Climate Change
Urgent Critical Problem
Pope’s Interventions Care of Creation 2015 Papal Encyclical on Care of Creation July 2015 Pope to speak at the UN in September 2015 Pope to meet with US Congress in September 2015
How can we support the Pope?
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Preparations for Paris Summit in December Summary of the importance of climate policy across multiple sectors: governments, non-governmental organizations, businesses, and universities as outlined by Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of UNFCCC Suggestions for Action Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of UNFCCC
Global Catholic Climate Movement Christian Life Community has joined this network of over 100 organizations. Great value in our working with others of good will on this priority area. Source of resources and action – Petitions – Meatless Fridays – Prayer Vigils during Pope’s visits to US – Pilgrimages Recent action: francis-endorses-climate-action-petition francis-endorses-climate-action-petition
Catholic Climate Covenant The Catholic Climate Covenant is the Catholic Church’s voice on climate change. We bring Catholic people and institutions together to care for the people God loves and to live justly on God’s Earth. – Receive action alerts to make a difference. – Shrink your carbon footprint and live more justly. – Connect with Catholics leading the climate movement.
. Interfaith Partners for the Environment – “Religious communities are called to protect the environment.” Helped to organize the People’s March last September – CLC marched – great resources, including documents on Catholic Social Justice Teaching, Environmental Leadership programs, etc. – RENEW / GreenFaith program for small faith- sharing groups to be published in Fall 2015
Our Voices Bringing Faith to the Climate Talks – “ Our goal is for millions of people of faith and moral belief to SIGN and PRAY in their own tradition for the Paris 2015 UN Climate Summit to succeed where all past talks have failed. By signing you express your love and concern for all our children, for vulnerable people and our precious planet. “
People’s Pilgrimage Yeb Saño, former Philippines Climate Change Commissioner and government delegate to UN climate talks, sets off from Tacloban on People’s Pilgrimage. “It is time for us to build a new world that confronts climate change and fosters solutions and ultimately leads to a global transformation.”
Other Stories Around the country / world – Archdiocese of Cincinnati offices/catholic-social-action/priority-issues/global-climate-change/ offices/catholic-social-action/priority-issues/global-climate-change/ – Resolution by Leaders of Congregations of Women Religious on Renewable energy: lution_2014_final.pdf lution_2014_final.pdf – LCWR Resolutions for Action action action – Sisters of Charity in Kentucky Credited for helping to successfully roll back a change in public utility rates that would have removed incentives to conserve energy (as well as impacted low-income households disproportionately): rate-case/ / rate-case/ / – Earth Day Network
Suggestions for Parish Groups Goals: – That Catholics know about Pope Francis’ Encyclical on the Environment, due out around July 1. It is an invitation to Catholics and to all people to understand and respond to climate change as a moral issue. – To speak and act as … Catholics on behalf of issues raised in the Encyclical. Specific objectives: – a) Find at least one volunteer in a parish to speak to the pastor / administrator (and other groups such as parish leaders, Liturgy Committee, Catechetical and Education programs). – b) Request that the parish: increase awareness of Encyclical, be informed about groups and resources that can help, and identify concrete ways to respond to Pope Francis’ call. Examples: i) Create weekly blurbs that can be inserted into parish bulletins before and after encyclical is published. ii) Include in Prayers of Faithful specific intentions that connect to encyclical. iii) Catholic Climate Covenant and Global Catholic Climate Movement have great prayer resources. – c) Plan and sponsor an event or inform parishioners of events that are celebrating / reflecting on encyclical. – d) Publicize Meatless Fridays in the parish – e. Think creatively how we might get the message out on Sundays and other Feast Days and / or connect to sacraments and other rituals
What’s next for us?