Bedwetting is an embarrassing issue among kids, but actually it’s very common, Even after a child is well trained in using toilet on his own, kids usually bed wet at night due to stress or any other family related issues, in which case it's important for parents to be sensitive and patient and they should avoid making their child feel guilty or ashamed.
The pelvis stores a balloon like organ called bladder. The urine flows out of it through a tube called the urethra, when this is full kids fail to recognize it during their nights and this leads to bedwetting accidents.
“Three out of four children who wet the bed have at least one parent who wet the bed as a child”, if you or your partner or your any other relative have this problem, share that with your child and comfort him. Let your kid know that there is nothing to feel guilty about Bedwetting, Its usually common in any other family and you should be in a position to understand how they’re feeling because you’ve been through the same problem. Reacting to your kid’s problem is one of the best solutions to cope up with their Bedwetting problem.
Don’t let siblings of those of wet the bed tease them, it can bring a huge impact to your kid and it can mentally affect him, let them know that each individual is different from other and their sibling cannot control their bladders which eventually leads to Bedwetting accidents.. Your child is not at fault. Because reassurance and support is so important to your child at this time of life and it is extremely important that you deal with Bedwetting accidents with understanding and patience.Bedwetting
DryBuddy Bedwetting AlarmsDryBuddy Bedwetting Alarms are generally useful and successful in treating Bedwetting. They are relatively inexpensive) and have been demonstrated to help about 70% of Bedwetting children. These alarms may take several weeks or even months to work but they have a very good long-term success rate and lower relapse rates than medications. You Can use our DryBuddy’s Bedwetting alarm that puts an end to your Kids Bedwetting Problem.
The premier innovative and patented true wireless bedwetting alarm system: Patented wireless sensor for use with DryBuddy wetness sensing briefs, Remote control for convenience, powerful transceiver(s) to receive and re-transmit wireless signals to other optional transceivers throughout the home, multiple alarms for alerts. Uses standard 120 volts AC for transceivers. No batteries or supplies needed. Full-featured with one transceiver and two DryBuddy briefs starting at $111.99
DryBuddyDryBuddy wants you to have the best for less, they give you more and better features for the money that you spend, it’s a great investment for your kids Bedwetting nightmares.
The uniqueness of the DryBuddy system is to alert the caregiver, sleeping in the comfort of his or her own bedroom and privacy. The effective wetness signal or alarm can be an automated light, radio music, an alarm clock, or any other alarm. A parent or caregiver often has to supervise the child when an incident occurs. Studies suggest that enuresis or bedwetting alarms are the preferred method for treatment. Commitment on the part of the patient and the caregiver is essential to improving the success rate of alarm therapy. The success of alarms enuresis requires a motivated child and family plus a significant time and effort commitment of 3 to 6 months.enuresis For more information’s log on to :