Joint Personnel Support Unit (JPSU) Post deployment support Commander Lucille Boettger Director Casualty Support Management 2 31 September 2010
Outline Joint Personnel Support Unit Provision of services Questions to all injured and ill Canadian Forces members and former members, their families and the families of the deceased Questions
Casualty Support in the Canadian Forces 1998: Standing Committee On National Defence and Veterans Affairs 2008: Chief Military Personnel Symposium on Care of the Injured 2006: Introduction of the New Veterans Charter 2001: Implementation of CF Case Mgt program 1999: Stand-Up of Joint DND-Veterans Affairs Canada Centre 2007: Stand-Up of Casualty Support Detachments 2009: Creation of the Joint Personnel Support Unit (JPSU) 2001: Operational Stress Injury Social Support (OSISS) The background and historu to the JPSU, DCSM. Goes back to SCONDVA recommendations, gaps in service in looking after our ill, injured and their families. Standing Committee On National Defence and Veterans Affairs (Canada) As a result of SCONDVA, the Centre was stood up, partnered with then DCSA and VAC in 1999. Handful of staff at DCSA who tried to do it all and who worked very closely with VAC staff embedded in the Centre. Great strides here to assist members and to advocate on their behalf. DCSA grew to include casualty support, Transition Assistance Services, Social Worker, and later OSISS in 2001. At the same time, HS started their CF Case Management programme. Today, we work very closely with Case Managers across the CF. DCSA greatly assisted in clsoing the gap but there was not enough staff or support to close the gap. In Apr 06, the New veterans Charter was announced which brought about more questions and concerns for the ill and injured member who did not fully grasp the changes. In Sep 07, DCSA established 11 Cas Sp Detachments across the country, as it turned out they were like the pilot for the JPSU. The 20 lose cannons as Wayne Quinn refers to them as did an incredible job, in rpoviding service and programmes across the CF. They were our presence out there but again an inadequate # of staff and inadequately equipped to handle all of the issues and cases out there. Much debate over the next 18 mos as how to proceed from there. CMP decided to stabd up a Cas Sp Unit In Edmonton as a trial last Jun. CMP Symposium told the story in detail as to the gaps and problem areas and the need for more support, awareness of what is avaiable in terms of perocesses, programmes, benefits etc. Members complained of the VAC quagmire they had to work thru as did their family members. All SMEs recommended a multi-disciplinary approach to closing the gap and the need to work together a sa team and the requirement tfor awareness, outreach and advocacy on behalf of the members. Casulaty tracking was a big concern, members lost thru’ the cracks…. The requirement became clear and the gaps could not be overlooked….. Then throughout the Fall of 08 DCSM tasked to carry on with JPSU construct…..It was a crazy Fall to say the elast…..More on this when I disucc implementation alter.
Joint Personnel Support Unit MND announcement 2 March 2009, Halifax
MISSION STATEMENT Through an integrated and individual-centric service delivery model, ensure the coordination and facilitation of standardized, high quality, consistent personal and administrative support during all phases of recovery, rehabilitation, and reintegration on return to service or transition following release, for all injured and ill Canadian Forces members and former members, their families and the families of the deceased
JPSU – GUIDING PRINCIPLES Joint DND/CF and VAC service delivery model Provide standardized, consistent personal and administrative support to CF personnel, veterans, families and the families of the deceased One-Stop-Service with walk in services Provide ability for local Unit COs to focus on operational imperatives Individual-centric service delivery model for ill and injured personnel
24 Integrated Personnel Support Centres (IPSC) JPSU Structure CF Regular Force Unit, Headquarters in Ottawa Eight regions, each commanded by an Officer Commanding 24 Integrated Personnel Support Centres (IPSC)
to the local Commanders Joint Personnel Support Unit STRUCTURE Regional OSISS Coord Regional element RAFS IPSC Responsiveness to the local Commanders 8
