 Important Information  RRs/Vending machines  Course registration  Handouts for weekend  Computer Use  Wiki  Wifi password  Evaluations.


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Presentation transcript:

 Important Information  RRs/Vending machines  Course registration  Handouts for weekend  Computer Use  Wiki  Wifi password  Evaluations

 Favorite season of the year:  summer, fall, winter, spring  Discuss in your corner what you love about that season. Share the top two reasons group members selected it.

 4-Corners--What do you know about PI 34? › Not much yet › Some › Quite a bit › I could teach this  Fill out the chart in Your Corner as you verbally share your current position in relation to serving pre-service or initial educators, your knowledge background about PI-34 and any other relevant experience serving pre-service or initial educators.  RECORD QUESTIONS the members of your group have.

 What’s in a name? › Understanding › Supporting › Facilitating › Spirit  Why are you here? How will this course help you? Others?  What is the connection between 690 and becoming an IHE?  Why am I here? What background does the instructor bring?

 Course Assignments and Grading System for 3 credits  Meeting Agenda on an aspect of PI-34 you would like to communicate in your school or district › 20% -- Presented Final Day of Class  Reflective Essay on how you will support colleagues in the spirit of PI-34 written in class on final day › 20%  Professional Development Plan or Alternative Project › 50%  Attendance & Participation (short presentation activity in small groups) › 10%  Take a few moments to individually review the syllabus.  Know that more details will come on these assignments.

 Think about a person you most enjoy working with in a group  Look at the Ground Rules  At your table discuss the ground rules › Which seem most relevant to our work? › Is this a good list—does it capture essential components? In about 10 minutes be ready to share the 3 most essential rules.

 2-Suspend Judgment  4-Listen Actively  6-Speak honestly  8-Bring humor

Work in small groups to complete the PI-34 pre- assessment -- What do we know about PI-34? Stand up if you said you knew quite a bit or could teach the course. Join one or more seated colleagues and work in groups of two or three. Take turns being the partner with the KEY. DEBRIEF: What surprised you? What questions do you have? Thank your partner and find your seat.

 Take time to reflect upon our activities so far › Ice breaker (4 seasons) › Connector-What do you know about PI-34 › Purposes and Expectations of the course/syllabus › Norms › PI-34 pre-assessment  When, in your role (mentor, supervisor, professor, colleague, etc) with pre-service or initial educators have you found it useful, helpful or important to use an icebreaker, set ground rules, review purpose, or pre-assess?

1. Background: 2-9 As we review the slides together, consider what has happened since 2000 that either makes the PI-34 vision as relevant or even more relevant? What are additional considerations are needed in 2015? Record your thoughts in the PI-34 Synopsis notes page. 2. A new system: Work with a partner to read and discuss slides. In your experience working with initial educators how well have colleges fulfilled their role. How well have districts fulfilled expectations for supporting initial educators. How well has DPI fulfilled its role to colleges and districts and how has the vision of career long professional development been advanced. DEBRIEF GROUP: What’s happening now. What more is possible. Questions. 3. Career Long Professional Development: In your experience is the vision of career long professional development including collaboration and focus on standards more embedded in schools as a result PI-34? As a result of EE?

“Resistance to change is perhaps as natural as the need to change is obvious”

Where does an educator write a PDP? You can create a draft on YOUR COMPUTER: Download a PDP form from DPI link Final is in THE CLOUD: Complete an online PDP at 1. WECAN services.education.wisc.edu/wecan/ 2. QEI myqei.org GRANTING “Special Access” allows you to give feedback to someone on their PDP while they are developing it and does not mean you are a reviewer.

1. Download the fillable form and/or register on a PDP online site and grant Special access to on WECAN or “share” on QEI 2. Anticipate that your will begin writing a PDP that focuses on your own teaching OR how you can better serve PI-34 needs of educators you serve in your role. 3. Commit to being that person you most admire as a work partner.

1. Reflection 2. Writing the Plan-several components with Goal approval by PDP Team reviewers for Initial Educators 3. Annual review of the plan 4. Documentation of the completed plan And Verification by the PDP Team (3 reviewers) Ben’s plan is the example PDP in the Initial Educator Toolkit which can be downloaded from DPI. Bens plan begins on Page 33 of the DPI Toolkit (Currently being revised by DPI) Work with your Rule 2 Partner and walk through Ben’s PDP with the PDP Scavenger Hunt Review the final slides in the PDP Synopsis PowerPoint In your packet list the struggles that you anticipate beginning teachers may have with the PDP process.

 Initial Educator -educator with an IE license, any teacher who has not yet completed a PDP and ADVANCED to the professional educator license  Goal –sometimes means your one or two sentence statement of the plan. (Step II B)  Goal -sometimes used to refer to PLAN through Step II E.  PDP Team -Not really a team at all, but the 3 reviewers in specific roles who independently verify your PDP-do not need to be the same people in the beginning and end  Goal Approval -three reviewers have read Step I and Step II A-E and at least two reviewers verified it met requirements.  Verification - three reviewers have read the COMPLETED PDP & verified you have met the requirements. 17

 Using WI Quality Educator Initiative Licensure Stages Chart...  1) As an initial educator tell someone unfamiliar with PI-34 the main steps to licensure  2)As a professional educator, what are 3 main differences between your licensure cycle and an initial educator’s?  (Thank your partner and return to your seat)

 a. Write a Professional Development plan with a goal related to your current role with students.  b. Write a PDP with a goal that states what you, in your role as a mentor or teacher leade r, need to learn and do to improve PI-34 support for educators in your institution, school or district leading to increased learning for their students. This would be based on Teaching Standards 9 and 10.  (9) The teacher is a reflective practitioner who continually evaluates the effect of his/her choices and actions on pupils, parents, professionals in the learning community and others and who actively seeks out opportunities to grow professionally.  (10) The teacher fosters relationships with school colleagues, parents, and agencies in the larger community to support pupil learning and well being and who acts with integrity, fairness and in an ethical manner.

