Inclusive education / University of Lapland Dr Sai Väyrynen Scientific Director A School for all -project
Preliminary considerations Conceptually opposites or a continuum? Processes or states? exclusion inclusion
Concepts used to draw attention to structural conditions affecting presence, participation and achievement Exclusion: affects more likely the most vulnerable, the most impoverished, the most remotely located, children with disabilities, children from ethnic and linguistic minorities, etc.
Understanding inclusion as… a process of identifying and reinforcing potential for learning and development, and removing barriers to learning and development dealing with the presence, participation and achievement of ALL learners higlighting aspects that may create exclusionary pressures to certain groups of people UNESCO, 2003; Ainscow, 2008
Principles of inclusive education PRESENCE Every child has the right to learn in her / his neighbourhood school. PARTICIPATION Inclusion is about the opportunity to participate: active involvement and choice. Individual strengths or ´learning potential´ should not be predetermined. ACHIEVEMENT All children can learn. Inclusive education is about access and equity for all students Teaching and learning has to be differentiated according to individuals’ strengths.
Inclusive education is about access and equity of all students The presence of students categorised as having special needs does not make a classroom inclusive The classroom should be inclusive regardless of the presence of students categorised as having special needs
Creating inclusive practices Creating inclusive cultures Develop schools catering for all learners Strategy towards supporting schools Organising teaching and learning Creative use of resources Responsibility of regular system to educate all Presence, participation and achievement of all learners Developed from: Booth, T. & Ainscow, M. (2002) Index for Inclusion. Developing inclusive policies Identifying and removing barriers to presence, participation and achievement
Inclusive education in Finland Inclusion as a stated principle –Equality Act –Anti-discrimination Act –International agreements that Finland has signed and/or ratified Basic education act 624/2010 –”Support for learning and school attendance” The right to educational support National Core Curriculum; changes and modifications (2010)
Municipalities provide education variations between municipalities Each municipality has an own curriculum, each school develop its own curriculum
Educational support General support – responsibility of all teachers Intensified support Special support: special education and other forms of support For learners who have difficulties in reaching the goals of development and learning with other kind of support Potential for development and learning could be limited due to impairment, chronic illness, limitations in functioning or risk factors in the living environment GENERAL SUPPORT Curriculum differentiation Guidance Social services Remedial teaching Part-time special education Assitive devices Learner support assistant Psycho-social services INTENSIFIED SUPPORT Curriculum differentiation Guidance Social services Remedial teaching Part-time special education Assitive devices Learner support assistant Psycho-social services SPECIAL SUPPORT Curriculum differentiation Guidance Social services Remedial teaching Part-time special education Full-time special education Assitive devices Learner support assistant Psycho-social services
Inclusive Education at the University of Lapland Cross-cutting theme in the class teacher education –5 ECTS course ’Inclusive Education’ IE, multicultural issues, meeting diversity among learners and their families –5 ECTS compulsory course ’Foundations of special needs education’ Promoting understanding of diversity in learning Compulsory course ’Diverse learners in adult education’ in the post-compulsory education teachers’ pedagogical studies Minor studies on special needs education (25 or 35 ECTS) aligned with the principles of inclusive education
Development areas in the project: Integration of inclusive education better in the teacher education curriculum Developing inclusive university pedagogy Responding to cultural diversity of students Inclusive education in scarcely-populated areas, with very limited resources
References Ainscow, M. (2008) Developing inclusive education systems: what are the levers for change? Teoksessa: UNESCO / International Bureau of Education. Inclusive Education: The Way of the Future. International Conferen on Education, 48th session. Geneva, Switzerland, November Basic Education Act 624/2010 Booth, T. & Ainscow, M. (2002) iIdex for Inclusion. Developing Learning and Participation in Schools. Bristol: CSIE. National Board of Education (2010) National Core Curriculum, Changes and modifications UNESCO (2003) Overcoming Exclusion through Inclusive Approaches in Education. A Challenge and a Vision. A Conceptual Paper. Paris: UNESCO.