Normandie, France Anne Schill, Luis Garcia, Emily Kao, Sam Espiritu
1) Who likes seafood or cheese? (Emily) 2) What types of treats do you get on Easter? (Anne) 3) How much do you know about World War II? (Luis) 4) How much of an impact does technology have on your life? (Sam) Warm-Up
Map of Normandie Normandie
Music: Some of the more widely known composers from Normandie… - Sébastien de Brossard ( ) - Introduced Italian Chamber Music to France - One of the founding fathers of Musicological Research - Camille Saint-Saens ( ) - Composed 1st symphony at age 18 - Liszt described him as “the greatest organist in the world” - Some of his works: - Carnival of the Animals - Allegro Appassionato In the future, I believe that more composers will continue to compose music This region to my community (myself) - I play his music - His music is very well known among musicians Vocab: Music = La Musique (feminine) Composer = Le Compositeur (both masculine and feminine) Beauty & Aesthetics / L’esthetique Emily Kao
Personal & Public Identities / LA Queste de Soi Language: - French is the official language in continental Normandie, English is also spoken - The Norman language is the minority - the Cotentinais dialect is spoken in the Cotentin Peninsula in the far WestCotentinaisCotentin Peninsula - the Cauchois dialect in the Pays de Caux in the EastCauchois dialectPays de Caux - the is some Norse influence in Oïl language (The Oïl language is basically standard French)NorseOïl languageOïl Identity: - 28th of February - 4th of March: Granville Carnival, Manche - Normandy’s longest running street carnival - April 18 - May 16: 'L'Eure poétique et musicale', Eure - Wide range of musical style recitals and concerts (relates to the future of music from other slide) - 24th - 31st May: Jazz sous les Pommiers, Coutances, Manche - The biggest Jazz Festival in Western France with over a hundred concerts featuring international artists Landmarks: - Falaise d'Etretat (Etretat)Falaise d'Etretat - ranked #2 of the 500 attractions Food: - Websites claim that Normandie is a food lover’s heaven - Seafood is one of Normandie’s specialties (near the ocean) Future: The traditions will continue Me: Love to go to one their music Festivals Vocab: Language: La Langue (feminine) Identity: La Identité (feminine) Emily Kao
CUSTOMS AND CEREMONIES ● Eating meals is much more formal in France ● Food (la cuisine) is an important part of life ● Focus is on quality, not quantity ● Two sit-down meals a day is common FAMILY STRUCTURE ● Children help out around the house (faire le ménage) much more often ● There is more discipline in the home ● Leads to generally well-behaved children Families and Communities La Famille et la Communaute (Anne Schill)
Prediction I think that Normandy, France will continue to have food be a big part of their culture. Personal Life I also value quality above quantity. Community Normandy and our community differ in the way that sit-down meals with our family are definitely not as common as they are in France. Families and Communities (Anne Schill)
HOUSING ● Apartment buildings ● Single family homes ● Government housing (HLM) EDUCATION ● Nursery school (ages 3 to 6) ● Elementary school (ages 6 to 11) ● Secondary school (ages 11 to 15) ● Upper secondary school (ages 15 to 18) LEISURE AND SPORTS ● Going to the beach ● Soccer ● Cycling (cyclisme) HOLIDAYS ● Easter (Paques) ● Christmas (Noël) ● Bastille Day (July 14) Contemporary Life La Vie Comtemporaine (Anne Schill)
Prediction I think that they will continue to celebrate their special holidays every year. Personal Life While it’s not in France, I also enjoy going to the beach as an activity. Community Our schools have very similar age separations for different grades. Contemporary Life (Anne Schill)
World War 2 ● In June 1944, a forever remembered event happened on the beaches of Normandy ● Also known as Doomsday, 156,000 American, British, and Canadian soldiers stormed five beaches along the coast of Normandy. ● Within weeks, 1 million soldiers landed and began to invade and liberate the rest of France ● Finally, 5 years later on November 22, 1949, Germany declared that they wanted to end their state of war ● Their state of peace was not granted until 1951 ● They did not make peace with the Soviet Union until 1955 Global challenges-Peace and War
● The company orange designed the normandy data center located in Val- de-Reuil ● It was built to meet the demand for remote data storage ● The data center consists of four computer rooms of 1,200m2 each ● It was built to meet the demand for cloud computing and is a secure data storage facility Science and technology: Current technology
-They used German MG42 machine guns during the Normandy invasion -German Jagdpanher V Tanks were used as well -Used warships -Used British Avro Lancaster Bomber’s -Used Artillery guns -Uniforms D-day cricket -Supplies K-rations Science and Technology-Future Technology
1) What is one of the pieces Camille Saint-Saens wrote? (Emily) 2) What is Normandie’s longest running street carnival? (Emily) 3) About how many sit-down meals do French families generally have? (Anne) 4) Name one holiday celebrated in France. (Anne) 5) 6) Comprehension Questions
1) Carnival of the Animals or Allegro Appassionato (Emily) 2) Granville Carnival, Manche (Emily) 3) Two sit-down meals (Anne) 4) Christmas/Noël, Bastille Day, or Easter/Paques (Anne) 5) 6) Answers
This video is about the Normandy Cuisine along with the 4 C’s that will come up very often in the video. Video
1) What is the 4 C’s? 2) What is the main plate followed by? 3) What is Normandy’s apples savored by? Video Comprehension Q’s
1) Cream, Camembert, Cider, and Calvados 2) A Cheese Course 3) Cider and La Cour Calvados Answers
What about this? Or this? - Emily Picture plus Recipe of Dish
La Fin!