Agenda Welcome to 6 th grade and TEAM VENTURE Getting to know Mr. Joffe Mr. Joffe’s Website Getting to know the class Name Tags Ice Breaker Activity Name Game Human Bingo HOMEWORK
Coolest Website Ever!!!!
Agenda Index card of contact information Falcon Yearly Informer (FYI) Activity-What do you think a scientist looks like?
Last Name, First Name Parent/Guardian Names First and Last Names Address Home Phone Parents Work Parents Cell Phone Your Parent’s (list more than one if necessary) What was the most interesting topic you learned in science in 5 th grade? What is something you look forward to learning about in 6 th grade science? Tell me something interesting about yourself…
On a blank piece of paper draw a picture of what you think a scientist looks like You will get about 5 minutes for this so we have time to share your drawings at the end.
Agenda Science starter Questions so far….? Rules of the Classroom Ice Breaker Activity Room Scavenger Hunt
Can you unscramble all the words below? Hint: They are all science terms we will study this year. 1. ODOFWBE 2. LECOGOY 3. MSREYCHIT CFS 4. SAYICLFS 5. INASMAL 6. PTSLAN 7. YSSEMST 8. IOOMTN 9. RGNEEY 10. TASOM
I take attendance electronically everyday. If you are not in the room when I take attendance you will be marked absent. If you have a problem at your locker (i.e. can’t open it, lost something) tell someone to tell me that you are running late. Otherwise, come to homeroom to check in and then I will allow you to go back.
Homework is to be done at home or in homework club. You may not complete homework during homeroom unless you have that teacher’s permission.
Should be kept in the locker and turned off at all times. If you are caught with your cell phone on you, it will be taken away and given to the main office. This is also the case with IPods, MP3 players, video games, etc.
Don’t waste class time! Be quick about getting out your books, paper, and pencils or doing something that I have asked you to do. FOLLOW DIRECTIONS QUICKLY!
Wait to be called upon and don’t blurt out answers! RAISE YOUR HAND FOR PERMISSION TO SPEAK.
Listen to your teacher and other students while they are talking. You never know when you might miss something important! LISTEN WHILE OTHERS ARE TALKING
Complete all your work on time! Use your class time wisely! Don’t cheat – Do your own work! MAKE SMART CHOICES!!
Don’t borrow things without asking. Don’t talk about other students or teachers. Be polite and helpful to your fellow students! RESPECT EVERYONE
I am happy when all my students are learning and enjoying science class! I’m not happy when someone makes it difficult for other students to learn! KEEP YOUR TEACHER HAPPY