› c. Prepare a Workshop Plan or Power Point to help teachers understand the connection between their PPGs & SLOs and their PDP › d. Do you have another idea for demonstrating your understanding of the PDP process? – See instructor

In YEAR ONE the initial educator should reflect by analyzing the relationship between student learning and the initial educator’s developing professional practice. What strengths or successes does he mention? CIRCLE STRENGHTS What struggles or challenges does he include? UNDERLINE STRUGGLES What standards would you suggest link to this reflection? You completed several “reflection” activities so far including the four corners assessment of your current knowledge and your notes to accompany the PI-34 Synopsis PowerPoint. What will you reflect on as you prepare to complete the PDP Assignment. a.Reflect on your strengths, challenges and b.Reflect on current implementation of PI-34 in your district, what you know and need to know about PI-34 and how the spirit of PI-34 is supported in your school or district and what more could be done? Write your reflection on the downloaded PDP form, a word doc, or your online site. c. Reflect on what you know about PDP goals and PPG and SLO goals and your district’s successes and challenges in supporting teachers in the PDP and EE processes.

Year I of the license cycle is for reflection. DPI provides a reflection tool The educator effectiveness process involves a reflection tool Mentor collaborative logs are a reflective tool What are opportunities in working with initial educators to involve them in reflection and remind them to document reflective work?

 Write 5 post-it notes of things that happened in class today that you are proud Write 5 post-it notes of accomplishments this year you are proud of.  Write 5 post-it-notes of future work you must do to meet district, building, team, or curricular goals.  Work with a partner to sort your current and future success post-its into the Standards.

 Did you find clusters of post it notes?  Did some post-its fit more than one standard?  How many standards must align with the goal you write?  Is it a benefit to have more than the required number?

Look at the list of requirements for a Description of Situation. Listen while Ben’s Description is read and check off components as you hear them. Is there anything about his description of situation you wished he had added? Where does Ben get his information? Choose one of the two description of situations in the packet and verify that it contains the required elements.

For Homework: Write your description of situation. Option a: describe your current job situation as Ben did. Option b: also include your role in supporting others in understanding PI-34, growing professionally, and successfully writing and implementing a PDP. Include a description of the educators you serve—e.g., pre-service, 1 st and 2 nd year Initial educators, 3+ initial educators and/or professional educators. Option c: Describe your situation as in A and add your current situation in regard to implementing PPG, SLO or PDP goals. If you are in a school district, use WISEdash SITE and district or school resources to complete the requirements of Step II A. Use the checklist in the PDP. Think about: What resource do you provide educators to help them complete Step II A? Would it be ok if teachers in your district used the same description of situation?

 Over the past several years, there has been a significant amount of change in education within the state of Wisconsin and more change is to come.

  What changes have been implemented? What plans have changed? Why?

 We are going to take time to explore some changes and how they will relate to our roles in supporting teachers – new and veteran ones  In a small group, you will explore the updated DPI website in relation to one of the listed focus questions and share your information with the whole group.   Link to home page of DPI  Use the K-W-L chart to determine which topic you would like to pursue. In 15 minutes we’ll meet and form groups.

 Compare/Contrast the InTASC Standards to the WI Teacher Standards  How are the administrator standards different from the teacher standards?  Educator Effectiveness  Compare the Danielson framework to the WI teacher standards  Agenda 2017  Agenda Read to Lead  ELO

 What does everyone need to know?  How will you share this information? You must create a document to share on the WIKI as a resource for colleagues. › Compare and Contrast chart › Powerpoint › Top ten list › Q and A › Graphic  What questions do you have before we join our partners.

 Record notes as you listen to each presentation.

 What worked?  What could be changed or altered?

 Review the administrator and teacher standards (INTASC and WI) along with the Danielson Framework handout.  Which teaching standards would correspond to a PDP written to learn and share processes related to PI-34?

 What are ideas for support for teachers, administrators or mentors that you wish would be added in your school or district to advance the spirit of PI-34.  Examples:  I wish mentors had practice writing PDPs › I wish new teachers had opportunities to reflect on their practice with other new teachers

 Don’t just wish…make it happen  Create an agenda of a meeting that to communicate important information about PI-34 that can change the game in your district.  Complete the Give-One Get-One sheet?  Walk around and record the ideas of others that are the same or different  If you would like to work together form a group.

 Reflect during the week on possibilities for your PDP topic.  Explore the websites for online PDPs (WECAN and QEI, the DPI Website including license lookup and WISEdash.  Finish writing your Reflection and Description of Situation  Draft the meeting agenda assignment— Communicate with other team members. What information would you like to share about PI-34? What changes in support might you suggest? Who will attend the meeting. You will have an hour work time at the next meeting before the presentations.

Read one of your wishes to the group

If you are a dreamer come in If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar A hoper, a pray-er, a magic bean buy-er If you’re a pretender come sit by my fire For we have some flax golden tales to spin Come in! (And come back next week:)

 Morning Ice Breaker: › Only child, oldest child, middle child, or youngest child  What do you like best about your familial position? What drove or drives you crazy about family members in other spots?