Facebook Project Romeo & Juliet Presentation by: Ann-Kathrin Henkel
The idea Creation of a fictive facebook character Intensive involvement with the characters and the relationships amongst each other emphasizing with the characters by interacting in a familiar, modern environment Connection between then and today Including historical influences supportive task throughout the whole sequence of lessons, picking it up as a support for the readings and interpretations
Exemplary lesson Q1 LK 4th lesson of the sequence Computer lab or using own laptops in classroom (if Wifi is available) Division of the class into three groups (self-organized) Within the three groups everyone receives a character card (by chance) Characters: Romeo, Juliet, Tybalt, Mercutio, The Nurse, Friar Lawrence, Capulet, Montague, Benvolio Character card contains the name of the character and login details ( address + password)
Exemplary lesson Task: complete your character’s facebook profile. You should provide at least… … a cover picture … a profile picture … hometown … birthday? (try to find out by research when it could be roughly) … 3 interests … 3 songs your character would like … 3 movies your character would watch
Homework: Write a statement about your character’s facebook profile. Explain why you made the choices you made? Why do you think that your character has the likes and interests that they do? Where in the play does it give you the information you need about the character? Homework for every lesson throughout the sequence: Do at least 3 postings per week that support the play’s action. Include postings about your character’s feelings, events of life, a song, a favourite quote
final lesson To round off the project each group has to give a presentation about their activities. The presentation should include… … Summary of the activities … Evaluation and reflection on the project Final task: Essay about the particular character by connecting text passages from the real play and the facebook project
Difficulties Creation of an account is a bit tricky creation of an adress Data security issues (e.g. it is not possible to use the name „Romeo Montague““ Uneaqual workload (Romeo & Juliet have more work to do than Benvolio for example) Language settings English Teacher‘s involvement? (side character for observation purpose??) Grades? (participation, involvement, neatness, reference to the actual play, written homeworks, presentation, final essay)
Thank you! (that felt a bit awkward ;P)