Working with Texts Intertextuality
Examples: 1.References in academic articles and essays “According to Trivedi (2006) the most striking aspect of the history of translation in India is the absence of translation from foreign languages as a textualised practice (cf. Gopinathan 200:165)”. (Tymoczko 2007: 69) Examples: 1.References in academic articles and essays “According to Trivedi (2006) the most striking aspect of the history of translation in India is the absence of translation from foreign languages as a textualised practice (cf. Gopinathan 200:165)”. (Tymoczko 2007: 69)
Intertextuality 2. Literary works that are clearly and explicitly influenced by other works: Homer’s Odyssey > Joyce’s Ulysses 2. Literary works that are clearly and explicitly influenced by other works: Homer’s Odyssey > Joyce’s Ulysses
Intertextuality 3. Literary forms that are clearly influenced by other literary forms: Introduction of the sonnet into English. 3. Literary forms that are clearly influenced by other literary forms: Introduction of the sonnet into English.
Intertextuality 4. Allusions “…the use of proper names or preformed material in either its original or modified form to convey implicit meaning” (Leppihalme, 1992: 2). “Press gravitates to theories about Newton” (Headline about reporting on an American football scandal involving a player called Newton) 4. Allusions “…the use of proper names or preformed material in either its original or modified form to convey implicit meaning” (Leppihalme, 1992: 2). “Press gravitates to theories about Newton” (Headline about reporting on an American football scandal involving a player called Newton)
Intertextuality Quiz
Intertextuality Sources of Allusions? Purpose of Allusions? How do Allusions work? Sources of Allusions? Purpose of Allusions? How do Allusions work?