1.This animal lives mostly in Alaska. It is known that the famous hats of the British Queen`s guards are made of its fur. Give the name of this animal in two words
2.These shoes were created by Australian farmers, who used sheepskin to stay warm. Over the years they became very popular, although their name is derived(произошло) from the word Ugly, that means «уродливый». Can you name these shoes?
3.This "lady" is called " Enlightening (Озаряющая)the World". «She» was gifted to America by France. And for many years «she» feels well in America and even has her own island. Who is this «lady»?
4.They were burned in the Great Fire of London in 1666, and, thus, fire has played some kind of positive role and put an end to the epidemic of plague(чума). What are they?
5.It is believed that the image of this well- known literary cat from the popular English tale, the writer invented being impressed by the image of the cat on the wall of St. Wilfrid Church. Who is this cat?
6.Its construction began in However, it was built and opened only in 1994 and connected two countries. There is a photo of the remarkable meeting of the British and French builders during its construction. What is it ?
7.In the 10th century Harold the I ruled Denmark and part of Norway. It is believed that he liked to eat blueberries very much, so his teeth were of dark colour. He was famous because he could unite Danish tribes into a single Kingdom. The creators of the projects of mobile communications decided to call the technology of wireless transmission in honor of Harold, who had that nickname. What nickname?
8.This sign, familiar all over the world, was created in 1923, but not as a symbol of the film industry of America. It was just noticeable advertising of new blocks of flats in Los Angeles. What sign are we talking about?
9.It was opened in London in 1863 for the first time in the world. Londoners and tourists call it Tube for its shape. What is it?
10.His first major role this 103 stored skyscraper (небоскрёб) in Manhattan "played" in a movie about King Kong. It is one of the tallest buildings in the world and it is also known by its annual «vertical» race(забег) up to the 86 th floor. What skyscraper is it?
11. First, this old man was slim and fit, but when Coca-Cola made him the face of its advertising company in 1931 he "became fatter" and was painted in the colours of the company. And nowadays this jolly, kind, old man wears clothes of these colours.
12.In England people take care of them and believe in them. For example, the first official hunters` club was organized in this country in the 17th century. This society was founded not by insane (умалишённый) or crazy people, but by respectable scientists of that time. Among them was the famous physicist Robert Boyle, known to pupils from the subject of physics.
13.This nickname England has received not because of the fog, but because of the white rocks and cliffs on the South coast of the country. What is this nickname?
14.The first mention of this game occurred (встретилось)in the Scottish laws of the 15th century. Scientists believe that the ideal player in this sport would be the pendulum (маятник ).
15.The English say that even after a long practice it is difficult for them to pronounce this Russian phrase. They achieve the best results, if they say in English the phrase "жёлто-голубой автобус". And you say this phrase in Russian