1 Meeting Agenda. Part I : Provide Information Presentation. Part II : Get your Comments Main Question Survey. Part III : Outline next steps 8.15 est.Wrap-up [individual follow-up]
2 Part I: Presentation. Make clear three points: 1.What does "sustainability" mean to the Municipality? 2.Why is an Integrated Community Sustainability Plan [ICSP] being done? 3.What are the likely impacts of an ICSP on my community?
3 1. Sustainability defined. "Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." Our Common Future, [Brundtland Report] 1987.
4 Challenges. Some challenges in seeing our society move towards more sustainable development: 1.Does it mean having more government power over my personal decisions? 2.Who decides what is a sustainable community? Does it mean favouring one type of community over another? [urban / rural] 3.How is it measured? [individual / local / provincial]
5 Principles. Three principles being used to support the development of an ICSP in our Municipality: 1.Be forward-thinking. Let the next generation be able to decide what they want. 2.Live within the means of what nature can provide. Not taking more than what can be put back. 3.Try not to make decisions in isolation. Consider how decisions affect our economic well-being, our quality of life, and our natural environment.
6 2. Why develop an ICSP? 1.It is a requirement under the existing Municipal Funding Agreement signed between the municipal, provincial and federal governments. 2.It can help to connect a number of existing efforts and activities already being done.
7 3. How does it impact me? A Plan that can identify strategic changes in: Water quality. > Conserving wetlands. Building the infrastructure to protect our waterways. Energy use. > Reducing municipal energy use and costs. Supporting efforts at local generation. Land Use and Land Resources. > Protecting local habitat. Conserving agricultural land. Solid waste. > Waste reduction and increased recycling of material
8 How does it impact me? Including strategies that will sustain our economic well-being and our quality of life: Transportation & technology. > Building the infrastructure and services people need to use for work. Population trends. > Sustaining a sizeable working-age population. Social supports. > Seeing a healthy network of volunteer activities.
9 Part II: Feedback from you. In moving towards a Vision of Future Sustainability: 1.Determine what changes we want to see over the next 30 years. 2.Determine what actions the municipality must take to achieve the Vision. 3.Determine the measures to gauge the effectiveness of any proposed actions.
10 Main Question - Context. What are your PRIORITIES in moving towards SUSTAINABILITY over the next years ? Do these priorities integrate the various themes? environmental. economic. social and cultural. How would the Municipality likely take action, in order to deliver results? make policy? deliver services or infrastructure? provide people with information to make decisions?