Agenda Find Your Table! Welcome, introduction, and short presentation. Mentor introduction, and discuss group goals together. Group activities, share with large group, discuss next meeting
Welcome! Pilot Program Mentor Mondays Outside Contact Contact Me! Peter Gale (209) mentor-match
Resources and Documents Sign Up Link Flyer Student Survey Student and Mentor Guide
Student Survey
1 = Most Useful 2 = Useful 3 = Not Useful (only 5 responses) ItemAverage Score Discuss Life Experiences1.4 Talk and Ask Questions1.4 Explore Career Options1.6 College Applications1.8 Research Online Together1.8 Work with Peers1.8 Fill out the FAFSA]2 Job Search Advice2 Resume Help2 Revise my Letter of Introduction2.2 Taxes and W2 Form Help2.2
Mentor Introduction Discuss Group Goals Together
Icebreaker – Pick One “What do you want to do after high school and how will you do it?” “Would you rather work indoors or outside?” “Would you rather work sitting down, standing up, or moving around?” “Would you prefer to work in a noisy or quiet place?” “Would you prefer to work with adults or children?” “Would you prefer to work alone, with a team, or a partner?”
Group Goals Discussion Everyone please take your own notes to keep on the form.
Whole Group Share Insights and Ideas on how best to use Mentor Match Mondays
Planned Mondays March 14 April 11 May 2