Guyana A Case for the Incremental Housing Process: Sites-&-Services Programs George L. Gattoni, Consultant IDB Workshop Self-Help Housing and Incremental Housing - A discussion on the likely directions for future housing policy July 28, 2009
The Incremental Housing Concept: The poor build houses and neighborhoods incrementally A political problem NOT informal versus official Makes official more like ‘informal’
The Incremental Housing Concept: Housing policy adopts a different, phased process: strategies similar to ‘informal subdivisions’ makes official affordable, paced for both houses and urbanization
Addresses key Issues: Access to land Adjusting expectations to reality Standards (setting new rules) “You can have it all… in time.”
Organizing the incremental process – Sites-&-Services: Land & tenure Infrastructure and services Enables owner-builders Restructures rules and delivery Makes it affordable
Sites-&-Services – a brief history Alternative to slum demolition and public housing Taps incremental strategies / assets Confronts the most difficult problem – land A tested model – delayed Settlement Upgrading + Sites-and Services (a single strategy)
Standards for Incremental Development … are not only for lowering costs: Fit beneficiary needs + realistic service delivery Help homeowner build faster, better Help neighborhoods evolve Flexible for individual, community and city Encourages decisions at lowest appropriate levels (non-paternalistic)
Sites-&-Services Pros and Cons Advantages: Gives legitimate rights with obligations Helps access land (markets) Provides what residents cannot do themselves Mobilizes savings for shelter Mitigates squatting and illegal settlements Lowers cost of housing for government and homeowners Can facilitate private sector and environmental initiatives
Sites-&- Services Pros and Cons Obstacles to overcome: Misperceptions Politics Needs strong political commitment Must change attitudes, and preferences No one-size-fits-all
Sites-&- Services Pros and Cons Obstacles to overcome: Takes time; does not look “tidy or nice” Must be institutionalized/popularized Must confront land issues Needs continuity – government & donors
Th e Guyana Example: Evolving the concept - land divestiture to S&S Lessons: Preventing slow plot occupancy Need for construction financing Location issues Housing expectations high Standards – too high & too low
The Guyana Example: Appling the incremental S&S approach: A plot alone is not a solution Affordability Realistic and appropriate standards for houses and subdivisions S&S a viable, important part of low -income housing strategy Introduces core “starter” house
Homeowner Options Serviced Lot Only:
Homeowner Options Sanitary Core:
Homeowner Option Core Starter House:
1 Incremental Expansion Possibilities: Core Starter House Option (by contractor)
2 Expansion Possibilities Expansion by Owner
3 Expansion Possibilities Other Possible Expansions by Owner
Concluding Questions to Discuss: What is needed to make incremental process work? Political will, continuity and time Possible in all countries? Where are the biggest difficulties? Unrealistically high Government and beneficiaries’ expectations Access to land Standards Has S&S been sufficiently evaluated?