ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific Community of Practice on Migration and Anti-Human Trafficking Chiang Mai, Thailand 25 – 27 October, 2010
Socio-gramming… Reflect on the number of years you have worked on Migration and Anti-Human Trafficking issues… Interact and compare that number with others in the room… Round up the number of years (e.g. 3.4 is only 3) Organize in a straight line…with the lowest number of years in the beginning and the highest number in the back…
Socio-gramming… Form a circle by connecting the person with most years of experience with the person that has the least number of years of experience working on Migration and Anti-Human Trafficking issues… Dig into your pocket/handbag, pick out the first thing that comes into your hand…place it on the floor in front of you… Randomly tell your neighbor what you have in front of you…describe why you carry it, its importance to you…
Objectives… By the end of this visioning event, we will all have: Gained an improved understanding of what a Community of Practice is and how it can be used to support us in our work Been exposed to and have contributed to a series of Migration and Anti-Human Trafficking related discussions and exercises Seen how easy it is to navigate and communicate through the use the AP-MagNet web-based portal An improved understanding of Migration and Anti-Human Trafficking challenges in the region and key policy and programme responses; and Generated a strong sense of ”community” of AP-MagNet and have articulated a commitment to actively participate in future CoP discussions and activities.
Quick view of the agenda: Day 1 Day 1: Monday, 25 October, 2010 TimeSessionStructure / Mode of Delivery 0830 – Registration Session 1: Welcome and Introduction -Opening: setting the scene for knowledge sharing event -Icebreaker / teambuilding exercise -Overview of the agenda and objectives Brief opening remarks Guided / Structured group work / Debrief Thetis Mangahas / Johan Arvling 1000 – 1030Break 1030 – 1200Session 2: Basics of Knowledge Management -What are Communities of Practice: defining CoPs and understanding their nature, concept and rationale -Plotting the beginning of a CoP Presentation / Structured group work / Debrief Johan Arvling 1200 – 1330Lunch 1330 – 1500Session 3: How does other CoP’s look like -Example of a existing regional CoP’s and Networks -What does my CoP in Migration look like – why is one needed Presentation / Structured group work / Debrief Johan Arvling 1500 – 1530Break Session 4: Member reflections -Reflections from the survey -What Migration lessons has been learned so far -Knowledge networking in Migration: regional status Story telling / Structured group work / Debrief Johan Arvling
Quick view of the agenda: Day 2 Day 2: Tuesday, 26 October, 2010 TimeSessionStructure / Mode of Delivery 0830 – 1000Session 5: An overview of Migration Issues and Responses -Global and Regional perspectives Presentation / Structured Q & A / Debrief Graziano Battistella / Thetis Mangahas 1000 – 1030Break 1030 – 1200Session 6: Identification of key areas and knowledge gaps -Sharing of practices, experiences and views -How do we leverage APMagNet Guided / Structured group work / Debrief Pimpaporn Thitayanun / Nilim Baruah 1200 – 1330Lunch 1330 – 1500Session 7: What does the future hold for Migration in the region? -Working towards identifying a niche and common areas of work -Developing a script / story board for the community -How do we leverage APMagNet Guided / Structured group work / Debrief William Gois / Panudda Boonpala 1500 – 1530Break 1530 – 1700Session 8: Positioning APMagNet -What should APMagNet do, discuss and provide as services to its members -How do we leverage APMagNet Presentation / Structured group work / Debrief Johan Arvling
Quick view of the agenda: Day 3 Day 3: Wednesday, 27 October, 2010 TimeSessionStructure / Mode of Delivery 0830 – 1000Session 9: Recap of day 1 and 2 -Highlight critical agreements -Walk through of the APMagNet Portal Presentation / Structured group work / Debrief Johan Arvling 1000 – 1030Break 1030 – 1200Session 10: Development of next steps for APMagNet -Identify and agree on key areas of work / services / products and discussions over the next 12 months -Establishing a roadmap for short, medium and long term tasks Introduction / Structured group work / Debrief Thetis Mangahas / Johan Arvling 1200 – 1330Lunch 1330 – 1500Session 11: Development of next steps for APMagNet -Selling the APMagNet story Structured group work / Group presentation 1500 – 1530Break 1530 – 1700Session 12: Wrap up and closing -Individual / personal commitments to the community -Closing Guided / Structured group work Thetis Mangahas / Johan Arvling
Method of working… Informal Participatory Interactive Team based Collaborative Sharing Solution oriented Positive enquiry Constructive Time minded Fun Listening Action oriented learning
House keeping… Mobile phones…please off… When making interventions or contributions, please be clear and brief… When others are speaking - please let them…please uninterrupted… When making written contributions, please be clear and brief… We will have two coffee breaks / day… Secretariat located outside…support… Lunch will be served on 4 th …buffet style…look for ILO sign Washrooms are located outside… Have I forgotten anything?