REVIEW THE PRINCIPLE OF COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE IN FIGURE WHICH TYPES OF COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE HAS BOSU USED TO DEFEAT COPYCAT PRODUCT? Bosu has choose enhance product and service by improved number of techniques and leveraging its alliances with professional trainers. Beside Mr. David Weck has licensed sales and marketing of Bosu to Fitness Quest in this will give full protection of copycat product of Bosu devices.
WHAT ROLE DID INFORMATION SYSTEMS PLAY IN YOUR ANSWER TO QUESTION 1? The in formations system has improved the Bosu business by captures and stores data about trainers and its customers. All Bosu customers connected to their trainers via internet and at any time they want. Customer can communicate with their trainer with low cost via internet than on printed documents and reduce barrier of geographical. Bosu can understand well all the customer needs and requirements about health through the in house data stored.
WHAT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SYSTEM COULD FITNESS QUEST DEVELOP TO CREATE BARRIER TO ENTRY TO COMPETITION AND LOCK CUSTOMER? Bosu customers only need to register one time at web and all data will be stored at Bosu database. If the customer need to update the new information about their progress and achievement just by log in their ID created. Customers will be locking by this system If customers want to change to different health club, he or she will need to rekey the health club and key in all their data and much cost time and money. Bosu have developed strong and effective relationship with more than 10,000 professional trainers in order to meet customer achievement in health through Bosu devices and programs
IN 2004, FITNESSQUEST HAD ALLIANCE WITH TRAINERS AND THEIR COMPETITOR HAD ALLIANACES WITH MAJOR RETAILERS. THUS BOTH COMPANIES WERE COMPETING ON THE BASIS OF THEIR ALLIANCES. WHY DO U THINK FITNESSQUEST WON THE THIS COMPETITION? TO WHAT EXTEND DID THEIR SUCCESS LEVERAGING RELATIONSHIP WITH TRAINERS DEPEND ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS? ON OTHER FACTORS Fitness Quest won the competition through its strong relationship with trainer and all the trainer have everything they need to provide a quality experience to their clients. It is more on personal coughing rather just sale the devices and program without monitor the result By this the trainer will encourage their client to purchase Bosu product.
On other factors Bosu can emerging research on optimal workout schedule. Bosu also can track client workouts and their intensity and relate the data to net cardiovascular benefits. The data also can correlate workout data with dietary data and relate all of that to client weight loss and gain. To provides data to medical insurers and help its active clients to obtain reduction in their medical insurance premiums
THE CASE DOES NOT STATE ALL OF THE USES THAT FITNESSQUEST MAKES TRAINER DATABASE. LIST FIVE APPLICATIONS OF THAT DATABASE WOULD INCREASE FITNESSQUEST’S COMPETITIVE POSITION. 1. Bosu web application 2. Enhance Products and Services by Pop up screen by famous social web page like facebook or twitter. 4. Short massage services (sms) to random customer 5. Internal intranet application between management and trainers
DESCRIPE MAJOR DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE BOSU PRODUCT AND THE INDOROW PRODUCT. CONSIDER PRODUCT USE, PRODUCT PRICE, CUSTOMER RESISTANCE, COMPETITION, COMPETITIVE THREATS AND OTHER FACTORS RELATED TO MARKET ACCEPTANCE The differences Bosu Product and Indow Product are: a) Bosu Product focused on balance and Indorow focused on total work out. b) Indorow price more expensive but money back guarantee and quality product. Offer discount for new product launching c) No competition on same product features as new in market. Competition only on classic rower sport d) Threat on copycat product in future e) Market share shift from Bosu Product and Indorow Product segmentation by marketing and trainers role play.
DESCRIBE INFORMATION SYSTEM THAT FITNESSQUEST COULD USE TO STRENGTHEN ITS STRATEGY FOR BRINGING INDOROW TO MARKET. CONSIDER THE FACTOR YOU IDENTIFIED IN YOUR ANSWER TO QUESTION 6 IN YOUR RESPONSE. Send the Indorow information to trainers and clients by database provided through , mail, sms and advertisement. Get professional to try and comments on Indorow for testimonial product Introduce new techniques and programs for new product release Conduct indorow seminar and training for trainers in order to sale new philosophy and product use to clients