By 632 (death of Muhammad)
By 661 (within another 30 years)
By 632 (death of Muhammad) By 661 (within another 30 years) By 732 (within 100 years)
New leader of the Islamic world called the caliph
New leader of the Islamic world called the caliph The 1 st caliph: Abu Bakr – Mu’s best friend and father-in-law
New leader of the Islamic world called the caliph The 1 st caliph: Abu Bakr – Mu’s best friend and father-in-law Arguments soon followed: Should the caliph be elected at large or should he be a blood relative of Muhammad?
New leader of the Islamic world called the caliph The 1 st caliph: Abu Bakr – Mu’s best friend and father-in-law Arguments soon followed: Should the caliph be elected at large or should he be a blood relative of Muhammad? 4 th Caliph – Ali, Muhammad’s son-in-law
Leads to the big split in Islam in AD 661:
Sunni Muslims – believe that the caliph should be elected
Leads to the big split in Islam in AD 661: Sunni Muslims – believe that the caliph should be elected Shi’ite Muslims – believe that the caliph must be a blood relative/descendent of Muhammad
Leads to the big split in Islam in AD 661: Sunni Muslims – believe that the caliph should be elected Shi’ite Muslims – believe that the caliph must be a blood relative/descendent of Muhammad World-wide, there are more Sunnis (80% of all Muslims), but in the Middle East today, most are Shi’ites
Islam spreads RAPIDLY due to:
Weak neighboring empires (Persians and Byzantines can’t keep them out)
Islam spreads RAPIDLY due to: Weak neighboring empires (Persians and Byzantines can’t keep them out) Arabs anxious to claim their own trade empire and the wealth it brings
Islam spreads RAPIDLY due to: Weak neighboring empires (Persians and Byzantines can’t keep them out) Arabs anxious to claim their own trade empire and the wealth it brings The message – most of the army is dedicated to spreading the word of Muhammad
2 beliefs of Islam:
Kismet – your fate (whether you are destined for heaven or not) has been predetermined by Allah – you can’t “earn” your way into heaven except by—
2 beliefs of Islam: Kismet – your fate (whether you are destined for heaven or not) has been predetermined by Allah – you can’t “earn” your way into heaven except by— Jihad – Originally, a holy war against evil, but today it’s misinterpreted as a holy war against the West (us).
2 beliefs of Islam: Kismet – your fate (whether you are destined for heaven or not) has been predetermined by Allah – you can’t “earn” your way into heaven except by— Jihad – Originally, a holy war against evil, but today it’s misinterpreted as a holy war against the West (us). If you die in a jihad, you go straight to paradise.
2 beliefs of Islam: Kismet – your fate (whether you are destined for heaven or not) has been predetermined by Allah – you can’t “earn” your way into heaven except by— Jihad – Originally, a holy war against evil, but today it’s misinterpreted as a holy war against the West (us). If you die in a jihad, you go straight to paradise.
By 732, Islam has spread… Across N. Africa, through Spain, and into France
By 732, Islam has spread… Across N. Africa, through Spain, and into France
Islam’s spread into Europe is Tours, France by Charles Martel (leader of the Christian Franks), and the Arab Muslims retreat back into Spain
Islam’s spread into Europe is Tours, France by Charles Martel (leader of the Christian Franks), and the Arab Muslims retreat back into Spain
Islam’s spread into Europe is Tours, France by Charles Martel (leader of the Christian Franks), and the Arab Muslims retreat back into Spain The Arab Muslims HEAVILY influence the culture of Spain until 1492 when…
Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain, determined to make Spain “uber-Catholic”, kick out all of the Jews and Muslims in Spain (gave them 1 year to GET OUT!)
Meanwhile, back in SW Asia… In the AD 1000’s, the Arab Muslims lost control of their trade empire to the Muslim Seljuk Turks, and the Arabs are kicked back to Arabia to be bedouin nomads again
Meanwhile, back in SW Asia… In the AD 1000’s, the Arab Muslims lost control of their trade empire to the Muslim Seljuk Turks, and the Arabs are kicked back to Arabia to be bedouin nomads again