V.Shiltsev Accelerator Advisory Committee, 11/08/2011 Vladimir Shiltsev FNAL Accelerator Advisory Committee Meeting Nov. 7-9, Fermilab’s Accelerator R&D: Strategy and Program
Content Accelerator R&D in the US and Fermilab Fermilab’s long-term goals in Accelerator R&D Our strategy Elements of the plan: Theory & Modeling Future Accelerators AARD Program in ASTA Education and Training Summary 2 V.Shiltsev Accelerator Advisory Committee, 11/08/2011
Fermilab Accelerator R&D Activities Advanced Accelerator R&D Program Develop and explore transformative concepts and technologies for beyond next-generation accelerators Muon Accelerator Program Assess feasibility and demonstrate technologies for future muon accelerator facilities for both the energy frontier (multi-TeV muon collider) and intensity frontier (neutrino factory) Operational Support Provide beam dynamics support for the operating accelerator complex at Fermilab, and the Large Hadron Collider at CERN Education Educate the next generation of accelerator designers and builders through the USPAS and Fermilab programs Accelerator and Beam Physics Contribute to the fundamental understanding of beam dynamics through experiment, simulation and theory 4 V.Shiltsev Accelerator Advisory Committee, 11/08/2011
Uniqueness of Fermilab’s Accelerator R&D Program The Fermilab Accelerator R&D program is embedded in, and leverages resources and infrastructure from, the much larger operations and general technology development programs: Accelerator facilities: MTA,A0, ASTA/New Muon Lab, HINS, IARC Accelerator personnel: skilled staff – sci, eng, tech, etc Accelerator computation/simulations tools: SciDAC, CHEF, etc Accelerator infrastructure: cryogenics, electrical, LCW, etc Local Universities and Laboratories : IIT, NIU, UIUC, UofC,ANL,ICL Support functions: Procurement, ESH, QA, accounting, etc. Fermilab is uniquely positioned to provide the leadership in US accelerator programs Project X, LARP, MAP (Muon Accel. Program) … Adv Accelerator R&D 5 V.Shiltsev Accelerator Advisory Committee, 11/08/2011
Organization and Collaborators 6 Fermilab Institutional Review, June 6-9, 2011 Activities are conducted within the Fermilab Accelerator Sector Accelerator Physics Center coordinates Accelerator Resaerch activities Fermilab Computing Division Particle Phys Division Joint Appointments NIU (2), IIT(2), ICL (1) ComPASS ANL, BNL, LBL, SLAC Jlab, UCLA, USC, Tech-X US-LARP & US -MAP CERN, Nat’l Labs, Univ’s ANL, UChicago US-PAS 10 Nat’l Labs, 2 Univ’s V.Shiltsev Accelerator Advisory Committee, 11/08/2011
Fermilab Accelerator R&D Strategy 8 Education in Accelerator Science and Technology ILC TA in NML ILC TA in NML ASTA AARD Program ASTA AARD Program Accelerator Theory, R&D for Operations, Modeling Accelerator R&D for Future Accelerators (MAP, NF, LARP, Pr-X) A0 HBESL IARC V.Shiltsev Accelerator Advisory Committee, 11/08/2011
Accelerator Theory and Beam Physics Mission: contribute to the fundamental understanding of beam dynamics through experiment, simulation and theory Five-year Goals: Improve understanding of beam instabilities due to space-charge, beam- beam, impedance and electron cloud effects and their control through development of fundamental theory and experimental studies Complete analysis of beam physics of the Tevatron Collider and summarize in a comprehensive publication (book) Support and further develop accelerator codes the lab provides to community (MARS,OPTIM, CHEF, ESME, etc) Lead and expand COMPASS (Community Petascale for Accelerator Science and Simulation) Develop and install hollow electron beam collimators for LHC Fermilab Institutional Review, June 6-9,
Beam Theory and Modeling Activities Energy Deposition simulations: MARS code development and support 200 registered users in US (290 world- wide) Collimation design &modeling (crystals) General accelerator theory: Instabilities due to space-charge and electron clouds Strongly nonlinear rings (IOTA) Leading COMPASS (part of SciDAC) Beam-beam simulations: LIFETRAC code has predictive power Tev, LHC, beam-beam compensation Hollow e-beam collimator simulation Advanced Vlasov solver development
Beam Physics Support of Operations Mission: to provide advanced beam dynamics support for the operating accelerator complex at Fermilab, and the Large Hadron Collider at CERN Five-year Goals: Improve performance of operating accelerators through in-depth beam- dynamics understanding at both FNAL and LHC Provide scientific support to PIP (Proton Improvement Plan) Activities: energy deposition simulations for operationally critical systems development of improved beam diagnostics tools (eg for beam optics and tunes) methods to control beam optics imperfections exploration of the performance limiting factors such as efficiency of collimation system in MI and LHC, generation and control of DC beam modeling and optimization of stochastic and electron cooling systems Fermilab Institutional Review, June 6-9,
