The Source for Housing Solutions Health and Housing Partnerships: Make Them Happen April 1, 2016 National Healthcare for the Homeless Council Spring Regional Training
About CSH Improve lives of vulnerable people Maximize public resources Build strong, healthy communities Advancing housing solutions that:
GOALS: Foster and expand Health Center collaboration with other health system stakeholders, and supportive housing Improve healthcare outcomes for extremely low-income individuals who frequently use crisis systems, have housing instability, and lack a connection to primary and preventive care services. Webinar Series Direct Technical Assistance Online & In-Person Trainings Peer to Peer networks Resources PARTNERS: Deep collaboration with Also partnering with: NACHC CHPS HRSA BPHC CSH HRSA Frequent User T/TA
Ice Breaker: Acronyms
Health & Housing Partnerships
Today’s Takeaways Understand the value of health and housing partnerships Gain hands-on experience preparing for partnership Practice building a partnership plan Learn strategies for making a partnership last
CSH Guidance Document Make the Case Make it Happen Make it WorkMake it Last
Prepare for Partnership Make the Case
Health Center Health Center Program Grantees are community- based, patient-directed health care organizations that serve populations with limited access to health care. Supportive Housing Provider Supportive housing is affordable housing without a time limit that offers voluntary supportive services that focus on stabilizing vulnerable individuals in a community. Who is Partnering? Make the Case
What’s in it for Health Centers? Make the Case
What’s in it for Supportive Housing Providers? Make the Case
Partnership Peaches & Pits Wow! It couldn’t be better. It just didn’t work out. Make the Case
Assess Your Capacity Reasons for and urgency to partner Commitment from leadership Financial buy-in and resources Readiness to lead a change process Make the Case
Take Action Make it Happen
Where to Look Your existing networks Keep it local Client overlap Complementary services Identify Potential Partners Make it Happen Find a local health center: Find a local housing provider:
Approach Potential Partners Some Options Meet one-on-one Multi-organizational meetings Community convening meetings Local Continuum of Care meetings Third-Party Facilitation Make it Happen
Make a Match Assessing partners Finding where you align: Mission, population, priorities Services profile Data capabilities Funding Readiness, capacity and will Reading between the lines Make it Happen
Activity: Make a Match Discuss your profile with your group Answer these questions: What could a partnership accomplish for you? What do you have to offer a partner? What are the top qualities you would want from a partner? Be creative! You have 10 minutes Part 1 Make it Happen
Activity: Make a Match Stand up and stretch Find your options HC groups: walk over to SH profile posters SH groups, walk over to HC profile posters Discuss the partner options Answer these questions: With whom would you want to partner? For what reasons? You have 15 minutes Part 2
Debrief: Do You Have a Match? Which profile did your group choose? Why? Is key information missing? What else would you want to know? How would you find this information? Make it Happen
Build a Plan Together Make it Work
The Right Structure Referrals Care Coordination Co-Location Full Service Integration Make it Work
The Right Structure Referrals Client referrals to preferred services Client initiated Partners retain autonomy, operations are independent Resources generally not shared Success: warm hand-offs Population: low acuity Collaboration: low Make it Work
The Right Structure Care Coordination Client-centered joint care plans Right intervention, right place, right time Client initiated with strong transition supports Organizations operate independently but may share resources and funding Success: cross training and frequent communication Population: moderate acuity Collaboration: moderate to high Make it Work
The Right Structure Co-Location Health center operates satellite or full center on site at supportive housing or vice versa Wrap-around care housed in one site Partners operate jointly, but may retain autonomy Can be incorporated into existing site, mobile services or new joint site Success: comprehensive planning, data sharing, written agreements Population: high acuity, complex needs Collaboration: high Make it Work
The Right Structure Full Service Integration Single point of entry/ integrated assessment Joint case planning Wrap-around care at place most accessible to client Independent or joint operations Can blend with co-location Success: planned payment delivery structure, change management, Population: high acuity Collaboration: very high Make it Work
A Solid Plan Planning, planning, planning Create a shared vision Build a guiding coalition Launch your partnership activities Make it Work
Activity: Build Your Plan Table groups: discuss and frame your plan! Your goals and/or vision The value for each partner The right structure Resource needs or ideas The first steps you would take to make it work You have 10 minutes Make it Work
Activity: Build Your Plan Plan ComponentYour Answers Here Your Partnership Purpose or Vision Articulate your partnership vision, purpose or 2-3 goals. Goals: 1. Jointly plan and launch on-site health clinic; 2. Joint outreach efforts in school system; 3. Target overlap families with children. Value What will each partner get out of it? Name 2-3 benefits. SH Partner: Better health services access for residents; new outreach opportunity Health Center: Better health outcomes for covered supportive housing residents Structure What type of partnership do you think would work best? Why? Co-location or full-service integration Resources What are the top 2-3 resources that would likely need to be committed for this partnership?.1. Data sharing, 2. Funding resources to plan, launch and operate clinic Steps to Launch What are the things that need to happen first to get this off the ground? Prioritize them and list the top 3 in the box. 1.Determine whether clinic will be co-located as a satellite or fully integrated into community center operations 2.Determine funding needs and who will commit or raise funds 3.Who will champion these activities? Make it Work
Activity Debrief Let’s hear from a few groups… Share elements of your plan Was completing any portion of this difficult? Why? Besides more detail, what is missing? What would you want to be included in framing a plan? What needs to happen right now to make this partnership work? Make it Work
Sustain and Grow Make it Last
Manage New Relationships Build Momentum Dive Into The Data Secure Funding Anticipate Changes Make it Last
Recap Focus on target population Long-term investment in relationships Build your story together Make it Last
THANK YOU! What are your questions? CSH Contacts Kim Keaton Senior Program Manager Government Affairs & Innovation Nui Bezaire Program Manager National Consulting Services To access the guide: Partnerships-Guide.pdf