The U.S. in Asia Lee Jung eun Tatyana Dakhnich
Contents Introduction Relations from Cold War to Post Cold War between Asia – the U.S. Asia’s hedging strategy VS USA leadership What’s hedging Challenges for the U.S. leadership Strength of the U.S. Outlook of the relations Conclusion
How to change in their relations? Give & Take The U.S -> the Asia states - Economic support - Security guarantee The Asia states -> The U.S. - Following the the U.S ‘s guideline - Ideological support (capitalism, democracy) Cold war Collision between them Asia’s hedging strategy ⇔ the U.S strategy Relatively equal position because of economic interdependence. Post Cold war Breakdown of communism Asia’s development
What is hedging? Literal meaning If you hedge against something unpleasant or unwa nted that might affect you, especially losing money, you do something which will protect you from it. If you hedge your bets, you reduce the risk of losin g a lot by supporting more than one person or thin g in a situation where they are opposed to each oth er. Countries in Asia became to hedgy for their own interests as every country did, based on the growth! ⇒ Make their own boundary and seek for a way that the counties could get back their rights or initiatives in economy and security issue, and making decisions not just following other’s guideline.
Challenges for the U.S. leadership Opposition of local governments to the USA leadership The China rising Asia-Pacific Multilateralism and creating independent alliances
Strength of the U.S. The security role Balancing role Role of government investigation Role of non-governmental actors Role of multilitarism Role of Trans-National Corporations Role of the Pacific Command USA and ASEAN`s interaction
Out look In the Perspective of the U.S Decay and Decline in U.S. Leadership Assertive U.S. leadership Consultative Engagement
Out look Probable Asian’s strategy Strengthen Asian community based on credibility - Multilateralism in Asia Sense of ownership by Asian-selves
Conclusion The U.S’s influence in Asia could be hardly increased even by security issues or economical independence. The U.S’s influence in Asia have been declined by overall growth of Asian countries and their hedging strategy, even if they still depend on each other economically. Variables can make the relations not be able to be predicted every time. For example) the North Korea’s nuclear attack From the instability and unpredictability, the breakthrough of U.S.’s strategy would be found.
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