Joint Personnel Support Unit Provision of Services Outreach & education services to all ill and injured members and their families Total outreach activities averages out to 54 JPSU briefings a month across the country Training of approx 1,100 Assisting Officers per year Centralized tracking of all personnel supported for as long as required Currently providing support to 2,946 individuals Standardized Support Platoon operation and levels of service across the country The JPSU has assumed command and control of 696 Regular Force personnel and 45 Res Force personnel Transition services Priority Entitlement for the Public Service (approx 250 applications per year) Priority Hiring for spouses of fallen members (new program) Vocational Rehab Program for Serving Members (VRPSM) Initiatives: Entrepreneurship Bootcamp/Based in Business Memorial University Statistics: Transition Services: Approx 4000 phone calls per year providing advice on transition service
Joint Personnel Support Unit Provision of Services Standardized Return to Work program with dedicated staff Approx 595 personnel currently on Return To Work program Many of these personnel are returned to full time duty and others move on to transition out of the Canadian Forces Casualty administration and advocacy including accessibility to all services and assistance in navigating through complex network Home adaptations/special needs equipment, Vehicle adaptations, Home assistance Assistance through Funds (on average 60 requests a year to charitable organizations) Family visitation Fund Assisting Officers disengagement 72 families of the fallen are in receipt of support from the IPSCs Service managers across the country, therefore enabling Assisting Officers to return to their functions Statistics: Soldier On. Over 100 injured/ill CF pers and family members have benefitted from Soldier On since 2006
Walk-ins vs Supported 2,961 individuals are being actively supported by IPSC staff Increased awareness of programs and benefits No one falls through the cracks CF Casualty Tracking Includes: casualty in accordance with the definition of casualty Casualty Report (CAS REP) Reserve Force Compensation or Extension of Class C benefits for a period of 30 days or more; personnel posted to an IPSC Support Platoon referrals for advocacy or assistance, requiring follow-up by IPSC Service Manager referrals by the chain of command or a service partner End September 2009 we were tracking 1315 members and by end Jul 2010 the number of casualties being tracked was at 2961. The preceding represents an increase of 1646 casualties being actively tracked within the past eleven months. Walk-ins - This shows that the numbers are going down, however when these pers come in a second time for an appt or referral then they go into our tracking system if they fall under the criteria for tracking. You can see how the numbers of clients is going up. Walk-ins. Average Walk in could take approx 10 minutes each. 4869 x 10min = 48690 minutes/60 = 811 hours / 7 =116 per month / 4 weeks = 28.9 hours/week 28.9/5 days= 5.8 hours /day, an average of 4 svc staff, which means 1.5 hours spent by each service manager answering queries of walk ins per day. To note, The client numbers being collected are not representative of the time that is required for individual cases.
Postings To The JPSU Retention Formerly, retention was not possible for those who breached U of S and for whom a position did not exist CMP has approved MMO positions to cover the gap Work with career manager and local IPSC when gainful employment can be found for member when period of retention is possible
CF Return To Work Retention of experienced CF members, Reg and Reserve Reintegration of CF members on long term sick leave and/or SPHL to workforce and/or transition Help member & supervisor design effective plan (modified work plan) to facilitate early & safe RTW Provide guidance to chain of command in order to apply RTW with fairness & consistency across CF at large
Programs and Policy achievements New methodology for Home adaptations on new builds Creation of Reserve SPHL Support to untrained ill and injured CF pers Career management Coord for ill and injured Families of the fallen are in receipt of support from the IPSCs Priority hiring status for spouses Creation of RAFS positions – positive impact Priority hiring status for spouses While the benefit of priority hiring status for spouses was released from PS, and represented within DND by HR-Civ, it came about due to an observation made by a widow through an IPSC which is relative to the AO Disengagement process. Positive impact in result of hiring the RAFS Because of their services, over 10 sport-fit camps have been held in a variety of sports and 3 injured pers have passed their ExPress Test. This is in addition to all the promotion and awareness they provide including building bridges with intra and inter departmental service providers, in particular CF Health Services.
