Thanaa Helal Professor of Pathology Faculty of Medicine – Ain Shams University.
Proliferation Differentiation
According to Behaviour Benign Locally malignant Malignant Basal cell Ca Craniophayngioma Amelablastoma Giant cell tumor Basal cell Ca Craniophayngioma Amelablastoma Giant cell tumor
Increased N/C ratio Nuclear pleomorphism Nuclear hyperchromatism Prominent nucleoli Irregular nuclear membrane Abnormal mitotic figures Increased N/C ratio Nuclear pleomorphism Nuclear hyperchromatism Prominent nucleoli Irregular nuclear membrane Abnormal mitotic figures
Differences Between Benign and Malignant Tumours BenignMalignant Size SmallLarge Capsule +- Similarity to tissue of origin +- Criteria of malignancy -+ Rate of growth SlowRapid Mode of growth CompressionInfiltration Spread -+ DNA pattern DiploidAneuploid
Malignant (Leiomyosarcoma) Benign (Leiomyoma)
Epithelial Mesenchymal Benign Malignant Benign Malignant Carcinoma Sarcoma
Differences between carcinoma and sarcoma CarcinomaSarcoma Origin EpitheliumConnective tissue Age More in oldMore in young Vascularity Less vascularMore vascular Rate of growth Less rapidMore rapid Cut section Less hgeMore hge Spread Early by lymphatics Early by blood Prognosis Less worseMore worse Microscopic Cells arranged in groups Cells arranged individually
Carcinoma Sarcoma
Epithelial Tumours BenignMalignant 1. Squamous epithelium S. cell papillomaS. cell carcinoma 2. Basal cells of skin ---Basal cell carcinoma 3. Melanocytes NaevusMalignant melanoma 4. Glandular epithelium Adenoma (Cystadenoma) Adenocarcinoma (Cystadenocarcinoma) 5. Transitional epithelium T.cell papillomaT.cell carcinoma 6. Trophoblastic epithelium Vesicular moleChoriocarcinoma
1) Papilloma Gross: Sessile or pedunculated polypoid mass 1) Papilloma Gross: Sessile or pedunculated polypoid mass Precancerous
Microscopic: A central core of connective tissue covered by epithelium which may be A)Squamous: Skin, upper resp. tract, upper GIT Microscopic: A central core of connective tissue covered by epithelium which may be A)Squamous: Skin, upper resp. tract, upper GIT
B)Transitional: UB, ureter, renal pelvis
2.Junctional naevus: Dermoepidermal junction 2.Junctional naevus: Dermoepidermal junction
3.Compound naevus: Both dermis and DEJ
C)Columnar: Duct papilloma of the breast
2) Adenoma, Arises from: A. Mucous membrane: GIT, Bronchi, Breast, Ovary B. Endocrine glands: Thyroid, adrenal Gross A)Endocrine glands: Encapsulated mass B) GIT: Adenomatous polyp (Precancerous) C) Ovary: Cystadenoma, Papillary cystadenoma D) Breast: Fibroadenoma 2) Adenoma, Arises from: A. Mucous membrane: GIT, Bronchi, Breast, Ovary B. Endocrine glands: Thyroid, adrenal Gross A)Endocrine glands: Encapsulated mass B) GIT: Adenomatous polyp (Precancerous) C) Ovary: Cystadenoma, Papillary cystadenoma D) Breast: Fibroadenoma (Precancerous) Microscopic: Similar to normal tissue
Encapsulated mass Papillary cystadenoma Fibroadenoma Polyp Adenoma
GrossGross InfiltratingInfiltrating Fungating UlcerativeUlcerative
Microscopic Squamous cell carcinoma Transitional cell carcinoma Adenocarcinoma Basal cell carcinoma Microscopic Squamous cell carcinoma Transitional cell carcinoma Adenocarcinoma Basal cell carcinoma
Site Surfaces originally covered by sq. epith. as: skin, upper resp. tract and upper GIT Surfaces covered by any epith. after sq. metaplasia as: bladder, bronchi, cervix Gross Fungating mass Malignant ulcer Site Surfaces originally covered by sq. epith. as: skin, upper resp. tract and upper GIT Surfaces covered by any epith. after sq. metaplasia as: bladder, bronchi, cervix Gross Fungating mass Malignant ulcer
Microscopic Masses of squamous epithelium with central keratin (cell nests) Grading: Broder’s classification Grade 1 : > 50% cell nests Grade 2 : 25-50% cell nests Grade 3 : < 25% cell nests Spread: Direct, Lymphatic, Blood Microscopic Masses of squamous epithelium with central keratin (cell nests) Grading: Broder’s classification Grade 1 : > 50% cell nests Grade 2 : 25-50% cell nests Grade 3 : < 25% cell nests Spread: Direct, Lymphatic, Blood
Well diff. SCC: grade I Poorly diff. SCC: grade III
Site: Face Gross Early: Papule Late: Rodent ulcer Site: Face Gross Early: Papule Late: Rodent ulcer
Microscopic Infiltration of the dermis by masses of basaloid cells (oval with dark nuclei and minimal basophilic cytoplasm) Peripheral palisading Microscopic Infiltration of the dermis by masses of basaloid cells (oval with dark nuclei and minimal basophilic cytoplasm) Peripheral palisading