Accelerator R&D toward Future Colliders Muon Collider /Neutrino Factory: Fermilab heavily invests and leads MAP ( ) Have plans beyond 2016 See talks this afternoon by S.Geer, et al ILC: Fermilab continue SC RF hardwarte development and accelerator science work for ILC TDR Phase HL-LHC and HE-LHC: Work coordinated by US-LARP Several ideas at exploratory stage: Proton-plasma acceleration (ProtoPlasma experiment ) – see C.Thangaraj’s talk Use of crystals for focusing and acceleration (NIU JA Y.M.Shin) Fermilab Institutional Review, June 6-9,
Advanced Accelerator R&D Mission: develop and explore the transformative concepts and technologies for beyond next-generation accelerators Five-year Goals: Develop ASTA/NML into a flexible, powerful, proposal-driven user facility for Advanced Accelerator R&D conclude transverse-to-longitudinal emittance exchange demonstration experiments at A0 Photoinjector transform A0 high-brightness electron sources and novel beam diagnostics development lab – HBESL (joint with NIU) Build a small low energy electron ring for proof-of-principle demonstration of novel integrable nonlinear beam optics (IOTA) Current Activities: Pioneering on round-to-flat beam transformation and transverse-to- longitudinal emittance exchange (EEX) demo experiments at A0 Microbunch train generation demo by EEX Fermilab Institutional Review, June 6-9,
NML Expansion (AARD) Building Construction Finished now ASTA Finished TunnelElectrical Service BuildingDigging Tunnel 14 Fermilab Institutional Review, June 6-9, 2011
ASTA (aka NML): Overview <40 MeV < 750 MeV< 1 GeV 15 V.Shiltsev Accelerator Advisory Committee, 11/08/2011
ASTA capabilities & uniqueness Variable energy from ~40 to ~900 MeV High-repetition rate (1-ms trains): Exploration of dynamical effects in beam-driven acceleration methods. L-band SCRF linac: High power Photoinjector source: low-emittance beam Arbitrary emittance partition: repartition of phase spaces to match final applications, tailored current profiles. Lots of space for user’s and their experiments! Accelerator Sector Planning and Strategy, 09/27-28/ A0 AWA ATF NML FACET A0 AWA ATF NML FACET Peak brightness Average brightness Peak brightness Average brightness Energy (MeV) FLASH (DESY) ASTA (ASTA performances are extrapolated values from the photoinjector simulations)
10-Year Goal Establish a center of excellence in advanced accelerator R&D with main missions: Lead R&D effort relevant to next-generation accelerators with applications to Discovery science (high-energy physics, condensed matter,…), Industry (e.g. compact source for EUV lithography), Defense (stand off cargo inspection, high-power IR beams, …), Medicine (medical imaging, treatments). Develop a user-driven facility open to external institutions US-wide and worldwide. The backbone of the program will be the ASTA Synergetic with the HBESL (High-Brightness Electron Source Laboratory) and the IARC. 17 Accelerator Sector Planning and Strategy, 09/27-28/2011
“From here to there” Overall plan includes: Install/commission e- source and CM1(2 & 3): Start “1 st wave” experiments ASAP: X-ray radiator, IOTA-ring and DEEX line (2013-…) Get wider user’s base and start their experiments (2014-…) The plan assumes: Select AARD/ASTA Program Leader (JA UChi) and establish the program (with all the attributes) Transform ASTA/NML from ILCTA to Users’ Facility 18 Accelerator Sector Planning and Strategy, 09/27-28/2011
Planning AARD Program in ASTA (…with input from a Joint Fermilab–Argonne Working Group on Scientific Opportunities for Advanced Accelerator R&D at Fermilab’s ASTA/NML Facility…) In 2011, the WG identified 3 first priority experiments : DEEX: longitudinal bunch shape manipulation with double-emittance exchange line (in collaboration with ANL) IOTA IOTA (integrable optics test accelerator) ring and advanced beam cooling tests (in collaboration with ORNL and Tech-X) X-ray: X-ray: test of a crystal-based high-brightness X-ray radiator (in collaboration with NIU, Vanderbilt University, Tech-X and RadiaBeam Technologies) Several requests/LOIs for tests have been received Full proposal by the end of 2011 Fermilab Institutional Review, June 6-9,
V.Shiltsev Accelerator Advisory Committee, 11/08/ Program Committee Program Leader Facility Operations Support Physics Support Admin ASTA AARD PROGRAM Users
