BUDGET Global Fund, Round 11: Health System Strengthening in South Sudan Abebe Aberra Eli Kern Amira AdamPeter Kithene Ruth DeyaAndrew Mujugira November 18 th, 2011 GH511: Problems in Global Health
Budget Justification & Overview Human Resources Infrastructure Training Fixed Assets Commodities and Products Administration Years 1-5: Employ 500 nurses, midwives and CHWs Years 1-5: Renovate 3 training centers + per state 1 maternity ward and theatre, 60 PHC units, and 25 PHC centers Years 1-4: Train 2650 nurses, midwives, TBAs and CHWs Years 1-4: Purchase 40 motorcycle ambulances per state and equipment and furniture for wards, theaters and training centers Years 1-5: Scale up antenatal care, obstetric care, malaria prevention and contraceptives in all states
Five-Year Budget Human Resources 3,708,000 3,608,000 3,508,000 18,140,000 Infrastructure 10,845,000 8,535,000 5,260,000 2,250,000 2,350,000 29,240,000 Training 9,139,000 4,460,500 2,740,500 1,388,500 30,000 17,758,500 Fixed Assets 14,600,000 8,410,000 1,960, , ,220,000 Commodities and Products 8,415,000 7,800,000 7,550,000 7,400,000 38,565,000 Administration 168, , , ,200 Year 1Year 2Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 TOTAL 46,875,600 33,087,100 21,300,500 15,078,500 13,470, ,811,700TOTAL
Total Budget Proportions
Historical Perspective 40%
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