Spread Local spread only Lymphatic spread: Only in case of Secondary infection Squamous Ca + Basal CC Blood spread: Never Spread Local spread only Lymphatic spread: Only in case of Secondary infection Squamous Ca + Basal CC Blood spread: Never
(1) Classic adenocarcinomas Site: As adenoma Gross: (1) Classic adenocarcinomas Site: As adenoma Gross: InfiltratingInfiltrating Fungating UlcerativeUlcerative
Microscopic: Malignant acini + solid masses Grading Grade 1 : > 50% acini Grade 2 : % acini Grade 3 : <25% acini Microscopic: Malignant acini + solid masses Grading Grade 1 : > 50% acini Grade 2 : % acini Grade 3 : <25% acini
(2) Mucoid carcinoma Site : Stomach, large intestine, breast Gross: Soft and gelatinous mass Microscopic: Lakes of mucin containing malignant cells (2) Mucoid carcinoma Site : Stomach, large intestine, breast Gross: Soft and gelatinous mass Microscopic: Lakes of mucin containing malignant cells
(3) Signet ring carcinoma Site : Stomach, large intestine Gross: Diffusely infiltrating lesion thickening of wall of stomach or large intestine Microscopic: Diffuse infiltration by signet ring cells (3) Signet ring carcinoma Site : Stomach, large intestine Gross: Diffusely infiltrating lesion thickening of wall of stomach or large intestine Microscopic: Diffuse infiltration by signet ring cells
Benign: Naevus (benign melanoma) Gross Size: Small Shape: Rounded Consistency: Firm Capsule: Not encapsulated, well circumscribed well circumscribed Cut section: Brownish Benign: Naevus (benign melanoma) Gross Size: Small Shape: Rounded Consistency: Firm Capsule: Not encapsulated, well circumscribed well circumscribed Cut section: Brownish
Microscopic 1.Intradermal naevus: Dermis only 1.Intradermal naevus: Dermis only
Risk factors Sun exposure Fair skin Nevus Rapid growth Increased pig. Ulceration Site: Face, neck, chest Risk factors Sun exposure Fair skin Nevus Rapid growth Increased pig. Ulceration Site: Face, neck, chest
Gross Size : Small Shape: Rounded Consistency: firm Capsule: non-encapsulated and infiltrating adjacent and infiltrating adjacentstructures Cut section: Brownish Gross Size : Small Shape: Rounded Consistency: firm Capsule: non-encapsulated and infiltrating adjacent and infiltrating adjacentstructures Cut section: Brownish
Microscopic 1- In situ malignant melanoma: Intraepidermal pagetoid spread Microscopic 1- In situ malignant melanoma: Intraepidermal pagetoid spread
Microscopic 2- Invasive malignant melanoma Diffuse infiltration of the dermis by malignant melanocytes which are epithelial or spindle-shaped and usually contain melanin Microscopic 2- Invasive malignant melanoma Diffuse infiltration of the dermis by malignant melanocytes which are epithelial or spindle-shaped and usually contain melanin
Site Original epith. as: skin, bladder, breast, cervix Metaplastic epith.: bladder, bronchus, cervix Gross Rough paplular areas Superficial ulceration Site Original epith. as: skin, bladder, breast, cervix Metaplastic epith.: bladder, bronchus, cervix Gross Rough paplular areas Superficial ulceration
Microscopic Criteria of malignancy in the whole thickness of epithelium with intact basement membrane Later on: invasion of BM invasive carcinoma Microscopic Criteria of malignancy in the whole thickness of epithelium with intact basement membrane Later on: invasion of BM invasive carcinoma
Mesenchymal Tumours (Soft tissue tumours) Mesenchymal Tumours (Soft tissue tumours) BenignMalignant 1. Fibrous tissue FibromaFibrosarcoma 2. Fatty tissue (lipocytes) LipomaLiposarcoma 3. Smooth m. (leios) LeiomyomaLeiomyosarcoma 4. Striated m. (Rhabdos) RhadomyomaRhabdomyosarcoma 5. Blood vessels HaemangiomaAngiosarcoma 6. Lymph vessels LymphangiomaLymphangiosarcoma 7. Cartilage (Chondrocytes) ChondromaChondrosarcoma 8. Bone (osteoid) OsteomaOsteosarcoma 9. Mesothelium B. mesotheliomaM. mesothelioma 10. Lymphoid tissue ---Lymphoma.
Benign: Fibroma Site: Any area of fibrous tissue Gross Size: variable Shape: Rounded or oval Consistency: Firm Capsule: present Cut section : Whitish Benign: Fibroma Site: Any area of fibrous tissue Gross Size: variable Shape: Rounded or oval Consistency: Firm Capsule: present Cut section : Whitish
Microscopic Parallel bundles of spindle-shaped fibroblasts Microscopic Parallel bundles of spindle-shaped fibroblasts
Site: Mainly in the extremities Gross Size: variable Shape: rounded or oval Consistency: firm Capsule: may be encapsulated encapsulated Cut section: whitish Site: Mainly in the extremities Gross Size: variable Shape: rounded or oval Consistency: firm Capsule: may be encapsulated encapsulated Cut section: whitish