Reserve Force SPHL CO JPSU appointed CO SPHL Reserve Force SPHL UIC 9933 (100 posns) AR/MEL under DMCA’s authority Management of Res F ill and injured personnel – JPSU HQ Posting: Pers in receipt of RFC, on extension of Class C, or on VRPSM Pers ill or injured non attribuable to service – assessment still ongoing Unspecified posns.
Assistance through Funds Name of Fund Primary Purpose DCSM Contingency Fund DCSM Family Visitation Fund CFPSA Military Families Fund IMT Military Casualty Support Foundation SISIP – Grant or Loan or LTD Spectrum of Care Veterans Affairs Canada Legion – Poppy Fund Military Family Resource Centre Fund Royal Canadian Navy Benevolent Fund Unit Funds – Canteen, Chaplains The Canadian Hero Fund Wounded Warriors Fund of last resort Expense travel assistance Family related issues Aid casualties of SDA/SDO Relieve Financial distress Medical Issues (serving member) Programs/Benefits related to injury Emergency assistance (food, bills) At discretion of MFRC General assistance (education) At discretion of unit Assist with education Hospital comforts New Mobility Compensation & Benefits Instr for 2008 Formalize existing practices
Casualty Administration and benefits Condolence letters to families of deceased Production of Casualty Notification Reports Administrative investigation approval and closure Next of Kin Travel benefits Approve family travel for funeral/interment Next of Kin trips to Afghanistan Canadian Comfort Remembrance program Provision of momentos to families of fallen soldiers (quilts, carvings, wallhangings) Reserve Force Compensation and extension of service contracts Compensation program for injury/illness attributable to military service; payable until declared fit to return to work, school or released Statistics: RFC: Disability Compensation 115 ongoing files/Class C ongoing 55 files. YTD payout $650k; increase of 225% since FY06/07 272 AI files currently underway CF-wide
“Maple Leaf” Quilt” This quilt is called the « Maple Leaf » quilt. The block was designed specifically for the CCRP. The quilts are full sized, normally to fit a double bed. The reverse contains a special corner with the name of the quilting guild, name of the soldier to whom the quilt is dedicated, washing instructions and the appliqué heart with General Natynczyk’s signature.
Wildrose Scrollers The Wildrose Scrollers provide to the NOK, a carved wooden portrait of their loved one. The family provides a photo of their choice, the Scrollers pattern the portrait and then scroll saw the image in a cherry wood finish. The reverse contains a tribute to the fallen soldier. Le `Wildrose Scroller` fourni au PPP, un portrait gravé sur bois de leur bien-aimées. La famille doit fournir une photo de leur choix, la photo sera superposé en methode Scroller, et une
Reserve Force – Compensation during a period of Injury, disease or illness. It is a compensation for an injury, disease or illness and is payable when the disability continues beyond the termination of the class of Reserve Service during which it occurred. 20 20
In order to receive Compensation: Injury attributable to military svc Must be on duty Period of Incapacitation Compensation will be paid at rate of pay at time of injury. Recent decision to extend pay raises to compensation (700 pers) Full-time students receive compensation for loss of parade days and any part-time civilian employment the member would have reasonably pursued while going to school Compensation is no longer payable when the Reservist: resumes active participation in the Reserve Force ; or capable of seeking gainful civilian employment if the Reservist was unemployed at the time of the injury; Compensation is no longer payable when the Reservist: is released from the Canadian Forces; and refuses to accept reasonably prescribed medical treatment. 21 21
STAFFING A DISABILITY COMPENSATION REQUEST The member is injured. The CO orders an SI into the injury to determine if the injury is attributable to Military Service. The CO appoints an Assisting Officer (usually the supervisor) to help the member complete the DND2398 and gathers all pertinent info in a timely manner.(CF 98, Medical Doctor's Statement, Civilian Employer's Statement, Accounting Officer's Statement). When all info has been gathered and the DND 2398 is completed and signed off by the CO, it is forwarded up the Chain of Command for approval. (It is usually at this point that can slow down the process, to speed things up, a copy of the completed DND 2398 can be fwd to DCSM 2) 1. 22 22
