Welcome to Teaching as Scholarship in Medical Education A course in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) ADLT 673, Spring 2014
Tonight’s Agenda Welcome and Introductions The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) – a TBL exercise Overview of the Course and Use of the Blog
Overview of the Course Textbooks Available at Barnes and Noble on campus New Directions also a library download for chapters
Developed a narrowly focused research question, based on a teaching activity of personal interest Outlined a research design for investigating the study Examined examples of different research methodologies Determined appropriate methods for data collection and analysis Completed the CITI social behavioral exam for IRB Examined expectations of a journal editor for scholarly publications Learning Objectives
Assignments Engagement and Participation (30%) CITI Social Behavioral exam, print completion report (15 %) Outline of a SoTL Research Proposal for Medical Education (50%) Small group presentation of your research project design (5%)
Using the Blog as our Course Site 0