“God, Is That You?” I Kgs. 19:8-18 Elijah, Mt. Prophet Series #7 GOD’S VOICE: SEARCHING FOR IT
God has used many voices (and noises), but try to listen for God’s voice of mercy. * WHEN THINGS DON’T MAKE SENSE, REMEMBER GOD’S MERCY.
1. THE PLACE OF MERCY (VS. 8-10) God wasn’t through with Israel. The fast – 40 days and nights The Mt. – Horeb or Sinai The cave – The Cave of Moses? The question – reproof and inspiration The reply – he overlooked the work of God in the hearts of people. God had to unteach him that everything really didn’t depend on Elijah. Elijah was now at the “place” where he could hear God’s VOICE.
2. THE PRESENTATION OF MERCY (VS ) I repeat: God wasn’t through with Israel. God wanted Elijah to see that fact with this object lesson. THESE were symbols of God’s wrath + judgment. Ps. 18:7-9; Ex. 19:16) The wind The earthquake The fire But there was ONE more part of the object lesson… The still, small voice – love grace, longsuffering of God. “Voiceful silence, gentle murmuring sound, sound of gentle stillness or blowing” Let’s call it THE BREEZE OF MERCY
3. THE PROMISE OF MERCY (VS ) I re-repeat: God wasn’t through with Israel. Elijah was still at a loss. It was all he knew. He was still perplexed – God eliminated the perplexity with a commission. Re-storation and re-commissioning. After a breakdown or relapse, the devil is quick to say along with our critics, “You’ve had it. You can never be the same again. Your days of usefulness are over!” HE IS A LIAR. FAILURE IS NOT FINAL. ONLY GOD can turn our failures into His glory. Joel 2:25; Ps. 27:13,14. Sounds like a big job, BUT HE IS ENTIRELY CAPABLE, AN UP TO THE TASK! Only because of God’s mercy is there a future of any kind for any one of us! And, no matter how you look at it, WHAT A FUTURE.
Learn, learn Elijah’s story God’s servant was depressed. Learn, learn Elijah’s story God gave him a rest. Sleeping, eating, drinking, trav’ling Then he heard the Lord. Learn, learn Elijah’s story His spirit was restored.