Japan Chapter 15
1. What is Japan’s geography like and how has it shaped their culture? Many mountains Eat all kinds of seafood and have for 1000’s of years Separated from other people in Asia, so they developed their own culture This separation led to their own religion and social structure
2. Who were the Ainu? An early culture in Japan, historians do not know where they came from They fought other people in Japan and lost Then they retreated to the island Hokkaido where over time most of their culture has disappeared
3. Describe what clans were in Japan These were ruling extended families that ruled Japan Farmers and workers had to obey and respect the members of the clan The head of each clan was a chief They say the chief descended from the “kami” (nature spirit)
4. Describe Shinto The traditional religion of Japan Everything in nature has kami (spirit) Kami helps people live and keeps them from harm They build shrines to kami and perform ceremonies in which they ask the kami to bless them
5. How did the emperors take power in Japan? They built up armies and conquering neighbors They claimed to be descended from the sun goddess (the most powerful kami)
6. How did outside influences from China and Korea shape in the following ways: Language: influenced by Chinese, they used Chinese characters to represent Japanese sounds Religion: Buddhism was brought in from Korea and China Philosophy: Confucianism from China Government: wanted more power to the emperor like China had (didn’t work)
7. Define court A group of nobles who live near and serve or advise a ruler
8. Describe Japanese art in: Fashion: silk robes, gold jewelry, long gowns, decorative fans with beautiful scenes on them Literature: women wrote diaries and journals, Lady Murasaki Shikibu wrote the first novel “The Tale of the Genji” about a prince looking for love Visual arts: paintings, calligraphy and architecture Architecture: admired Chinese buildings and elegant gardens and ponds Performing arts: musicians, acrobats and jugglers
9. Describe Zen Buddhism Believes that neither faith nor good behavior led to wisdom, instead people seeking wisdom should practice self-discipline and meditation
10. Define daimyo Japan’s large landowners Below Shoguns in importance, but above samurai and peasants
11. Define and describe samurai Trained professional warrior Hired by daimyo to defend them and their property Came mostly from noble families and inherited their position from their fathers Wore light armor and fought with swords and bows Served their lord and loyal to them Paid in land or food (usually rice)
12. Define and describe the shoguns A general who ruled Japan in the emperor’s name
13. Draw the Samurai Society Chart TitleDescription EmperorThe emperor was a figurehead for the powerful shogun ShogunA powerful military leader, the shogun ruled in the emperor’s name Daimyo and samuraiDaimyo were powerful lords who often led armies of samurai. Samurai warriors served the shogun and daimyo PeasantsMost Japanese were poor peasants who had no power
14. Define figurehead A person who appears to rule even though real power rests with someone else (ex. The Queen of England, the Prime Minister has the real power)
15. Describe the customs and beliefs of the Bushido This is the samurai code of rules Had to be brave and honorable Men went to war, women learned to fight so they could protect their homes from robbers Live simple, disciplined lives Elaborate tea ceremonies Zen Buddhism Loyal to their lord even if they or their families suffered Honor was the most important thing in their life If you lose honor you had to commit suicide
16. Describe the two following challenges in Japan: Foreign Invasion: from the Mongols from China (emperor Kublai Khan) both invasions were during a storm that sank many Mongols ships but made people mad at the shoguns for not giving the peasants enough credit for fighting Internal Rebellion: emperors were mad they didn’t have any power like the shogun, the daimyo fought the shoguns for control, the daimyos won and there was chaos, no central authority
17. Describe the unification of Japan One leader, Oda Nobunaga used guns (from the Portuguese and it was the first time they were used) to defeat his opponents in an attempt to unify Japan When he died others tried until Tokugawa became shogun and ruled all of Japan in the 1600’s and this began the shogunate period that lasted until 1868 He traded with other countries and let Christian missionaries live in Japan
18. Describe the isolation of Japan In 1630 the ruling shogun cut off Japan from the rest of the world in fear they’d become like Europe and the shoguns would lose their power They banned guns during this period because they didn’t want the peasants to defeat the samurai armies This helped continue the shogun and samurai period until the 1800’s