Dyslexia and Speech Therapy Sonali Sitaram Mt. Hebron High School Mrs. Deena H Sonali Sitaram Mt. Hebron High School Mrs. Deena Harley Seifert
What is Dyslexia? Speech Therapy Personal Interest Internship Research Future Plans Conclusion
Dyslexia is a neurological processing disorder ◦ Phonology- study of sounds ◦ Morphology- study of word structure ◦ Syntax- study of ordering of words ◦ Semantics- study of word meaning “Dyslexics suffer from auditory issues, as well as visual perception and speaking/ language” -Lin Edwards Effects primarily reading and language skills ◦ No, we do not write words backwards! ADD vs. Dyslexia
70% of Dyslexics have a Speech Language Issue As we get older, written language because more important Word Retrieval Oral Language Written Language
I was diagnosed with Dyslexia late Sophomore year; Genetic Struggled with Speech Issue throughout elementary school Kumon Center Things could have been different if I was diagnosed earlier Can’t read piano notes
Figure of Speech Therapy Deena Harley Seifert Shadow speech therapy sessions of kids with different ages Work at the Kumon Center
Works with kids on reading and writing fluency Sentence Fluency ◦ Writing stories (felt squares, pictures, sounds…etc.) Word retrieval ◦ Playing Games (Story cubes, Link 26, ASAP…etc.)
Hypothesis: If teachers are trained to use different methods for teaching reading comprehension and fluency to Dyslexic elementary school children, it will decrease the number of high school drop- outs. ◦ Early intervention! The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act states that.. ◦ “students are required to be provided any additional help when needed- with no cost from the parent. To qualify, a child must meet the criteria of one of 13 categories of Disabilities”
Speech Therapy Methods IEP’s and 504’s Dyslexic Schools Orton Gillingham Method ◦ specialized approach to learning dealing with kids that have difficulties reading, writing, and speaking ◦ Been around for 70 Years
Continue with interviews Create a guide for Elementary/ Middle school teachers for tips on what to look for in a Dyslexic child
Catching Dyslexia early is key to lowering drop- out rate Awareness