chapter 2 Strategic HRM
Case: GM attempt to survive (P.63) GM was facing the danger of bankruptcy High labor cost(benefit cost) Market share keeps shrinking Labor surplus
Chapter 2 strategic HRM What is Strategic Management? SM is a process for analyzing a company’s competitive situation, developing the company’s strategic goals, and devising a plan of action and allocation of resources (human, organizational, physical) that will Increase the likelihood of achieving those goals.(p67.) strategy: Decisions about competition Where to compete? how to compete? With what will we compete?
Chapter 2 strategic HRM What is Strategic HRM? A pattern of planned human resource deployments and activities intended to enable an organization to achieve its strategic goals.
Chapter 2 Components of SM process(p.67) Strategy formulation Strategy Implementation
Chapter 2 The process of strategy formulation(p68;73) goalsmission External Analysis Opportunities Threats Internal Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Strategic choice
Chapter 2 strategic HRM Role of HRM in strategy formulation(p.71) administrative linkage Strategic planning HRM function
Chapter 2 strategic HRM Role of HRM in strategy formulation one-way linkage Strategic planning HRM function
Chapter 2 strategic HRM Role of HRM in strategy formulation two-way linkage Strategic planning HRM function
Chapter 2 strategic HRM Role of HRM in strategy formulation integrative linkage HRM Function Strategic planning (strategic partner)
Chapter 2 Components of SM process Strategy formulation Strategy Implementation
Chapter 2 strategic HRM Strategy Implementation(p.76) Strategy plan Organizational structure Rewards system Performance Management Selection, training and development Human capability, Human behavior performance
Chapter 2 strategic HRM Strategic types(p.82) Michel.E.Porter : :
Michel.E.Porter 麦科尔 波特 Classics: Competitive Strategy Competitive Advantage
Chapter 2 strategic HRM Strategic types – generic strategies ( Michel.E.Porter ) overall cost leadership strategy ( 成本领先战略) differentiation strategy (差异化战略)
Chapter 2 strategic HRM Companies which adopt overall cost leadership strategy:
Airasia 亚洲航空 年航空公司战略发展(财政类)大奖 ” 。 - 亚太地区航空公司 10 强
Incredibly low price! 统一机型 不设头等舱和公务舱,最大限度地扩大座位数量 不提供空中餐饮服务 从事短途运输或支线运输。 利用电话、传真、网络订票,降低代理成本 。 高效、快速的转场效率。 强化核心能力。 必须保持团队精神。
天天平价 始终如一
Chapter 2 strategic HRM HRM systems for Strategic types overall cost leadership strategy Hrm style( example): specialized and individual-based job design, specialized training, quantity-oriented performance management system, performance- based reward system, etc.
Chapter 2 strategic HRM Strategic types – generic strategies ( Michel.E.Porter, p. 82 ) overall cost leadership strategy ( 成本领先战略) differentiation strategy (差异化战略) The companies attempt to create the impression that their products or services are different from those of other companies in the industry. Differentiation can come from: brand image technology unique features unique customer service
Unique and special brands:
Unique and special brands:
Chapter 2 strategic HRM HRM systems for Strategic types differentiation strategy Louis Vuitton ( 1 )定价高昂 ( 2 )品质卓越,为产品品质与工艺上追求完美,甚至不惜采用纯手工制作; ( 3 )身世显赫,似乎唯有社会名流甚或皇家才可御用专享; ( 4 )限量供应,不容错过,值得你绝版收藏; ( 5 )精选渠道,只选择城市最核心的地块设立豪华门店,提供独特的购物体验; ( 6 )小众传播,营造高端人群生活方式; ( 7 )高额赞助,终日与高端体育或社交活动、高档杂志栏目为伍。 ( 8 )引领时尚,始终站在时尚趋势的最前沿; ( 9 )艺术气息,通常出自著名艺术大师、设计大师之手; ( 10 )个性独特,不论设计师的更迭还是流行元素的变迁,她们都牢牢 坚持自己的个性,始终如一; ( 11 )强调原产地,引出独一无二的品牌联想; ( 12 ) LOGO 神圣化,极力凸显凸现 LOGO 的象征意义。
Chapter 2 strategic HRM HRM systems for Strategic types overall cost leadership strategy Hrm style( example): specialized and individual-based job design, specialized training, quantity-oriented performance management system, performance- based reward system, etc. HRM style for differentiation strategy: broadly-defined jobs, recruiting from outside training and development focus on cooperation; the compensation system is geared toward external equity.---(p.83)
Chapter 2 strategic HRM Directional Strategies concentration strategy A strategy focusing on increasing market share, reducing cost, or creating and maintaining a market niche for products and services.
Chapter 2 strategic HRM Directional Strategies internal growth strategies A focus on new market and product development,innovation, and joint ventures. How does it affect HRM system?
Chapter 2 strategic HRM Directional Strategies external growth strategies mergers and acquisitions
Chapter 2 strategic HRM Directional Strategies downsizing
Why the organizations choose the strategy of downsizing? (p87) The effects of downsizing.(p87)
Framework of chapter 2 Strategy formulation Strategy Implementation Mission, goals,swot analysis, Strategy choice Four types of linkage HRM functions Directional strategies: Concentration; internal growth; Mergers and acquisition; downsizing Generic competitive strategies; Cost leadership. differentiation HRM system
提示: 本章重点是理解 HRM 和战略管理的 整合关系, 即理解战略人力资源管理是什么?