Canadian Bioinformatics Workshops
2Module #: Title of Module
Module 3 Pathway and Network Analysis
Module 3: Pathway and Network Analysis Network Visualization Outline Automatic network layout Visual features Visually interpreting a network
Module 3: Pathway and Network Analysis Automatic network layout
Module 3: Pathway and Network Analysis Automatic network layout Force-directed: nodes repel and edges pull Good for up to 500 nodes – Bigger networks give hairballs - Reduce number of edges Advice: try force directed first, or hierarchical for tree-like networks Tips for better looking networks – Manually adjust layout – Load network into a drawing program (e.g. Illustrator) and adjust labels
Focus Overview Zoom PKC Cell Wall Integrity
Module 3: Pathway and Network Analysis Visual Features Node and edge attributes – String, integer, float, Boolean, list – E.g. represent gene, interaction attributes Visual attributes – Node, edge visual properties – Colour, shape, size, borders, opacity...
Module 3: Pathway and Network Analysis Visual Features Guilt-by-association Dense clusters Global relationships
Module 3: Pathway and Network Analysis Network Representations
Module 3: Pathway and Network Analysis What Have We Learned? Automatic layout is required to visualize networks Networks help you visualize interesting relationships in your data Avoid hairballs by focusing analysis Visual attributes enable multiple types of data to be shown at once – useful to see their relationships
Module 3: Pathway and Network Analysis Network Visualization/Analysis using Cytoscape Network visualization and analysis using Cytoscape software Cytoscape basics Cytoscape network analysis examples
Network visualization and analysis UCSD, ISB, Agilent, MSKCC, Pasteur, UCSF, Unilever, UToronto, U Texas Pathway comparison Literature mining Gene Ontology analysis Active modules Complex detection Network motif search
Network Analysis using Cytoscape Databases Literature Expert knowledge Experimental Data Find biological processes underlying a phenotype Network Information Network Analysis
Manipulate NetworksFilter/Query Automatic Layout Interaction Database Search
Module 3: Pathway and Network Analysis Active Community Help – 8 tutorials, >10 case studies – Mailing lists for discussion – Documentation, data sets Annual Conference: Ann Arbor July 18-20, ,000s users, 2500 downloads/month >60 Plugins Extend Functionality – Build your own, requires programming Cline MS et al. Integration of biological networks and gene expression data using Cytoscape Nat Protoc. 2007;2(10):
Module 3: Pathway and Network Analysis What Have We Learned? Cytoscape is a useful, free software tool for network visualization and analysis Provides basic network manipulation features Plugins are available to extend the functionality
Cytoscape Demo Version
Desktop Canvas Network overview Network manager Attribute browser CytoPanels FYI
yFiles Organic FYI
yFiles Circular FYI
Module 3: Pathway and Network Analysis Network Layout 15 algorithms available through plugins Demo: Move, zoom/pan, rotate, scale, align FYI
Create Subnetwork FYI
Create Subnetwork FYI
Module 3: Pathway and Network Analysis Visual Style Customized views of experimental data in a network context Network has node and edge attributes E.g. expression data, GO function, interaction type Mapped to visual attributes E.g. node/edge size, shape, colour… E.g. Visualize gene expression data as node colour gradient on the network FYI
Visual Style Load “Your Favorite Network” FYI
Visual Style Load “Your Favorite Expression” Dataset FYI
Visual Style Map expression values to node colours using a continuous mapper FYI
Visual Style Expression data mapped to node colours FYI
Module 3: Pathway and Network Analysis Network Filtering FYI
Interaction Database Search FYI
Module 3: Pathway and Network Analysis FYI
Module 3: Pathway and Network Analysis FYI
Module 3: Pathway and Network Analysis VistaClara Visualization for gene expression data Heat maps, sorting, animation
Module 3: Pathway and Network Analysis Lab – Until 12:30pm Cytoscape – expression data visualization – Load the sample network file: galFiltered.sif – Lay it out – try different layouts – Load expression data - galExpData.pvals Use File->Import->Attribute from Table – Examine node attributes – Visualize gene expression data using the Visual Mapper – Install the VistaClara plugin from the plugin manager – Play the expression data as a movie
Module 3: Pathway and Network Analysis Cytoscape 2.7, 2.8 Cytosape 2.7 is out now – Nested networks – Command line scripting Cytoscape 2.8 coming soon – Equations in attributes – Custom graphics
Module 3: Pathway and Network Analysis We are on a Coffee Break & Networking Session