Technology Coordinator Training
Agenda Getting Started Using SystemCheck Technology Configurations Infrastructure Trial Proctor Caching Overview Managing Test Sessions Proctor Caching Test Sessions Additional Resources
How do I receive a PearsonAccess user account? Once DACs receive user accounts from Pearson, they are responsible for creating all other district accounts including technology staff. What if you haven’t received an account? Contact your DAC to ask for an account. Be prepared to provide your role so your DAC assigns you with the appropriate access.
TestNav 7.5 and Proctor Caching Requirements Please visit the TestNav 7.5 Online Support page for up to date information on supported releases for computer operating systems, Java, and Flash for TestNav and ProctorCache requirements.TestNav 7.5 Online Support The minimum hardware requirements for all computers used for proctor caching with TestNav are listed on this page. You can find the version of proctor caching that you are using by looking at the bottom of the ProctorCache Admin screen in the browser. The link to requirements page is also located on the TestNav 7.5 tab on the Technology Information page of PearsonAccess. Note: Please do not make any technology changes during an online testing administration, including applying software patches. 4
Proctor Caching Overview
Proctor caching is not required, but is strongly recommended and required for the best online testing experience. Proctor caching: -allows you to pre-cache test content to your local network before a test; -reduces the burden on your internet service provider (ISP) by eliminating redundancy in requests for test content; and -stores an encrypted local copy of all pre-cached tests. 6 TestNav ProctorCache is Pearson supplied software that is used in conjunction with TestNav to reduce bandwidth requirements and accelerate the delivery of test content.
Proctor Caching Diagram 7
Proctor Caching Installer Before SystemCheck can run a speed check on a proctor caching computer, the appropriate ProctorCache software must be installed and running; installation generally takes less than 5 minutes. ProctorCache Installer for Mac ProctorCache Installer for PC Download the appropriate proctor caching software and then: Windows: -Save the file, and then double-click the executable file to open the installer screen. -Click the Run button to launch the installer, and then use the wizard to continue installing proctor caching. Mac: -Save the file, and then double-click the ZIP file, and then double-click the application to open the installer screen. -Click the Open button to launch the installer, and then use the wizard to continue installing proctor caching.
Overview 10 SystemCheck validates testing workstations meet the minimum system requirements needed to run TestNav 7 SystemCheck also provides the ability to run bandwidth speed checks to help plan for online testing capacity SystemCheck estimates the number of concurrent testers that could be supported, at the time check is performed Pearson Customer Support may also use SystemCheck results to assist customers in trouble shooting The Go to TestNav SystemCheck link is located on the Assessment & Technology Coordinator tab on PearsonAccess.
SystemCheck Functionality TestNav 7: - Validates system requirements are met on testing workstations Network User Capacity: - Bandwidth testing for Internet and proctor caching connections - Volume estimates for capacity planning Testing Volume Calculator: - Online volume calculator - Modify network links and network utilization sliders as necessary
TestNav 7 Validates student workstation to ensure that minimum requirements are met Click Print Friendly to save your results Click Start to check the workstation environment Choose test administration
Network User Capacity Tests internet bandwidth between the workstation and Pearson’s servers To gather realistic results, SystemCheck should be run from a student testing machine on the same day of week/time of day as when you anticipate performing online testing Click Add Caching Computer to add your potential proctor caching machine for a local network bandwidth test
Add Caching Computer Add a name for the caching computer, the host IP address, and port (4480) Can add multiple proctor caching computers by repeating these steps
Network User Capacity Results Click on Start to begin the test Onscreen information helps determine whether the connection was successful or not Click Start to run the speed check Click to see onscreen information
Network User Capacity Results Based on the bandwidth test, SystemCheck can provide an estimated number of students that can test concurrently Choose test administration
Testing Volume Calculator
Testing Volume Calculator Results The graph will display the results based on your inputs. The background should remain white to ensure your planned testing volume can be supported by your available network capacity. Planned testing is feasible with available network capacity Planned testing is dangerously close to available network capacity Planned testing exceeds the available network capacity
Technology Configurations
Using Technology Configurations, you can manage proctor caching computer configurations and response file save locations. Login to PearsonAccess Select Test Setup > Technology Configurations
Select New Configuration to launch the Configuration Details Wizard Enter a configuration name and select Continue
Technology Configurations Select Add Organization Select the organization, and select Add When complete, select Continue
