions.
$300 Answer from Decisions, Decisions, Decisions Physical Psychological Drug/Alcohol Legal Financial Social Educational
$400 Question from Decisions, Decisions, Decisions What are some questions you should ask yourself during the critical thinking/decision making process?
$400 Answer from Decisions, Decisions, Decisions Is it against the law, rules or the teaching of my family or religion? Is it harmful to me or others? Would it disappoint my family or other adults that are important to me? Is it wrong to do? Would I be sorry afterward? Would I be hurt or upset if someone did this to me?
$500 Question from Decisions, Decisions, Decisions Identify the 5 steps in the critical thinking/Decision Making process.
$500 Answer from Decisions, Decisions, Decisions 1. Identify and describe the problem/situation. 2. Discriminate between fact and opinion (or) Brainstorm possible solutions. 3. List possible solutions and their consequences. (or) Explore and Evaluate (pros/cons of each possibility) 4. Identify Personal and Family Values that conflict with the situation (or) Make a decision and act on it. 5.Take a defensible position based on logic (or) Look at results of the decision and evaluate; then accept responsibility for results.
$100 Question from Communication Savvy What are the 4 types of communication?
$100 Answer from Communication Savvy 1. Child-Like 2. Parent-Like 3. Adult-Like 4. Non-Verbal
$200 Question from Communication Savvy This type of communication is the most desirable and effective.
$200 Answer from Communication Savvy What is Adult-Like Communication?
$300 Question from Communication Savvy What message is being communicated in the following video clip? Why?
$300 Answer from Communication Savvy Anger/Frustration/Hate Why? Because Non-verbal communication is VERY Powerful and can often be misinterpreted.
$400 Question from Communication Savvy What are the 3 types of behavior that can affect how an individual communicates? Which behavior type uses Adult- Like communication?
$400 Answer from Communication Savvy Passive Aggressive Assertive Which type uses Adult-Like? Assertive
$500 Question from Communication Savvy Name 3 characteristics of each type of communication: Child-Like Parent-Like Adult-Like Non-Verbal
$500 Answer from Communication Savvy Child-Like: whining, name calling, yelling, verbal abuse, not listening, interrupting, topping, temper tantrums Parent-Like: Giving instructions, directing, punishing, demanding, ordering Adult-Like: desire for open, two-way communication; taking responsibility for comments and actions; showing respect for other’s feelings and opinions; wanting to resolve problems with a win-win attitude; having trust in others; controlling emotions while discussing. Non-Verbal: all expressions communicated through movement, posture, and facial expressions
$100 Question from Potpourri This is an indicator of how a person is feeling mentally.
$100 Answer from Potpourri What is an Emotion?
$200 Question from Potpourri This type of stress comes from weddings, special events, birth of a baby, etc.
$200 Answer from Potpourri What is Eustress?
$300 Question from Potpourri This is a listening skill used in communication where you repeat back what you heard in your own words.
$300 Answer from Potpourri What is Reflect?
$400 Question from Potpourri What are the 6 basic emotions?
$400 Answer from Potpourri Anger Fear Love Hate Happy Sad
$500 Question from Potpourri Name 4 types of consequences involving uncontrolled emotions
$500 Answer from Potpourri Legal Mental Social Ethical Physical Financial
Final Jeopardy Identify what type of body language girls might use to show someone they were interested? What body language would boys use?
Final Jeopardy Answer Girls: pouting lips, hair flipping, glancing, pushing hairs behind ears, use of perfume, excessive laughing or smiling Boys: holding eye contact longer than necessary, accidental contact with a girl, arranging a tie or shirt sleeves, keeping hands in front of pants with thumbs locked inside the belt, fiddling with something, moving closer
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