Worksite Wellness Water Workshop
Objectives Demonstrate knowledge by completing a review session and activity about water. Gain the skill to increase water intake in a variety of ways within the workplace.
Importance of Water A person can live about a month without food, but only about a week without water (US EPA, 2013) Dehydration has also been shown to adversely influence decision- making and cognitive performance, which may contribute to a decline in productivity and could be associated with an increased risk of work- related accidents (European Hydration Institute, 2013).
Icebreaker Activity
National Campaign: Drink UP
Introduction Our bodies represent a certain amount of gallons.
What are some ways that we lose water throughout the day?
We lose water by… Sweating Going to the bathroom When you are sick (vomiting) Breathing
How many cups of water should we have a day?
Benefits of Drinking Water
Benefits include: Keeps your temperature normal Moisten tissues such as mouth, nose and eyes Protects body organs and tissues Lubricates joints Helps with digestion and constipation Lessens the burden on kidneys and liver by flushing out waste products Carries nutrients and oxygen to the cells
Dehydration Others Signs include: Dry, sticky mouth Headache Dizziness Dry skin Little-to no urine output or the color is dark (apple juice)
Other ways to include water in our daily routine
Some foods include: Fruits- apple, banana, watermelons, melons, grapefruit, strawberries, etc. Vegetables- celery, lettuce, radish, zucchini, spinach, tomato, eggplant, etc. Diary- milk, yogurt Soup
Helpful tips for increasing water intake
Helpful Tips include: Take a sip of water every time you pass the water fountain. Carry a water bottle with you wherever you go. Have a glass of water, unsweetened tea, fat- free /skim milk or 100% fruit juice with your meals. Place a glass of water by your desk side to have a “ water break ”.
Helpful tips cont. Choose a cup of yogurt or fruit for a snack. Add a piece of lemon or lime for a splash of taste. Instead of soda, try carbonated water with a splash if juice.
Sports Drinks
Let’s Review How many cups of water a day? What are some benefits to drinking water? What are the signs of dehydration? What are other sources that we can get water from? What are some tips to increasing water?
Activity 1: Branding your water
Policy What changes would you like to see to increase water intake at work? Suggestions?
Take the Pledge The way I will increase my water intake is by…. Complete the following sentence on the pledge sheet and put it by your desk as reminder.
Closure Thank you for having us come in today and to talk about water!