Faculty Senate Meeting March 24, 2016
Agenda I.Call to Order and Roll Call - M. Bruening, Secretary II. Approval of February 18, 2016 minutes III.Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V.Old Business VI.New Business and Announcements VII.Adjourn
Agenda I.Call to Order and Roll Call II. Approval of February 18, 2016 minutes February 18, 2016 February 18, 2016 III.Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V.Old Business VI.New Business and Announcements VII.Adjourn
Agenda I.Call to Order and Roll Call II. Approval of February 18, 2016 minutes III.Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V.Old Business VI.New Business and Announcements VII.Adjourn
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses A.President Pro Tem’s Report, T. Schuman B.Administrative Reports i)Chancellor’s Report ii)Provost’s Report C.Staff Council Report D.Student Council E.Council of Graduate Students
President’s Report 24 March
IFC Tom, Martin, and Michael are at IFC today First hour, pre-IFC meeting: Post Tenure Review Initiated partly in response to MO legislature criticisms CRR, current process and practices being reviewed by IFC Integrate workload, annual review, PTR, (and waiver?) policies Current CRR on workload, annual review and PTR policies not aligned Provide detail and guidance toward annual and 5 yr evaluations Add resources toward PTR rewards and faculty success/assistance Tom Schuman is the campus IFC representative for PTR Teaching waivers task force Dick Brow and Melanie Mormile are task force reps ‘Waivers’ constitute a workload reassignment under workload policy
Campus UM System President search public forum 4 April 2016, room 204 A&B Havener Center 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Encourage your constituents to attend and provide input ‘How will UM budget cuts affect our ability to recruit?’ Pres. search committee has requested S&T Faculty Senate feedback on candidate profile desired Can provide specific feedback to Tom Schuman or – Kelley Stuck, of UM System HR Campus representative – C. Joe Boehm (staff rep)
Campus Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) Please encourage your constituents to participate (!) All ranks of TT and NTT Survey closes April 8, 2016 Administrative review underway Encourage faculty to participate (!) Closing time for reviews is midnight, 28 March Results provided to the Chancellor, Dr. Middleton, reviewed individuals, and Faculty Senate officers Criteria for publishing of results to Faculty Senate: 51% participation (of 403 surveyed, 206)
Campus Chancellor’s Council Mark Fitch is the designated Faculty representative Council meeting actions: Policy policy; Tobacco policy; Pet policy Public forums for developed policies; then back to Council; then approval Concealed Carry on Campus Seeking joint resolution with Student Council Staff Council declined joint resolution with FS/StuCo Resolution to be presented today under RP&A April meeting is elections of committee members Mike Bruening will be on sabbatical next AY; will return as Pres. Elect Sahra will assume Pres. Elect position next year Will seek to elect a single year secretary and normal Parliamentarian
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses A.President Pro Tem’s Report B.Administrative Reports i)Chancellor’s Report, C. Schrader ii)Provost’s Report C.Staff Council Report D.Student Council E.Council of Graduate Students
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses A.President Pro Tem’s Report B.Administrative Reports i)Chancellor’s Report ii)Provost’s Report, R. Marley C.Staff Council Report D.Student Council E.Council of Graduate Students
Provost Report Dr. Robert J. Marley Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Faculty Senate MeetingMarch 24, 2016
Updates 1.Deans Resource Task Force 2.Federal Agency Repayment 3.Budget Open Forum Follow-Up 4.Faculty Salary Incentive Policy Agenda
To determine responsibilities of the Deans’ Offices in funding activities –Permanent and one-time To determine “right size” for this responsibility (budgetary) To determine sources Deans Resource Task Force Charge
