Presented By: Brenda Rae Garcia HCISD-Teen Parenting Coordinator
Peer Pressure Alcohol Drugs Sex
Is Teen Pregnancy Is On The Rise? Should I be Concerned? According to the Texas Dept of State Services Every Ten Minutes a Teenager Get Pregnant! Medicaid paid for 173,226 deliveries in Texas, at an estimated total cost of $420 million. Approximately 10% of these deliveries were to teen mothers aged-13-17, at a cost of $41 million.
Every 10 hours, a 14-year-old teen gets pregnant. Every 3 hours, a 15-year-old teen gets pregnant. Every 1.5 hours, a 16-year-old teen gets pregnant. Every 52 minutes, a 17-year-old-teen gets pregnant. Every 35 minutes, an 18-year-old teen gets pregnant. Every 28 minutes, a 19-year-old teen gets pregnant.
1 out of every 4 Teenagers Contracts an STD due to unprotected SEX! 60% of Teenagers get pregnant again before the age of 18! 75% of Teen Mothers are on Welfare.
School Year 169 Teen Parents were enrolled in the Teen Parenting Program we had about 178 Teen Parents I reported 168 Teen Parents to the State – 189 Teen Parents reported to the State Teen Parents last year ??????
Every 10 minutes a teen gives birth. Every 48 minutes a teen has an abortion.
In our Numbers Every Teen Parent that has come into the Program has or has had their baby. In 2008 One Teenager Reported that her parents and herself had decided to get an abortion. In 2009 we had infant that have been reported deceased because of SIDS. In 2010 we have had two infants reported deceased because of lack of prenatal care.
Texas Penal Code Sexual Assault A. a person commits a crime if another person is forced without their consent to submit to sexual Intercourse or Deviate sexual intercourse- punishable by 2-20 years imprisonment and/or 10, 000 fine b. Juveniles ( people under the age of 17) CANNOT give legal consent to have any type of sexual relationship with anyone!! One exception! IF a juvenile has received parental consent for marriage & has been married by a Licensed minister or magistrate, then they can have sexual relations with their spouse.
This law is an old Statutory Rape Law. Parents CANNOT give their children permission to have sex with someone outside the bonds of marriage and is so, run the risk of also having criminal charges filed against them.
In 1989 the HCISD Teen Parenting Program was established to assist young teenage parents the opportunity to achieve their high school diploma.
1. A High School Diploma 2. Assistance in researching higher education and career opportunities. 3. Parenting Skills and Early Developmental Training to help you become a successful Parent.
1. Coping Skills to balance school & family responsibilities 2. Assistance in assessing the Support Programs such as CCMS, Medicaid and Etc. 3. A better Life for you and your child
1. Home Instruction 2. Teen Parenting Class 3. Transportation 4. Licensed Day Care Services
Two Types of CEHI Services; 1. Home -Based Instruction 2. Limited Restriction Instruction
1. Fulfills the requirement of Full Restriction at Student’s Home. Must always be accompanied by an adult 25 years or older. 2. Dr. Note is always required! It needs to be faxed from The Teen Parenting office. 3. As Well as being faxed back to the Teen Parenting Office from the Dr.’s Office
1. The Home Instruction Teacher will schedule one hour per day with student. 2. Attendance is Important!! One Hour= One Day
To Receive Home Instruction you must meet the following criteria: 1. Must have delivered the baby. 2. or Must be at risk of losing of your child due to complications as indicated by your Dr.
Fulfills the Attendance requirement of Limited Restriction at KEYS Academy Rm Mondays & Wednesdays Only A Dr. Note is always required due to pregnancy complications as indicated by your Dr. It needs to be faxed from The Teen Parenting office. Student must wait for approval for Limited Restriction or Full Restriction til all paperwork is processed. * Be aware that it’s easy to fall behind without doing your homework each day.
HCISD-Teen Parenting Coordinator The Garden Day Care Director.
Lead Teacher- The Garden Daycare
Infant I Teacher 6 weeks - 3 months
Infant I Teacher Young Infant 4 mo mo.
Toddler II Teacher 18 mo.- 36 mo.
Toddler II Teacher 19 mos.- 36 mos.
Teen Parenting Secretary
The Teen Parenting Program will provide transportation to any Teen Parent that is enrolled in school and in the program.
The Teen Parenting buses are equipped with Car Seats for your child’s safety.
Located in KEYS Academy Room 206 Please feel free to Call us if you have any questions about the Program at: Teen Parenting Program Staff