Nudist petitions By: Jose Arellano
This is going to be a slide show and presentation of my nudist petitions and what to do with them.
Petition: make social nudity mainstream Social nudity should be mainstream in the world. Here’s my petition on it: /make-social-nudity-mainstream/. /make-social-nudity-mainstream/
Petition: increase the number of nudist places The world certainly needs many more nudist places. Here’s the link to this petition: /increase-the-number-of-nudist-places/. /increase-the-number-of-nudist-places/
Petition: make more nude-friendly events The world certainly needs many more nude- friendly events! Here’s the petition: /make-more-nude-friendly-events/. /make-more-nude-friendly-events/
Petition: allow nudism, social nudity and nude recreation in Arkansas We need nudism to be allowed in Arkansas, and everywhere. Here’s the allowing nudism in Arkansas petition: /allow-nudism-social-nudity-and-nude- recreation-in-arkansas/. /allow-nudism-social-nudity-and-nude- recreation-in-arkansas/
MY BLOG POST ON THESE PETITIONS My blog post to these nudist petitions is found at: 6/sign-my-nudist-petitions/. 6/sign-my-nudist-petitions/
Website used here: The website is an effective website for creating petitions to see how we can change for the better, or reform. The link on the petitions made is at
Deadlines for closing the petitions These petitions can be delayed in the deadlines. The latest time I can be willing to have it due is December 31, That can give a lot of time for change. However, let’s say we get some 2 to 3 million signatures sooner than we anticipate. In that case, we can close the petition earlier.
Delaying the petition deadlines Because of how attitudes in nudity needing time to change, the deadlines for closing the nudist petitions will need to keep delaying. There is always a feature on the petition links for the creator to delay the petition. The petition deadlines will be for all four petitions planned on the same date to delay them to. For all but the allowing nudism in Arkansas petition, we can delay the deadline to December 31, 2047 unless we reach 2 to 3 million signatures on each of the petitions sooner. For the petition on allowing nudism in Arkansas, the deadline for the petition can be to 2030 at latest. The Arkansas petition can only need 5000 to 20,000 signatures because it only targets up to one state of the United States.
The two scenarios: deadline on a specific date or reaching the signature goal sooner than the deadline Deadline on the target date It’s a good idea to wait for more than 10 years – even more than 30 years - to see a major change on nudism in the world. For the Arkansas petition, let’s set a deadline for December 31, 2030 at latest; the others, December 31, The number of required signatures may not reach the target until the proposed dates I say. These dates are a good target assuming we don’t do anything to get the target signatures to come sooner. Achieving the signature goals before the deadlines We could achieve the signature goals of the petitions before their deadlines. We can share the petitions far and wide, with society, mass media, governments, and organizations for having tons of people sign the petitions. The number of signatures in this case can be over 2000 per day, and it takes less to achieve the nudist goals proposed for the nudist petitions.
Signature goals and its changes The Care2 website first starts with 1000 signatures as a goal. However, many petitions require much more signatures even for changing at a local level. Once it hits 1000 signatures, assuming it doesn’t end, it reaches 2000 signatures, then at 2001 it reaches 3000 signatures, and so on. The petition creator can always edit to increase the petition goal, regardless of it starting at 1000 signatures at first.
Signature goals for the petitions Make social nudity mainstream, increase the number of nudist places, and make more nude-friendly events Since these petitions have the whole world as a target, we’ll need a good 2 to 3 million signatures on them. We’ll need to make a deadline of many more years into the future because this is about making a huge difference. Allow nudism, social nudity and nude recreation in Arkansas This may only need some 5000 to 20,000 signatures because it only targets the U.S. state of Arkansas. The change here may only take a few years to begin to materialize.
Sharing these petitions To make these petitions successful, we need to share them far and wide. What’s the point of them if we don’t share them far and wide? We need to garner signatures by the general public, governments, nudist organizations, nudist venues, and the media. We need to share them publicly. They must be shared worldwide.
Translating the petitions These petitions are in English. While globalization has made English so well-spoken across the globe, not everyone speaks it. So, we’ll also need translators who translate well to translate the petitions and their descriptions for why people should sign them so many people sign them. And, this will also require that people know how to use the Internet, for they’re online petitions.
Going to places for the petitions We’ll need to go to places for these petitions to garner many signatures. Here’s places to go to: - nudist venues - governments and government agencies - the media - other major organizations - stadiums, restaurants, schools, city halls, big buildings, for talking to many people on the petitions (in short, places to hold meetings) - politicians/lawmakers
Ways to get lots of signatures Here’s ways the petitions can get tons of signatures quickly, like we need: - post on social media - tell friends, family, and strangers - talk to the mass media - go over to major organizations - share with government agencies to have them be announced on the news
Why should people sign the petitions? There are many reasons why many people should sign the nudist petitions. Here are among the many reasons: - nudism is good, fun, and healthy - nudism brings humanity closer together - it’s good for everyone - we’re also nature and it’s expressed in going clothes-free - liberates ourselves - clothes are restricting - clothes have many other downsides - we were designed to live naked - friendly for the family, health, environment, society in general, economics and finance, morality, psychology, time, body, mind, and soul - clothes aren’t needed a lot of times - more comfortable -freedom and happiness
Is this about changing people’s opinions on nudism? Obviously, we cannot change anyone. Change occurs by each individual. We’ve had negative influences on nudism which have caused its rejection. The petitions aren’t made to force anyone to nudism. They can be to change attitudes on nudism but we must get positive influences for nudism to help change many people too.
How can we assure that the petitions accomplish anything on nudism? We can assure that the petitions accomplish anything on nudism by sharing them with governments and the media, that many people sign them, and we help change society for the better, or reform, on nudist-related stuff. Let’s get tons of signatures for the petitions.
Well-thought out petitions The petitions must be well-thought out for non-nudists to pay attention to and sign. Something like, “Nudist places are not indecent” or “Nudism leads to a better world” won’t be something non-nudists will understand. We need to be realistic, too. It shouldn’t be something like doing our daily lives on portions of stores or offices to be clothing optional.
Will we need traveling? We might, but then we can also contact governments, friends and family, and the mass media via phone calls and to have the messages on the petitions reach more instantly.
Will they cost money? No, they are free to sign. The petition site does give the creators options to promote the petitions by sponsoring them, but not Care2. Care2 is not about money for signing petitions.
Let’s help with signing these petitions, that they are signed and widespread so widely, and we change nudism for the better!