Robert Marley, co-chair Walt Branson, co-chair Mariesa Crow Anthony Petroy Tracy Primich Steve Roberts John Myers Jim Drallmeier Deans Resource Task Force Membership List Wayne Huebner Kris Swenson VA Samaranayake Lisa Cerney, ex-officio Mary Jo Richards, ex- officio
Based upon feedback from multiple constituencies, including chairs, a fund from the Springfield program that had a sufficient carryforward balance was identified. –No other encumbrances on these funds –Portion of carryforward from used—planned expenditures protected Federal Agency Repayment
Budget Open Forum Follow-Up
Current Status System-State Appropriation Request #1 Capital Priority - Schrenk Hall 2.0% STEM increase 5.0% performance funding increase 50/50 Matching Capital Request - advanced construction and materials lab Governor’s Budget - 6% including 1% STEM House Budget S&T, UMKC, STL - 0% Increase MU - $1,000,000 Reduction System - $7,600,000 Reduction (50%) No Capital projects included Tuition and fee recommendations go before Curators in April/June Accommodate drop in non-resident graduate students
POSSIBLE FY17 FUNDING SCENARIO Revenue State Appropriations$0 Tuition and Fee Revenue (with proposed increases)$5,116,000 Indirect Cost Recovery$(500,000) Adjustment for FY16 Revenue Under Budget$(2,316,000) (R/N Undergrad and R/N Graduate revenue is below budget) (Student fees are below budget, as well) Adjusted Revenue$2,300,000 Expenses P&T, Insurance, Maintenance and Repair$(800,000) Potential System Reduction Impact$??? Fair Labor Standards Act Impact (~$26,000 to $50,000)$??? (effective October 1, 2016) Salary & Wage Increase$??? Additional Strategic Investments$??? Estimated Available Operation Funds (without reallocations)$1,500,000
Task force submitted the policy to the Provost for review. Policy submitted to UM System HR and Finance for preliminary, comprehensive review. Preliminary approval has just been granted Chairs will circulate to faculty for comments. Task Force has thoroughly explored options Final version planned for submission in mid- late April Faculty Salary Incentive Policy
Daryl Beetner, Chair James Drallmeier Suzanna Long Yinfa Ma Jagannathan Sarangapani Stephen Clark Philip Whitefield Mary Jo Richards, Ex-Officio Ryan Rapp (UM audit), Ex-Officio Faculty Salary Incentive Task Force Membership List
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses A.President Pro Tem’s Report B.Administrative Reports i)Chancellor’s Report ii)Provost’s Report C.Staff Council Report, Joe Boehm D.Student Council E.Council of Graduate Students
Staff Council Topics from our last meeting Desired attributes of our next president. Staff Day tee shirt sales; order by April 20. Staff Day – May 25, 2016 o Volunteers and donations needed Staff Council’s position on the FS resolution on concealed carry on campus.
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses A.President Pro Tem’s Report B.Administrative Reports i)Chancellor’s Report ii)Provost’s Report C.Staff Council Report D.Student Council, A. McMikle E.Council of Graduate Students
Student Council -> Resolutions 1516R1 1516R2
Agenda Campus Reports and Responses A.President Pro Tem’s Report B.Administrative Reports i)Chancellor’s Report ii)Provost’s Report C.Staff Council Report D.Student Council E.Council of Graduate Students, T. Goodwin
Council of Graduate Students 42 A new committee, Graduate Assistants’ Welfare Committee, was formed to give attention to the great financial burden the low GRA/GTA compensation provides. This committee will focus purely on issues related to graduate stipends, tuition assistance, and ensuring equality on campus. CGS is hosting two seminars for graduate students within the next month. Beyond Graduate School – Alumni from Rolla with graduate degrees are discussing career paths that can be taken after graduation. Financial Management: Life After Graduate School – COER and bank representatives are discussing investment and budgeting opportunities after students leave school. Travel Grant deadline is March 24, Only 7 entries have been received, and a total of 12 grants can be awarded for the spring. Recipients must present at the graduate research showcase, which will be held April 7, 2016 in the upstairs atrium of the Havener Center.
