Comparable in size to California Mostly desert, mild to cool winters with dry, hot summers Tigris and Euphrates rivers run through nation, historically major in the history of world Home of the first known civilization = Mesopotamia Alluvial plain between rivers became known as part of the “Fertile Crescent”
The Tigris & Euphrates River System Mesopotamia: ”Land Between the Two Rivers” The Tigris River is 1,100 miles long and begins in Eastern Turkey The Euphrates River is 1,600 miles long and begins in Eastern Turkey Three countries rely upon the Tigris and Euphrates rivers for their water; Turkey, Syria and Iraq
Live in SE Iraq Only 7 to 10 percent of the marshlands left Half a million in the 1950s, have dwindled to as few as 20,000 in Iraq
632- Muhammad dies, leaving no confirmed successor* Who will lead? The faith- bloodline or the one most capable Muhammad’s father-in-law Abu Bakr elected to lead the faith. The Shia (followers of Ali) supported Ali (cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad)
Population statistics (Sunni 90%, Shia 10%) Areas of the World where conflict between the two exist. Iraq, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia
Sunni: Makkah, Medina, Jerusalem Shia: Najaf (Site of Ali’s Tomb), Karbala Makkah Medina Jerusalem Najaf Karbala
Religion Muslim 97% Shi’a 62%; Sunni 35% Christian and others 3%. Ethnic groups: Arab 75%, Kurd 20%, Turkmen, Yazidis, Assyrian, or others 5%
Nation of people without a country Live in Iraq, Turkey, Iran and Syria Now have an autonomous region of Iraq
Arabic (official), Kurdish (official), Turkoman, Assyrian, Armenian English to Arabic
Once known as Mesopotamia Cradle of Civilization - birthplace of writing and the wheel. Site of Sumerian, Babylonian, and Parthian cultures. Muslims conquered Iraq in the seventh century A.D. In the eighth century, the Abassid caliphate established its capital at Baghdad. Part of Ottoman Empire early 1500s.
Iraq gained its independence as a kingdom in 1932 A republic was proclaimed in 1958, but really ruled by dictators Invaded Kuwait in 1990/US responded with Operation Desert Storm and forced troops out of Kuwait
Conflicts with the US and Saddam Hussein led to a 2nd war which overthrew the Iraqi government and Hussein being captured US occupational forces helped set up a new government and are leaving the country this year
Parliamentary democracy Executive, Legislative, Judicial branches President is the leader Universal suffrage 18 yrs old Baghdad capital
Dominated by the oil sector Ranks second to Saudi Arabia in amount of Oil reserves 70% of GDP Agriculture is 2nd-largest economic sector 12% of GDP Wheat, barley, rice, vegetables, dates, cotton; cattle, sheep, poultry
Protruding part of the buildings is a common feature in Iraqi architecture Great Ziggurat of Ur, Sumerian temple 4100 yrs old Minaret at the Great Mosque of Samarra
Faith – Allah is the one true god and Muhammad is his prophet. (Shahada) Prayer – five times a day toward Makkah, noon on Fridays at mosque. (Salat) Alms Giving. (zakat) Fasting – during Ramadan from sunrise to sunset. (Sawm) Pilgrimage - a trip to Makkah once in lifetime. (hajj)
MOSQUES : places of worship for Muslims. Typical features are domes and minarets DOME MINARETS
Ramadan is an Islamic practice during which Muslims do not eat or drink during the day, they only eat after sunset or before sunrise. Is intended to teach Muslims about patience, spirituality, humility and submissiveness to God. At the end of Ramadan, which is a month long, there is a 3 day feast called Eid al Fitr.