Katherine Miller ECSE 500 Language/Communication Intervention Plan
Target Children ThomasJenny 38 months old Expressive and receptive language skills less than 9 months developmentally “Requester stage” of communication Difficult to get and keep attention 38 months old Began talking at 26 months Currently talks in 3-4 word utterances 50% of speech is intelligible Impaired morphological and syntax development
Thomas’s Goals
Goal 1: Given a choice of 3 preferred items (tickle, outside, and cracker) on a choice board, Thomas will gesture to the item he wants to request.
Goal 1 Objectives Objective 1: When engaged in a preferred activity, Thomas will be shown a picture representing the activity. Thomas will attend to the adult as the picture is named and will point to it when prompted 4 out of 5 times. Objective 2: When engaged in a preferred activity, Thomas will be presented with a choice board. The adult will point to the activity every minute for no more than 5 minutes and say what it is. Thomas will attend to the adult 4 out of 5 times. Objective 3: When engaged in a preferred activity, Thomas will be presented with a choice board and the adult present will point to the activity every minute for no more than 5 minutes and talk about the picture. When Thomas is asked what he is doing he will successfully point to the correct picture 4 out of 5 times.
Goal 2: When being read to, Thomas will attend to a story book up to 10 pages long or that takes up to 3 minutes to read without attempting to spin.
Goal 2 Objectives Objective 1: When being read to, Thomas will attend to the story for at least 45 seconds without attempting to spin. Objective 2: When being read to, Thomas will attend to the story for at least 1 minute and 30 seconds without attempting to spin. Objective 3: When being read to, Thomas will attend to the story for at least 2 minutes and 45 seconds without attempting to spin.
Where Imbedded Instruction Will Occur: Based on the structure of a typical preschool classroom, I believe during outside play and center time would be optimal times to specifically work on Thomas’s goals.
In-depth Activity Plan Singing the “sleeping bunnies song” as a class during circle time. Monitor the class’s overall ability and compare it to Thomas’s ability. Complete activity once a week and mark progress. AntecedentChild BehaviorConsequence Instruction: Sing along with children Child remains still during the soft part of the song, and moves around during the second part of the song Positive reinforcement (“Good job!”, high fives, etc.) Prompt: remind child to be still Child is unable to complete task Physical prompt (assess least to most)
Jenny’s Goals
Goal 1 When saying a sentence no longer than 4 words, Jenny’s speech will be intelligible 4 out of 5 times.
Goal 1 Objectives Objective 1: With prompting from an instructor, Jenny will day an intelligible 3 word sentence containing only 1-syllable words correctly 4 our of 5 times. Objective 2: With prompting from an instructor, Jenny will say an intelligible 3 word sentence containing at least 1 2- syllable word correctly 4 out of 5 times. Objective 3: Without prompting from her instructor, Jenny will say an intelligible 3 or 4 word sentence words consisting of 1-syllable words correctly 4 out of 5 times.
Goal 2 When spoken to conversationally, Jenny will show understanding of “wh” questions by properly answering them correctly 4 out of 5 times or by independently asking a “wh” question.
Goal 2 Objectives Objective 1: When participating in a preferred activity, Jenny will correctly answer a “wh” question about the activity 4 out of 5 times. Objective 2: When being read a brief sentence, Jenny will correctly answer a “wh” question about the sentence 4 out of 5 times. Objective 3: When working in small groups, Jenny will ask a peer or instructor at least 1 “wh” question over the course of 45 minutes.
Where Imbedded Instruction Will Occur: Based on the structure of a typical preschool classroom, I believe that during small group work sessions or center time would be optimal times to specifically work on Jenny’s goals.
In-depth Activity Plan Playing a game where students pick out objects I have placed in a box. When given a task such as “if you are holding something blue, find a friend who is also holding something blue” the children will match up. Track % of the class that was able to play the game and compare it to Jenny’s ability to play the game. AntecedentChild BehaviorConsequence Instruction: “If you have something blue in your hand, find a buddy with something blue, too!” Child finds person in the class also holding something blue Positive reinforcement (“Good job!”, high fives, etc.) Prompt: give more hints to student having trouble Child still not able to complete task Corrective feed back: match up students and say “Nice try, sometimes everyone needs help!”