Culture is the way of life of a group of people who share similar beliefs and customs.
Dialects- A local form of a language that may have a distinct vocabulary and pronunciation
Communicating information, experiences, pass on cultural values, and traditions
Major Religions Judaism › Abraham Islam › Muhammad Hinduism › Unknown Christianity › Jesus Christ Buddhism › Siddhartha Gautama
Enables people to find a sense of identity as well as, influence the aspects of daily life, moral values, to the celebration of holidays
A Social group develops to help the people of a culture work together to meet basic needs. In all cultures, the family is the most important group. Most cultures are also made up of social classes – groups of people ranked according to wealth, education, or ancestry. An ethnic group is made of people who share a common language, history, place of origin, or a combination of these elements.
Economic System—The method used to answer three questions: 1. What goods and services to produce 2. How to produce them 3. Who will receive them
The way people obtain resources and utilize resources, produce, obtain, use, and sell goods and services
Types of Government: › Democracy---Power is held by the people › Autocracy– The leader rules by force › Monarchy----- a government led by a king or queen by a ruling family
Maintain order within a country, provide protection from outside dangers, and other services to the people
To organize their understanding of cultural development, geographers divide the Earch into culture regions – these include countries that have certain traits in common, such as government, economic systems, social groups, histories, religions, art, etc.
Cultural Diffusion—The Process of spreading ideas, languages, or customs from one culture to another Globalization—The development of a worldwide culture with an independent economy