Quest for the Leadership Position ASTA will be one of the most advanced accelerator users’s facilities in the world: ASTA has to show uniqueness: “Physics/$$”, relevance to the field of HEP/BES other users 21 Accelerator Sector Planning and Strategy, 09/27-28/2011 Constr. $MOP $M/yrFTEs to run – ARRA118-10? –ARRA2.0?8-12? – ARRA ? ARRA Meuro>10?~20-30 ASTA-AARD50 so far +20?4-6~12-17
FNAL Accelerator Physics Publications V.Shiltsev Accelerator Advisory Committee, 11/08/ INSPIRE r:fermilab collection:published -cn:/.*/ Publications by many users of ASTA
Accelerator Education Mission: educate the next generation of accelerator designers and builders through the USPAS and Fermilab programs Five-year Goals: Expand Accelerator PhD program to over 10 students Increase number of PhD graduates to more than 2/yr Establish joint University-FNAL program for Masters students Activities: the Lee Teng Internship in accelerator science and technology for undergraduate students (joint with Argonne Nat’l Lab) Summer internship in accelerator physics and technology for international students (PARTI) a Joint University-Fermilab Accelerator Ph.D. program the Peoples Fellowship in accelerator science for post-graduates Fermilab hosts the U.S. Particle Accelerator School, a national consortium, which holds two sessions a year for undergraduate and graduate students. V.Shiltsev Accelerator Advisory Committee, 11/08/
Undergraduate outreach: Teng Internship at FNAL and ANL Engage highly promising post-junior undergrads to study accelerator S&T Interns study “Fundamentals” at USPAS, undertake research project at the labs for ~2 mos in the summer ANL&FNAL select 10 interns /year Committee chaired by E.Prebys 24 V.Shiltsev Accelerator Advisory Committee, 11/08/2011
US PAS Office and Fermilab Lecturers 25 V.Shiltsev Accelerator Advisory Committee, 11/08/2011 Nikolai Mokhov Panagiotis Spenzouris Elvin Harms Jim Amundson William Barletta Eric Prebys Arden Warner Don Cossairt Diane Reitrzner Mike Syphers Dave McGinnis Ralph Pasquinelli U S-PAS Office (part of APC) William Barletta (Director) Susan Winchester Irina Novitskaya Teachers Teachers (recent) Attendance numbers per session show that there is a steady interest in accelerator science
Joint University-Fermilab Accelerator PhD Program 37 graduates since inception in 1987 M.Syphers was the 1st 19 graduates in On average, slightly less than 1/yr 2 in 2010: W.M.Tam (Indiana) “HINS H- Source and Diagnositics” D.McCarron (IIT) “Booster Beam Impedance” 9 PhD students in the program now Topics from technology to experiment to modeling Plan to expand by 1-2 students in Typically, 4-6 applications per 6 mos cycle Committee, chaired by E.Prebys ( ) Tim MaxwellNIU Denise FordNorthwestern Nick EvansUT Austin Meghan McAteerUT Austin Sergey KoshelevRussia Sergey MironovRussia Arun SainiIndia Tim ZolkinU Chicago Gene KafkaIIT 26 V.Shiltsev Accelerator Advisory Committee, 11/08/2011 Current students (9) * increase to >10 by 2015 * reach the level of PhD students on site in ~2020, with ASTA and IARC ongoing
Joint Appointments 5 Joint Appointments NIU: P.Piot, Y.M.Shin; IIT: Y.Torun, P.Snopok; ICL: L.Jenner Seeking more Joint Appointments with wider range of Universities University of Chicago We expect ASTA being very helpful 27 V.Shiltsev Accelerator Advisory Committee, 11/08/2011
Summary Fermilab Accelerator R&D program supports the development of tools and technologies required for future accelerator facilities on the energy and intensity frontiers Well aligned with the OHEP strategic plan and associated Accelerator Science thrusts Key elements of the program are: Accelerator and Beam Physics Advanced Accelerator R&D Advanced Physics for Accelerator Operations Education and Training Ambitious plans are set for the next several years - decade New ASTA AARD Program and Users’ Facility is part of the Laboratory’s Strategic Plan and will be setup over the next few years 28 V.Shiltsev Accelerator Advisory Committee, 11/08/2011
Agenda for Today Tuesday Nov. 8, : :30 V. Shiltsev Accelerator R&D Strategy and Program 09: :50 Y. Sun A0 AARD Program 09: :25 P. Piot NML/ASTA Beam Physics Program 10: :55 Coffee Break 10: :20 M. Church NML Status and Plans 11: :50 A. Valishev Integrable Nonlinear Optics and IOTA Ring 11: :10 C. Thangaraj Protoplasma Experiment 12: :20 Discussion 12: :00 Lunch 13: :40 S. Geer Muon Accelerator Program 13: :10 K. Gollwitzer Project X as a Muon Facility Platform 14: :40 V. Lebedev Project X Low ‐ energy Muon Task 29 V.Shiltsev Accelerator Advisory Committee, 11/08/2011
BACK UP SLIDES V.Shiltsev Accelerator Advisory Committee, 11/08/