Internationalization Greveskogen Upper Secondary School Marion Ursfjord International Coordinator Greveskogen Upper Secondary School Tønsberg, Norway
Programmes for General Studies: 1.Specialisation in General Studies 2.Sports and Physical Education 3.Music, Dance and Drama Vocational Education Programmes: 4.Building and Construction 5.Design, Arts and Crafts 6.Electricity and Electronics 7.Health ans Social Care 8.Media and Communication 9.Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry 10.Restaurant and Food Processing 11.Service and Communication 12.Technical and Industrial Production Programmes in Upper Secondary Education
Other programs Work and living- training. Students with special needs who need a different content and methodology in their education. Newly arrived refugees or immigrants between years in order to learn Norwegian and preparing them for Upper Secondary School
Priority at our school with an actionplan Give our students and staff international and cultural competence, and joint responsibility as citizens. Make arenas for joint development, learning and cooperation. Increase interest for foreign languages. Provide new perspectives on teaching methods and the organization of work in schools and training. Contributing to the reflection on fundamental democratic values and human rights Internationalization
Students of foreign languages have a week course in abroad. Student exchange with two secondary schools in Tanga – Tanzania. Student mobility in Spain Experiences
Erasmus + (earlier Leonardo project) Since 2008 vocational 2th year students from tourism, cookery and waiting have a 3 week internship in companies in Albir/Alfas. Some of the companies have employees who speak Norwegian Usually they live in host families or we rent flats. The teachers travel with the students to Spain, but usually just stay for a few days. Exploring Spanish food and culture
The classes have lessons learning about Spain The students apply for an internship In the application they have to justify why they shall be one of the chosen students. The qulified students are invited to an interview where we talk about expectations from them, from the companies and from the school. They have to sign a contract. If the student is below 18 years old, the parents too sign the contract. The students in tourism take a course in Spanish. Preperation
The students have their internship at hotels, restaurants, transport or activityguides. We try to give them practise in accordance with what they want to work with as adults. Especially at the start the students report that it is much routine work (cleaning, cutting and preperation. Prepare the students for this situation. Letter of intent and learning agreement between the companies and the school When finished the stay the students get an Europass describing what they have learned. Tasks – during the internship
Learned a lot about their profession Learned a lot about culture and the differences between Norway and Spain. Awareness of the difference between working in Norway and Spain – and can evaluate pro and contras. Speaks English better and easier Students evaluation
The stay has been marvellous You learn a lot from beeing in another country with another culture and workingconditions. I am more confident – I had regretted if I had not applied. Three weeks are not too long. Students summary
Teachers point of view Students have a significant growth both personally and professionally All the students are working to day The internship motivated them to complete their trade certificate Two students were offered apprenticeship in Spain. This proved to be difficult to get approved in Norway ECVET
We have signed letters of intent with more companies. Low season – more different tasks and experiences. Cooperation with a cookeryschool Learning more about Spanish products Developement
We have applied for staff mobility in foreign language didactics and in methodology for making students complete and pass. We have applied for one teacher jobshadowing here in Kaunas. In addition to our project in Spain we have applied for a 6 weeks internship in Ireland for our 4-years vocational students. We have applied for a stragic partnership with a school in Andalucia in Spain – Changing roles: Through democrasy to competent schools We are open to join partnerships Internationalization – Future
The future we create together