Agenda I.Call to Order and Roll Call II. Approval of February 18, 2016 minutes III.Campus Reports and Responses IV.Reports of Standing and Special Committees VI.Old Business VII.New Business and Announcements VIII.Adjourn
Agenda Reports of Standing and Special Committees A.Curricula Committee, T. Schuman B.Administrative Review C.Information Technology/Computing D.RP&A
Campus Curricula Committee Report 24 March 2016 l CCC Meetings »1 March 2016 »5 April 2016 (upcoming) l Committee Activity »2 Degree change requests (DC forms) »7 Course change requests (CC forms) »2 Experimental course requests (EC forms)
Campus Curricula Committee Report 24 March 2016 l Degree Changes Requested »File #142.28Applied Mathematics: Applied Mathematics BS »File #155.33Electrical Engineering: Electrical Engineering BS l Course Changes Requested : »File #4298English 3234: Myth & Folklore »File #4271Enterprise Resource Planning 4220: Introduction to Enterprise Decision Dashboard Prototyping »File #320.1Enterprise Resource Planning 6220: Data Modeling & Visualization Prototyping for Enterprise Decision Dashboards »File #2471.1Math 4098: Explorations in Pure Mathematics »File #1965.1Music 1141: Chamber Vocal Ensembles »File #2583.1Philosophy 3254: Symbolic Logic in Argumentation »File #1786.1Philosophy 4399: Topics in Philosophy
Campus Curricula Committee Report 24 March 2016 l Curriculum committee moves for FS to approve the DC and CC form actions l Discussion: Questions or comments? Informational Only l Experimental Courses Approved to be Scheduled »File #4275Philosophy : Asian Philosophy »File #4302SP&M S : Advanced Speech for Non-Native Speakers of English
Agenda Reports of Standing and Special Committees A.Curricula Committee B.Administrative Review, L. Gragg C.Information Technology/Computing D.RP&A
Administrative Review Committee March 24 Update
Percent of s Opened; Submitted Surveys Chancellor Schrader% of s OpenedCompleted Surveys March 847%55 March 949%66 March 1050%77 March 1453%92 March 1555%100 After First Reminder March 1629%138 March 1732%146 March 2134%159 After Second Reminder March 2328%186
Percent of s Opened; Submitted Surveys Provost Marley % of s OpenedCompleted Surveys March 850%45 March 951%60 March 1053%69 March 1454%81 March 1556%87 After First Reminder March 1631%118 March 1734%128 March 21 36%140 After Second Reminder March 2328%160
Percent of s Opened; Submitted Surveys Dean Roberts% of s OpenedCompleted Surveys March 841%25 March 945%33 March 1046%41 March 1449%45 March 1549%45 After First Reminder March 1619%56 March 1722%61 March 21 24%64 After Second Reminder March 2324%76
Agenda Reports of Standing and Special Committees A.Curricula Committee B.Administrative Review C.Information Technology/Computing, T. Vojta D.Rules, Procedure & Agenda
IT updates IT satisfaction survey completed, high participation, ITCC will see results at April meeting Personnel retention issues: lost several programmers, cannot fill research support position Campus power issues Discussed recent campus power outages and impact on IT operation and equipment (James Packard, Facilities Operations attended) Temporary measures to protect power substation from squirrels New substation coming (more enclosed), should solve the problem ITCC Report to Faculty Senate, March 2016
Agenda Reports of Standing and Special Committees A.Curricula Committee B.Administrative Review C.Information Technology/Computing D.Rules, Procedure & Agenda, S. Sedighsarvestani
Agenda I.Call to Order and Roll Call II. Approval of February 18, 2016 minutes III.Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V.Old Business VI.New Business and Announcements VII.Adjourn
Agenda I.Call to Order and Roll Call II. Approval of February 18, 2016 minutes III.Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V.Old Business VI.New Business and Announcements VII.Adjourn
Agenda I.Call to Order and Roll Call II. Approval of February 18, 2016 minutes III.Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V.Old Business VI.New Business and Announcements VII.Adjourn
Agenda Adjourn