James Wood Board Member, NPA. High level plan Short term “battle” 12 week consultation Jan - Mar Long term “war” 2 years + First battle: Jan – Mar 2016.


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Presentation transcript:

James Wood Board Member, NPA

High level plan Short term “battle” 12 week consultation Jan - Mar Long term “war” 2 years + First battle: Jan – Mar 2016

Short term battle plan Stay “ ruthlessly positive ” Focus on the value added by Community Pharmacy The brilliant job done by you and your teams every day

Campaign strategy Nationally co-ordinated campaign Delivered locally Generated ground up By patients and local contractors

It all starts with you, your teams & your patients

For example: Calum Plenderleith

117,000 likes + 55,000 shares

Things you must do now Write a personal letter to your local MP example at

Things you must do now Write a personal letter to your local MP example at

Things you must do now Write a personal letter to your local MP And other community & regional decision makers Invite them to your pharmacy Use patient campaign cards – make the most by the end of March Get behind the BIG petition Tweet, like, talk, follow...

Campaign resources



Building social media 1

Building social media 2: Facebook

Building social media 2 : > 1000 likes in 3 days

Patient campaign cards: patients to MPs


Things you can do now Order now at:

Things you can do now Tell us your stories

The BIG petition

Ask your patients to sign in person Fax back, post or scan & return A5 pre paid envelopes If every independent pharmacy in England returns 100 signatures -> 580,000 If every pharmacy in England, then > 1m 1.6m patients visit a community pharmacy every day

Keep up to date Sign up for campaign updates

Great stuff is happening but M O R E is required

Thank you Campaign now to secure your future We’re stronger together