Technology Configurations Specify TestNav and proctor caching settings Configuration Name IP Address Port Pearson-supplied caching Specify the student response file backup locations When complete, select Continue
Technology Configurations System will return to Technology Configurations screen Selecting a configuration name will allow review of the Configuration Details
TestNav Configuration Details Configuration Details allows you to: edit the configuration name add additional organizations to the configuration edit the TestNav settings add new TestNav settings to the organization With multiple TestNav settings, note that you can now: change default configurations delete configurations
Changing TestNav Configurations If you select Make Default, you will be prompted how PearsonAccess should handle test sessions that have the previous default setting
Deleting TestNav Configurations If you select Delete, you will be prompted how PearsonAccess should handle any test sessions that have the setting you are deleting
Infrastructure Trial
An Infrastructure Trial is a “dress rehearsal” of an online assessment. This is a low-stakes, dry run for final confirmation that: TestNav is configured correctly Devices can successfully run TestNav Network will bear the full load An Infrastructure Trial also: Provides practice for all participating users and participating staff to know what to do for an online assessment Provides practice of communication plans to be sure everyone knows who to contact for help Ensures students and test results are not affected
Access the Infrastructure Trial The Infrastructure Trial is conducted within the Minnesota Training Center at The Training Center offers the ability to load students using the Training Center student upload process. Set up login access for your staff Create students in the Training Center for the Infrastructure Trial and practice self-registration student admittance to online sessions Confirm technology setup and configuration using Minnesota Sampler tests available in the Training Center
Training Center and Live PearsonAccess Site Minnesota Training Center log in Minnesota live assessment site log in
Infrastructure Trial User Guide The Infrastructure Trial User Guide provides information and instructions for conducting an Infrastructure Trial in preparation for an online assessment. The guide is available on the Other tab of the Technology Information page (PearsonAccess > Home > Assessment & Technology Coordinator > Technology Information).
Managing Test Sessions
Online Test Sessions Test sessions are virtual groupings of individual students who will take the same test at the same time or place. Login to PearsonAccess Select Test Management > Online Test Sessions
Create New Session To create a new session: Verify Test Administration Select New Session Enter the session details Select Save
Edit Test Sessions Select Edit to make changes to: Session Name Form Group Type Proctor Caching Computer Scheduled Start Time
View/Edit TestNav Settings Configuration Name Proctor Caching Computer IP Primary and Secondary Save Locations
Proctor Caching a Test Session
PearsonAccess – Proctor Caching Proctor Caching button begins the proctor caching process Button will be disabled for some user roles or if caching window is not open When the proctor caching window opens varies by test administration
Proctor Caching a Test Session The message “Testing your connection to the proctor caching computer…” will briefly display From the Pearson Proctor Cache Java Applet, select Run
Proctor Caching a Test Session If the proctor caching machine is not running, this error will display. In order to proctor cache a session, the following must be true: the proctor caching machine is on; proctor caching software has been installed on the computer; and the proctor caching software is actively running.
Proctor Caching a Test Session Proctor Caching will determine which form(s) are needed for the test session, and display the estimated size of the content, along with the estimated time to download. Note: All forms will be proctor cached for the grade and subject of the test session.
Proctor Caching a Test Session A message that proctor caching is in progress will briefly display. If necessary, select Run from the Pearson Proctor Cache Applet.
Monitor Proctor Caching To verify that TestNav ProctorCache is running, enter the following address into your Web browser: (x characters represent numbers from your proctor caching computer IP address). If ProctorCache is not running, an error screen will appear.
Proctor Caching a Test Session On your Internet browser, the Proctor Caching Diagnostics screen will open to the Contents tab; the form(s) to be cached will be displayed with a “Waiting” status Refresh your screen, and the status will update to “OK” when the form has cached
Proctor Caching Diagnostics - Contents OK – Content is successfully cached Not Loaded – Content is not cached Waiting… – Content is waiting to be loaded Loading… – Content is currently loading Failed to load content Failed to load content – There was a failure to load content MD5 Check Invalid MD5 Check Invalid – MD5 comparison could not be completed MD5 Mismatch MD5 Mismatch – MD5 comparison was completed but files did not match In general, any status in red is a critical problem. Any content with a red status should be checked and reloaded. If the problem is not resolved, contact Pearson’s Help Desk.
Additional Resources
Resources 48 To locate additional technology resources, select the Go To Technology Information link found on the Assessment & Technology Coordinator tab
Questions? Pearson Help Desk Monday – Friday, 6:00 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. (CT)