Relationship Between Economic Activity and Pollution Emissions Class Project Me 449, 2002 Y. Kuwabara, S. Lahr, B. Ponczak, M Roberts, A. Shaw Instructor: R. Husar
Economic Activity-Emission Relationship Develop a relationship for: SOx = f ( I, T, R, C) NOx = f ( I, T, R, C) HC = f ( I, T, R, C) PM = f ( I, T, R, C) I ndustrial T ransport R esidential C ommmerc. Ind. Energy Tr. Energy Res.Energy Com. Energy Coal Oil Gas Electricity SOx NOx HC PM Activity Consumption ProductionEmission Metals
I ndustrial T ransport R esidential C ommmerc. Ind. Energy Tr. Energy Res.Energy Com. Energy Activity, j Consumption, k Material Goods Consumption= a im x Industrial Activity Ind. Energy Consumption= a i x Industrial Activity Transp. Energy Consumption= a t x Transportation Activity Resid. Energy Consumption= a r x Residential Activity Commercial Energy Consumption= a c x Commercial Activity a im =Material Goods/Industrial Activity a t =Transport Energy/Transport Activity arar acac Material Goods a i =Industrial Energy/Industrial Activity
Ind. Energy Tr. Energy Res.Energy Com. Energy Coal Oil Gas Electricity Consumption, k Production, l Metals b ic b tc b rc b cc Material Goods b mm Metals Prod/Goods Consumption Production/Ind. Energy Consumption Metals Production = b mm x Mat Goods Consumption Coal Production = b jC x Consumption j +b ec ( b je *Consumption j ) Oil Production = b jo x Consumption j +b eo ( b je *Consumption j ) Gas Production = b jg x Consumption j +b eg ( b je *Consumption j ) b to b tg b te b ig b io b ie b ce b cg b co b re b rg b ro b ec b eo b eg
Coal Oil Gas SOx NOx HC PM Production, l Emission, m Metals SO X = C js x Production j NO X = C jn x Production j HC = C jh x Production j PM = C jp x Production j C mh C ch C cn C mn C os C cp C ms C on C mp C gs C op C gh C oh C gp C cs C gn