MSC MALAYSIA : ICT Software & Services DIGITAL MALAYSIA : Digital Economy Datuk Badlisham Ghazali CEO, Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) Malaysia DEVELOPING GLOBAL CONNECTIVITY THROUGH DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY Plenary 7 (October 30, 2013)
MSC Malaysia Value Creation ICT Industry development, including attraction of ICT FDI & DDI ICT Industry Nurturing programmes ICT Flagship applications Solutions for the Government computerisation ICT solutions for enhanced public service delivery BusinessesGovernmentCitizens Hardware & Telco FDIs / DDIs Outbound S/w & Svc 2 BusinessesGovernmentCitizens New digital business models Digital goods & services created by vertical industries Demand Aggregation Flexible Pricing Consultative, responsive & delivery-focussed approach enabled by digitalisation Govt 2.0 innovations User-generated content and applications New citizen-centric apps 2009 onwards …
This represents Malaysia’s Digital Economy, branded Digital Malaysia MSC Malaysia has changed the Malaysian ICT landscape, evolving from a supply-driven entity to a demand-driven, game-changing leader: Digital Malaysia
MSC Malaysia is a key component of Malaysia’s ICT industry, leading the nation toward a New Digital Economy 1.MSC Status companies a.# of ICT companies b.ICT contribution to GDP c.Exports d.Revenue e.Jobs MSC Malaysia Sources: 1 Dept. of Stats, Malaysia (P = Preliminary) 2 Worldwide Black Book v.Q Source : UNCTAD Report 2 Feb PIKOM, Sept 2012 Note: MSC Malaysia Updates Revenue RM33.53 bil * Yr 2012 (5.7% y-o-y growth) Exports RM11.55 bil * Yr 2012 (14.1 % y-o-y growth) Jobs (cum.) 128,850 * Yr 2012 (8.2 % y-o-y growth) Ave MSC salary: RM5,360/mth Vs.National ave salary: RM1,984/mth (MSC salary >3x national ave. salary) MSC Malaysia Companies 2,487 (Active cos as at Sept 2013) (8.6 % y-o-y growth) Contribution to GDP RM11.33 bil * Yr 2012 (18% y-o-y growth) 1.Malaysia’s overall ICT industry is made up of hardware, software, services & telco 2.MSC Malaysia primarily focuses on software and services 3.MSC Malaysia is a key component of the domestic ICT industry Domestic ICT industry forms vibrant core that contributes to Malaysia’s GDP Malaysia’s ICT Industry Revenue RM54 bil RM167bil 1 Yr 2010 P Jobs (cum.) 724,900 1 Yr 2010 P ICT Companies >4,000 3 Sept Contribution to GDP RM84 bil (10.5%) 1 Yr 2010 P (22.4% of total exports in 2010) Exports (6.2% of total employment in 2010) 18.0% 5.7% 14.1% 8.6% 8.2%
To realize Digital Malaysia, 3 game-changing strategic thrusts were created to attain the Aspirational Goals of 17% to GDP, enhance productivity and improve standard of living
To realize these, 4 Digital Malaysia initiatives were created to impact targeted community groups: Digital entrepreneurs, Bottom-40, Youth & SMEs
4 th Global Entrepreneurship Summit Malaysia : A game-changing platform where a gathering of minds & exchange of ideas amongst the world’s top entrepreneurial/investor/policy-making communities were established and celebrated 4 th GES Outcomes 18,000 Delegates 360 Speakers 150 Countries RM12.65 mil Deals signed 4 th GES Outcomes 18,000 Delegates 360 Speakers 150 Countries RM12.65 mil Deals signed Summit held on Oct 11 & 12, 2013
Through the 4 th GES 2013, linkages around the world have been successfully launched to provide access to businesses, government and communities through digital means and innovative communication platforms Global Start-up Youth, Malaysia » Platform and access for Malaysian entrepreneurs to connect with like-minded individuals from around the world » Connected 250 youth from more than 100 countries with 250 young Malaysians to showcase their apps and wow potential investors » Moving forward, GSY will pair 500 entrepreneurs with 100 mentors in developmental programs Beehive Malaysia » Babson College to partner the US State Department and Universiti Malaysia Kelantan and businesses to give social entrepreneurs a collaborative, shared workspace where they can solve some of the world’s toughest challenges
Through the 4 th GES 2013, linkages around the world have been successfully launched to provide access to businesses, government and communities through digital means and innovative communication platforms US State Department, UP Global & Tech Partner, Google » Connect startup communities around the world and give entrepreneurs a platform of programs and resources » Establish programs to train and support 500,000 entrepreneurs in over 1,000 cities around the world by 2016 Malaysian Global Innovation and Creative Centre Cyberjaya, Malaysia » “One-stop shop” for entrepreneurs in getting financing from banks or VCs and also to serve as incubators for developing start-ups
Global linkages are critical toward building a nation’s economic growth; and they create a multiplying effect for businesses, government and society in the areas of job creation & innovation
THANK YOU Datuk Badlisham Ghazali Multimedia Development Corporation