Moving on Mental Health: Community Mental Health Planning Meeting Haliburton/City of Kawartha Lakes/Peterborough 1
Introductions Cathy Paul President and Chief Executive Officer Cynthia Weaver VP of Strategic Initiatives Teresa Scheckel Program Director, Community Mental Health Cheri Smith Special Projects Coordinator Please Note: We have allocated time at the end of the presentation for questions and ask that until then, you keep your phone on mute to avoid static and any other distractions. 2
Purpose of the Webinar Introduce Moving on Mental Health (Cathy Paul) - A system that makes sense for children and youth Kinark Child and Family Services (Cathy Paul) Responsibilities of Lead Agencies (Cynthia Weaver) Moving on Mental Health in the Kawartha Lakes/Haliburton/Peterborough Service Area ( Teresa Scheckel) 3
Moving on Mental Health – A System That Makes Sense for Children and Youth, released on November 19, 2012, builds on A Shared Responsibility, Ontario’s Policy Framework for Child and Youth Mental Health, 2006 (Policy Framework) and on Ontario’s Comprehensive Mental Health and Addiction Strategy (2011) Moving on Mental Health 4
Moving on Mental Health - a system that makes sense for children and youth Moving on Mental Health is the next step in transformation of the child and youth mental health system. The purpose of the strategy is to transform the experience of children and youth with mental health problems and their families, so that regardless of where they live in Ontario they will know: -what mental health services are available in their communities; and -how to access mental health services and supports that meet their needs 5
All children, youth and families Children and youth who are experiencing the most severe, complex, rare or persistent diagnosable mental illnesses that significantly impair their functioning Children and youth who are experiencing significant mental health problems that affect their functioning Children and youth identified as being at risk for, or are experiencing mental health problems that affect their functioning Target Populations Continuum of Needs-based Services Moving on Mental Health Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 6
7 Moving on Mental Health In August 2013, the MOMH Draft Service Framework was released and sets out core services and key processes that will be funded by MCYS. Seven core services along with two key processes were confirmed. The Draft Service Framework was recently updated by MCYS as the “Program Guidelines and Requirements # 01: Core Services and Key Processes“. Core Services: - Targeted Prevention - Brief Services - Counselling and Therapy - Family Caregiver Skill-Building and Support - Crisis Support Services - Intensive Treatment Services - Specialized Consultation and Assessments Key Processes: - Access/Intake - Service Coordination/Case Management
Vision A healthy future for Ontario’s children and youth Mission Helping children and youth with complex needs achieve better life outcomes Values Hold children and youth at the centre of all we do Challenge ourselves to be the best Achieve more together Instill hope Lead Kinark Child and Family Services 8
Kinark’s Communities We serve approximately 9,400 children, youth and families annually across three program streams: Community-based Child and Youth Mental Health (CMH): – currently providing a full range of core services to our clients – programs provided in counties/regions of Northumberland, Peterborough, Durham, York and Simcoe. Local offices in Midland, Barrie, Aurora, Vaughan, Markham, Keswick, Whitby, Peterborough, Cobourg, Campbellford – some programs in Peel, Halton, Wellington Forensic Mental Health/Youth Justice: – Intensive Support and Supervision Program – York, Peel, Halton, Dufferin, Simcoe – Syl Apps Youth Centre (province-wide secure treatment, custody, detention, Ontario Review Board) Autism: – provincial lead agency for former ‘Central East’ region for IBI, Connections for students o direct service, sub-contracted direct service and direct funding – respite at the Kinark Outdoor Centre in Haliburton 9
10 Moving on Mental Health MCYS has divided the province into 33 administrative service areas. Boundaries roughly match “upper tier” Municipal boundaries. Each service area will have a lead agency. Role of Lead Agencies: Create clear and simple to use pathways to care for parents and youth Establish a plan for the delivery of CYMH services Deliver or contract for the range of defined core MCYS-funded CYMH services Ensure those services are effective and accountable to parents, youth, and children Not intended to limit access by geography for children, youth and families Lead Agency Identification Process First 14 Lead Agencies selected through a Request for Proposals process in the summer of 2014 (Phase 1) -Kinark identified as the successful Lead Agency in York Fall additional Lead Agencies were selected (Phase 2) - Kinark was identified as the successful Lead Agency in Durham Three additional areas were announced in December Kinark identified as lead in Kawartha/Haliburton/Peterborough Remaining 2 agencies to be announced shortly
