Pop Culture Psch Weather you agree with Freud or not it impossible to deny the impact that his theories have had on Psychology and modern culture Freud believed that personality was a result of how we deal with conflicts as we develop
Freud divided the mind into three sections the Id, the Ego, and the Super Ego The Id represented our basic unrestrained human desires The Id works on the Pleasure principle or the urge for immediate gratification The Id Feud believed is present at birth
The Ego according to Freud develops as we grow up to help us deal with the reality that satisfying our Id may not always an option or a good idea The Ego operates on the reality principle- in the real world we can not always get what we want Ego acts as a sensor and filter for the Id
Finally Feud said that there exist in the mind the Super Ego The Super Ego also acts to restrain the Id but the Super Ego uses Guilt and shame to control the Id The Super Ego is a result of our learned moral upbringing which teachers use that the standards and values of the community
Freud believed that the ego and the super ego worked in conjunction to control the Id Defense Mechanism Freud also developed the idea of defense mechanism which help shield use from unpleasant ideas or realizations Repression is the main defense mechanism which simply push unpleasant ideas out of our consciousness
In Rationalization we try to justify unpleasant behavior explaining away problems In Displacement we move unpleasant thoughts from a threatening object to a less threaten object In Projection we place our person faults on other people
In Regression we deal with problems by acting younger than we really are In Reaction Formation we act opposite of our true feelings In Denial we simply refuse to accept the reality of anything unpleasant or unsetting Finally sublimation acts as away to channel unpleasant thoughts in to acceptable actions
Feud’s stages of development Freud also believed that there where five stages of an individuals development which had there own unique problems which must be dealt with The oral stage of development happens as an infant because the infants main contact with the world is its mouth
Freud believed that children who do not have their needs meet during this time may develop an Oral fixation The Anal stage happens between 1.5 and 2.5 this is when children become aware of their bodily functions During this stage control is a big issue unresolved control problems can lead to anal-retentive personality traits or the need to be excessively in control of everything
The Phallic stage is where we become aware of bodies It is during the Phallic stage that boy deal with the Oedipus and girls deal with the Electra complexes Between 5 or 6 and puberty Feud felt that we entered a Latency Stage where most aggressive urges where repressed It during this time that any unresolved issues are pushed into the subconscious
Finally as we enter puberty we enter the Genital stage where the unresolved issues of the past resurface Freud felt that because many of these issues where very painful that they would surface in unexpected ways Freud felt that by talking about problems and dealing with them you could resolve them an move on with your life
Other Pop Psychogolgist Carl Jung Jung believed that religion and mysticism played a much bigger role in on influincing human behavior than Freud Jung belived that people posses a collective unconscious a store of human concepts shared by all people Jung believed that these concepts formed Archetypes or basic ideas shared by all cultures Jung argued that the images of the Archetypes affect how we view our selves
Alfred Adler Adler also used Psychoanalysis but Adler believed that people are motivated by their need to overcome their feelings of inadequacy Adler believed that all of us have feelings of inferiority because of our size as children Adler felt that create a drive for superiority Adler coined the term Inferiority complex and sibling rivalry
Karen Horney Horney agreed with Freud that childhood experiences play a major role in the development of our personalities Horney also like Freud felt that parent child relationship are of paramount importance Cold distant and non affectionate parents Horney felt could give children basic anxiety which could last a life time
Erik Erikson Erikson also followed in Freud's steps and devised a developmental theory of personality only Erikson’s extended into adulthood In Erikson’s eight stages of development there where particular traits which are developed and if you failed to develop the right trait it could haunt you your whole life
` Infancy 0-1 Trust v/s Mistrust Early Childhood 2-3 Autonomy v/s Shame & Doubt Preschool 4-5 Initiative v/s Guilt Grammar School 6-12 Industry v/s Inferiority Adolescence Identity v/s Role Diffusion Young Adulthood Intimacy v/s Isolation Middle Adulthood Generativity v/s Stagnation Late Adulthood Integrity v/s Despair