Units employing mbrs during incapacitation period Issues Units employing mbrs during incapacitation period Period of incapacitation not correctly identified Time required for staffing a request Understanding the benefits 23 23 23 23
Extension of Class C Service For the purpose of effective reintegration into the workforce, all Res pers who sustain an injury or illness while serving on Class C Special Duty Service will be eligible for Ext of Class C up to a max of 24 months. Applicable only to injuries/illness incurred in SDA or SDO PRESENTLY APPROVING IN 3 AND 6 MONTH INCREMENTS. EXPLAIN THE DIS COMP OPTION IF CLASS C HAS TERMINATED. PLEASE DON’T WAIT UNTIL THE END OF THE CLASS C CONTRACT TO SEND THE REQUEST. IF YOU KNOW WELL IN ADVANCE, SEND THE REQUEST ASAP Extension ceases when the MO declares and the Chain of Command agrees that the Reservist is: Medically fit and able to return to duty; Able to return to an educational institution; or Able to return to civilian employment Unit to send email to DCSM 2 with following: a. Member’s service particulars; b. The Operation on which the Reservist was serving and confirmation that the individual was on Class C Special Duty Service at the time of the injury/illness; c. The individual’s home unit and Class C employment unit; d. End of actual Class C svc; e. Confirmation of dates that MO has indicated as period of incapacitation; and f. Brief description of injury or illness. The members must direct all inquiries through the normal Chain of Command. Ref: CANFORGEN 174/07 271856Z NOV 07 24 24
Peer support Injured Soldier Network (ISN) Peer support and Peer mentoring for the traumatically injured and recovering ill personnel Encourage to live life without limitations Promote empowerment Use own experience to share advices Operational Stress Injury Social Support (OSISS) Peer support for members and families affected by Operational Stress Injuries Assist with early intervention by encouraging individual to seek help earlier Assist in treatment adherence Peer and family outreach Bereavement peer support Provision of support to grieving families by trained volunteers; matched by relationship 25 trained volunteers Statistics: Total active peers OSISS: 1260 as at Apr 2010(491 families and 769 mil pers and veterans); 49 OSISS groups with 321 pers attending Bereavement peer support: Total pers supported since 2006: 226; 70 active peers (still receiving support); 156 inactive
Joint Speakers Bureau In collaboration with Director of Mental Health Training and Education Model of joint development and delivery of Mental Health curriculum for Canadian Forces personnel; leadership and prevention focus including pre-deployment training Key formula is credibility of educator team – combining operational and leadership expertise with specialist knowledge Pre and post course evaluations consistently demonstrate statistically significant results in 3 main areas of stigma reduction, leadership confidence and improved knowledge of Mental Health Statistics: Period of Jan 09 - May 10, Total = 436 Events, educating approx 17000 CF Personnel
Soldier On – Sans Limites Improve the quality of life of ill and injured military personnel and their families, through active participation and peer interaction in fitness, recreation or sport. CF pers and civilians from across Canada and on Deployed Ops have contributed to raising in excess of $600,000K in donations SOF handed-out in excess of $120,000K in grants to 45 injured/ill CF pers, former pers and their families 27
National Military Cemetery Beechwood Cemetery
Beechwood was declared a National Historic Site in 2001. Established in 1873, Beechwood Cemetery is one of the oldest and largest cemetery in Canada, covering more than 65 hectares in central Ottawa. Beechwood was declared a National Historic Site in 2001. Development and oversight of NMC policies; Eligibility, headstone layout, LO support to NMC Ceremonial ; Format, scripts, liason and support to units/AOs, training for ceremonial functions, coord w/CFSU(O); Administrative; Develop/maintain web content and printed material; Manage applications and data base; Archival searches
Our Help Line 1-800-883-6094 To contact us Director Casualty Support Management/ Commanding Officer Joint personnel Support Unit Colonel Gerard Blais 613-995-0972 Our Help Line 1-800-883-6094