11 The Responsibilities of Lead Agencies Core Service responsibilities Are community-based core services available in my service area? Engage other community based child and youth mental health service providers in planning for the delivery of core service through the development of a Core Services Delivery Plan Local System responsibilities Are services across the continuum working together to meet the needs of children, youth and their families? Collaborate effectively across the continuum of CYMH services in developing a Community Mental Health Plan
Lead Agency Implementation YEAR 1YEAR 3YEAR 2 Assess current state in service area – inventory existing pathways and protocols Develop initial Core Service Delivery Plan and CYMH Community Mental Health Plan Begin implementation of Core Service Delivery Plan and CYMH Community Mental Health Plan Begin fund holder role including beginning of sub-contracting and funding functions, pending MCYS capacity assessment 12
Core Services Delivery PlanCommunity Mental Health Plan What is the outcome expected from the plan? Children, youth and their families have: Access to a clearly defined basket of core services; and, Confidence in the quality of care and treatment. Sectors (MOHLTC, EDU, and MCYS) work together – across the continuum – to plan and deliver child and youth mental health care. As a result: Families know how services connect and how systems work together; Professionals, such teachers and family doctors, are clear about pathways. Questions that must be addressed by the plan Can we demonstrate that core services are being delivered, and minimum service expectations are being met? Can we show how our services are getting better at meeting the mental health needs of children and youth? Are we making the best possible use of limited resources to deliver the range of core services? Are all those who serve children and youth working together systematically to address mental health needs? Are the roles and responsibilities of everyone across the continuum clear to parents and youth? How will the lead agency work with community partners to address service gaps and expand on opportunities? Process expectations The lead agency and core service providers have engaged respectfully on development of the planning template The lead agency, core service providers and all partners from across the continuum, including: LHIN(s), district school boards, public health units, child welfare agencies, and hospital pediatric psychiatry services have engaged respectfully on development of the planning template Content expectations Service landscape Service priorities Budget planning Understanding current needs and services Collaborative Planning Pathways to, through, and from care Moving on Mental Health Plans 14
Community Mental Health Plan Section A: Community Engagement, including the engagement process, who and how Section B: Current Service Provision and Pathways to Care, including targeted prevention activities and CYMH services delivered by the broader community, as well as formalized processes/protocols that support pathways to and out of care Section C1: Local CYMH Community Planning Mechanisms, identify purpose of mechanism, who is at the table, roles, outcome/status Section C2: Local CYMH Community Planning Mechanisms, undertake an analysis of the appropriateness and effectiveness of existing mechanisms to support community mental health planning and recommendations for improvements, including changes to existing mechanisms and/or new approaches, where needed 15
Community Mental Health Survey In order to gain a better understanding of child and youth mental health services provided in the Haliburton/City of Kawartha Lakes/Peterborough service area, Kinark will be sending organizations a survey to complete following this webinar. Purpose of the survey: Gather information regarding current community partners including descriptions and details of services (i.e. geographic coverage, age range) Identify: ‒targeted prevention activities and CYMH services delivered by the broader community partners ‒formalized processes/protocols that support pathways to, through and out of care ‒current planning mechanisms including who is at the table, roles, outcome/status ‒gaps and priorities 16
Plan of Activities Further development of effective engagement mechanisms Understanding who is currently being served and their needs Understanding of who might not be being served Further develop planning priorities into the future including timeframes, indicators of success, targets and desired results Contribute to an enhanced provincial understanding of the child and youth mental health system through analysis and identification of common themes and priorities Begin to define the service pathways 17
Questions & Discussion 18
Kinark Child and Family Services 19 Cathy Paul, President and Chief Executive Officer Robert Burkholder, Vice President, Program Services & Chief Operating Officer (905) , ext. Cynthia Weaver, Vice President, Strategic Initiatives Phone: (905) Vicki Mowat, Senior Director, Policy and Planning Phone: (905) ext. Teresa Scheckel, Program Director, Community Mental Health (East) Phone: Cheri Smith, Special Projects Coordinator Phone: (905) Ext: For more information on Moving on Mental Health visit: